The Bank of Stank

Glad to know I’m not alone in this :joy::joy: @schmarmpit sorry to hear about your infestation you convinced me to never take another clone in :sweat_smile: but I’m sure its gotta feel nice to pop some seed so excited to see what you do with that blue magoo bx3 my mom use to call me mr magoo been thinking of shelling out the money for a pack of those because of that :grin:


Oh, gawddamnit, man, that fucking blows. Sorry to hear that.

You know your situation best, but do you really think you oughta start new seeds right away? I feel like I’d wait a minute. Even when I’ve just gotten aphids, I usually wait a month after chopping and before I plant something new. I also toss the soil that the infested plants were growing in, but I’m an OCD motherfucker haha, so… Anyway, yeah, that sucks, sorry to hear that.


I feel your pain. I’ve been pest free for 2 3/4 grows than blamo. I spot a patch of spider mites at like day 60. I don’t really want to dump 60 gals of soil. I wouldn’t say my grow was infested, as they hadn’t reached the other plant. So torn right now. Do I run the soil again and stay super diligent with my IPM or dump the soil and start fresh? I hate you Spider Mites!


That whole response was very insightful, thanks!

[in voice of dirty old hooker, smoking a cig]: I’ll send ya some clones instead…

Meh, not really. I was kind of leading up to it for a while now. But thanks for your support. I mean, if I ever really want any of these back I could just pay for them again lol. I’ve spread a lot of them around and could probably even get some back if desired. But I don’t…yet

I’m going for it and will not be hurt if I have to stop again and do it better. I think I understand these bugs and need to test that to keep learning.

Maybe just add some beneficial bugs that eat spider mite eggs? I mean we are working with “living” soil here right? I don’t know and am considering the same things you are. But they came from somewhere and that answer will help determine the way forward. I did toss all the soil from the plants in veg that had the mites.

By the way, as soon as I noticed the mites I realized that I recently sent some cuts out that could of had a few passengers. I immediately contacted them to let them know of the potential issue. Thankfully they had a good inspection, treatment, and quarantine setup in place. They decided to keep them going. This is how you practice safe sex, people. The last thing I’d want is to be like PNW and just knowingly spreading it around. BTW, PNW seem to be out of business on Strainly now. The only stuff they have for sale is their grow equipment.


damn @schmarmpit , that really sucks dude! But sounds like you kinda wanted it to happen anyway, Ive heard you say before you were sorta done with the clones so maybe its just the universe giving you the push you needed to get back to seed searching. go with the flow… New line up sounds real real nice!! good vibes bro, hope your good to go from here!

@CrunchBerries , i got a cornucopia of beneficials if you want some.


Fuck yeah! For selfish reasons, I’m stoked about you switching back to seeds, just because I’ve seen most of those clones grown out online already haha. I’m much more interested in seeing what you get from those seeds. Any seeds, really haha.

Toss it, dude. Why risk it?


That’s sound advice. Thanks @minitiger


Oh noooo!! :sob:. I’m in the process of revitalizing the moms I have left so I can hopefully get some healthy cuttings off them. I’m dealing with salt buildup and spider mites. I might go all out and use some nasty stuff on them and then take clean cuttings to make new moms with.


idk, day 55 for the TK doesn’t look THAT early :yum:

Guess I’ll see what she looks like in another 22 days…


Nice list there. Personally I would grab the old school trainwreck. It’s terp profile is completely different than most everything and it’s strong.

@schmarmpit i just caught up on your thread. Sorry to hear about the infestation. Started taking in clones about 5 years ago. I’ve never had so many problems in my life. Pm, russets, resistant mites and just sent out for kits to test for the hop latent. Totally understand your decision to go back to seed


You’re also growing hydro, whereas schmarm’s growing in soil. From everything I’ve read, don’t plants grown hydroponically tend to finish a little faster than in soil grows? The nug in that second pic definitely looks done. Looks delicious, too haha.


No I don’t think soil or hydro should have anything to do with it. I’ve ran the same cuts in both and not noticed a timing difference, only yield and terpene flip. Lighting maybe. I run 11on/13off… but I’ve also noticed my last run, the plants seem to be looking done much quicker(week+) than normal. Nothing’s changed for me other than cutting out the silica in flower :thinking:


Oh, that’s interesting. Is it possible that eliminating silica might have something to do with it? Might be cool to do a side-by-side and see.

“Do it, holy! Do it!” haha. Just kidding, that sounds like a pain in the ass.


I wouldn’t think so, but the silica does add extra K so maybe cutting that out adjusted the ratios better to make the flowers finish sooner? :man_shrugging: No idea. I was sooner going for some supernatural explanation, planet spinning faster or something :joy:


Dang man! Sorry to hear that it’s shutting down the operation.

You need some of these friends to help you out.

Although they aren’t getting all the borers I’ve seen outside. And I’m sure they don’t eat mites. Lol


I mean, it does seem like people have been complaining about the weather this summer more than usual… haha. Maybe that has something to do with it.

The complaining, I mean, not the actual weather itself haha.


Awesome picture


Sweet pic! I’d gladly smoke some treefrog buds. Adds a hint of psychedelia.

The operation is still in full swing thankfully, but the clone game is over. Back to the seed game! And I’ll still be taking in some clones here and there now that I know who sends clean ones. They are fun to try.

I’m just done messing with russets. Fun enough in quarantine with a couple plants but never thought they’d make it into my veg room. I got sloppy at some point it seems. Let’s see if they’re done with me.


Fingers crossed that you are done with the russets.


Little slow here on the uptake sometimes. First thing is tk that csi has which he gave to Bodhi if I’m reading correctly. I’m going to guess he passed this to strayfox and doc D.
Second the picture of your tk finishing early around 55 days I think is related more to it being seeded. Plants focus on seed over flower I believe that’s why it seems to be finishing fast