The Bank of Stank

Eh, I don’t think being seeded has anything to do with it. Seeded plenty of plants that still got big and fat and made more flowers despite it. Now, the seeded buds do look a little more done just from lack of pistils, but the unseeded are still nice and hairy. Tho from looks would still be pickable.

However, I finally got to scope her out and there isn’t a single amber trichome on the whole plant so 11-12 weeks sounds right just by that standard. Can’t always rely on looks ^^

And yes would be same cut strayfox and doc d have/had.


I recently got back from a week long vacation and both tents are doing great. It’s pretty awesome going from week 8 to week 9 without seeing them in between at all. The buds are bulking up real nice and I’m starting to cut some down.

Here is @SamwellBB Spitting Cobra at the finish line, 64 days. She just keeps on popping new white hairs but the buds are swollen and the trichs show LOTS of amber. The smell is mostly like GG4, a little more muted, with some added scents of something gross like puke. I really can’t make out the smells too good. But she is going to be a massive yield of dense sticky buds, that’s for sure. I’ll update in a couple months with a smoke report.

I also cut down the Mother of Berries, a solid 10 days later than last round. I’m sure she’s done now as there’s lots of amber and she’s starting to push out some nanners along with the new foxtail white hairs. The buds are a little denser than last time but still very leafy and kind of loose in structure. They are very large though. If I had twice the time to veg her then I’m sure she’d be putting out major weight. I won’t be trying to reveg this one. Though the smell is intensely berry while growing it just doesn’t translate as well to dried bud as some other plants. The stone is nice but nothing outstanding.


wow - that’s what we are looking for :fire: - hope you like the buzz when it’s all cured


I took down the White Nightmare F2 last night at 66 days. This plant just seems kind of ragged in general lol. She must be a heavy feeder with how quickly she faded. The buds are gnarly, flat-topped, uneven blobs. Like other plants in this summer grow, she’s foxtailing pretty hard despite a decent amount of amber within the bud. The smell is like being in a paint store; lots of acrylic/latex with notes of wood and some berries. I was not really enjoying the smell too much while trimming. Lots of surprise nanners down below, though doesn’t look like anything is open or viable. This may be a good reminder of what I’m in for getting back into running from seed lol. I’m optimistic the smoke will be good though. I grew the F1s way back when and enjoyed it.


nice smell! i heard f2’s are a pain pretty much, lots of possible variations, welcome back to growing seeds tho!


same. ive sampled a bunch of her daughters but never the real deal. id love to


Down comes the Santa Cruz Blue Dream at 67 days. I was surprised she finished so quick. She’s supremely frosty and smells like a bar of Irish Spring soap with maybe some berry in the background. Can’t wait to sample this classic for the first time. Growing the Blueberry right next to her it’s easy to see where she gets some of her physical traits. Lots of floppy branches that sag from the fluffy buds.


And the Purple Urkle comes down too. It’s so nice to finally be harvesting her after spending so long getting her cleaned of mites and other diseases. Urkle and Blueberry took months to finally get healthy enough to clone and flower out. It doesn’t show in the pictures very well but there is a surprising amount of purple in the buds despite the high temps all summer. I think if I left her another week then she would have gone completely purple. She only started getting some color in the past couple weeks. But the trichs are way done at this point and I’m going to try and reveg her and didn’t want to wait too long to start that. Small, slow growing plant, leafy with dense nugs that stink of musky skunky fruit.


Always looking good and fire over here. Save me a TK cut please? Hahahah


What tk cuts! :eyes:


I trashed all my moms recently from russets. She’s out of my hands now.


Damn russets! NOOOO :sob:


Ahhhhh man wanted to try that one, if it’s not meant to be then it’s not meant to be. It’s alright it’s about another month for me hopefully to start up again anyway. Just hoping you would still have it.


TK is finally starting to get some ambers at 72 days… definitely ready somewhere in the 77-84 day range. See how long I can take her but least going to hit 77 like you said… She smells so complicated and absolutely dank! Makes me really interested to see how these TK x Kryptonite beans are going to turn out too :wink:


Blueberry coming down around 70 days. It has such a great berry smell. The sweet blueberry around week 7/8 has since morphed into more of a musky note towards the end. The branches are just flopping like mad, needing support in all directions. But the buds aren’t that heavy, just medium dense and kind of loose structure.

@HolyAngel 's SSDD F2 #1 taken at 72 days. The main cola is the size of a hoagie roll.


This is interesting to me, just because I noticed that my Imperial Majesties really lost their stinkiness in the last ten days or so. I mean, they still smelled good when I chopped them yesterday, but they weren’t nearly as loud as they were two weeks ago. Most of the plants aren’t as loud as they were two weeks ago, actually. I’m just kinda thinking out loud here, I don’t really have a point haha, but I was definitely wondering to myself yesterday, like,”Would it be better to chop them slightly early, while they’re still stinky?”

Does “loudness” correlate to “better” weed, as opposed to the percentage of clear/cloudy/amber trichomes (not that I ever use a loupe or anything haha)? Should I chop when the plants are at their stinkiest, as opposed to waiting until they look “done”? I dunno. Just something I was thinking about…

Anyway… Plants look good! haha.


No I don’t think so at all. I’d still chop based on trichomes regardless of smell. The fact you may still get a really tasty one or not at the proper done-ness is all the more reason to pheno hunt :wink:

:heart_eyes: Lookin glorious!! Hope you enjoy her as much as I do!


I imagine that peak terpene development can often have way different timing from peak trichome development. I almost always take a sample bud when they smell too good to be true, because I want to taste that! Many of the terps are so volatile that you loose a lot just hanging there to dry for 2 weeks. I even notice my buds are less terpy when grown in the hot summer months compared to the same plants grown in the winter. I wish I had the facility to flash freeze entire plants and process them with sub critical CO2, preserving all those amazing fresh terps. The “live” concentrates you get at the dispensaries have terps out of this world. Plus you wouldn’t have to trim much, wait to dry, cure. But I do enjoy the effects of smoking cured flower much more than concentrates, even though they can have better terps.


Put some live sauce onto your bowls! I don’t do just dabs anymore, I really like mixing it in my bud.


That’s a good idea and something I’ve never considered. Maybe I’ll do that next time.

I knoooooow… I’m a little worried about the drying process this round, just because it’s so fucking hot right now, but I figure if I can keep humidity levels in check (which I have been), maybe the temps won’t affect things too much? I dunno. Hopefully it won’t.

I agree. I’ve yet to smoke any kind of “concentrate”-type shit that gets me high the same way flowers do. Except for hash. Does hash count as a concentrate? Haha.