The Bank of Stank

Yeah my goal is to grow enough through the winter that I don’t need to grow through the summer… tho I may still anywyas :rofl: I miss my winter grows when I get to looking at the summer harvests. Things come out really nice when the flower tent runs 60-75 degrees 24/7.

I’m currently hang drying at ~75F and ~60%RH and so far so good. losing some terps for sure but its not too horrible. Some of them will dissolve at anything over 70 degrees but long as its below 85 or so drying and you can keep some semblance of RH in there, you should be fine.


Same. It really is just a matter of figuring out exactly how to time shit, only because I have to do three grows a year, minimum. And that’s not even because of my “weed needs” or whatever haha; two grows a year is probably all the weed I need. It’s really just a matter of,”I have a lot of seeds and I wanna grow them all out ASAP.” I just like growing weed.

Still, though, if I can figure out a way to get three grows in starting on September 1 and ending in, like, I dunno, mid-June, maybe? Early July? Then I’m gonna do that. Because this August shit isn’t very awesome haha.


@minitiger are you kidding me, that’s what i was telling you yesterday :joy:


But that was more along the lines of,”Take a bud to determine whether or not you wanna keep her around,” wasn’t it? I was just taking schmarm’s suggestion of taking a sample nug for the flavor; I wouldn’t decide whether or not I was gonna reveg a plant based on a nug I took off a plant a month or so before she was actually finished.


all i’m trying to say is that It could be useful to sample week-early nugs if you’re semi-hunting for keepers, and don’t have a backup plant

i figure those sour plants, i would be at least semi-hunting for that unicorn, if one of 'em taste super good, leave the bottom larf of the plant and put it in veg real quick until you decide later, the unicorn would still be alive


Here’s Kali Mist F4 from AKBB coming up on 11 weeks. The spiraling buds have thickened up nicely despite losing most of her leaves. And the trcihs are surprisingly ripe. Smells of ripe melons and spice, very sticky. I ran Serious Seed Kali Mist way back and it was a solid 14 weeks. But AKBB said he had been selecting for faster phenos. I think he’s slinging F5 now. This should provide some unique smoke compared to what I normally pull in. Definitely the tallest plant I’ve run in a long while. Will consider a 12/12 from seed run with the remaining pack.


Nice! I’ve always been intrigued by “the champagne of sativas” but have never grown Kali Mist. The seeds have been in my cart, but I’ve ended up changing my mind before pulling the trigger.

I did get a freebie of AKBB’s Kali Mist x A1. My notes say that A1 is the Blue Steel pheno of Locomotion (Blue City Diesel x Trainwreck) crossed to Alaskan native Vintage Blueberry. Might be a good one…


It’s been since Aug 8th when I trashed all my clones due to russets. I’ve been scoping like mad and have not found a single one since. I should be in the clear but will be scoping for a while.

I decided to try my hand at reveg for the first time. I chose 4 plants (Blue Dream, Blueberry, Forbidden Fruit, and Purple Urkle). Just threw them back into veg and looks like all of them will make it! 4 for 4 seems like pretty damn good odds for my first try. Here’s the Blueberry almost ready for cuts.

I only lasted like 2 weeks before I started getting clones in again. LOL. I’m still growing seed though, I swear! It was a total mistake. I had previously put in an order for 3 clones from Green Acres on Strainly, before the mites came about. It’s run by an old Vietnam vet that doesn’t quite have everything together and juggling more than he can handle. I place an order (lots of delayed communication from them the whole time), but I finally pay for them, he ships them with tracking, then the package gets stuck in LA and they never make it to me…ever. We argue back and forth and a week later he finally gives my money back. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth so I forget about using them again. A couple weeks later I get a package in the mail with 3 clones from the same place this guy is from. I’m confused as all hell. Then Swecan says there’s this dude on Reddit complaining about Green Acres sending their order to the wrong place (naming my city). Reddit dude argues with Green Acres but eventually gets a refund as well. I contacted the guy on reddit and come to learn that he has my same first name and his last name looks like part of my address. So this old dude at Green Acres gets the order royally messed up and I end up with 3 free clones (Truffaloha #1, Rainbow Belts #20, and MAC). I take cuts, root them, and send them off to reddit dude as a thanks for the weird circumstance. Now I feel bad for Green Acres because he’s out two orders, so my guilt forces me to place yet another order to make amends (Strawberry Cough, Mendo Breath, and Pink Lemonade #2 (Anunnaki)). Those get to me just fine. I will say that despite the difficulty of just dealing with this person, their plants show up very clean and are regularly tested for HLVd and other junk, kept in separate rooms, etc.

So I went from having no clones right back to like…12!..OH GOD!!! I have growmies now that send me stuff to try. I can’t seem to say no. Somebody put me in a damn straight jacket. Maybe another round of russet mites will finally get me to refuse taking in cuts, but I doubt it. Here’s the current list:
Truffaloha #1, Rainbow Belts #20, MAC, Strawberry Cough, Mendo Breath, Pink Lemonade #2, Tropicana Cherry, AJ Sour Diesel x Chem 91 (CSI), Blue Dream, Blueberry, Forbidden Fruit, and Purple Urkle.

I’ve also got these females from seed to run:
2X Bodhi - Lemon G x 88G13/HP
2X JOTI - Blackberry Breath
1X Dynasty - Blue Magoo BX3
1X CSI - Zkittles S1

Here’s a shot of some of the new ones I just potted into their final 3 gal pots. I’ll veg for another couple weeks and flip. Looks like a full house again of 9 plants in the 4x4 and 5 in the 3x3.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: oh boy, what a mix up. Man I hope those work out well for you! I lost several over this last few months.


Damn it schmarm!! Thought you were giving up on clones!! You know I’m going to have to reach out when I hear Rainbow Belts!! :rofl::rofl:


I don’t have a straitjacket, but I might be able to send you a clone of a cotton plant if you’d like to harvest it and weave one for yourself… hopefully you don’t get mites from it. :stuck_out_tongue:


That blue lagoon sounds good. I smoke some magoo back in the days and it was a name I remembered. Pretty sure it’s not the same of what I had but magoo man was a good smoke.


That Blackberry Breath supposed to be good. :fire:


Lolol. Bruh. That’s my kind of humour.


I have a cloning problem. And now I’m taking clones of the seed plants in case they’re good. I never did that once in all these years! Feel free to send sympathy cards. I’ll send you whatever you’re interested in @Joker .

My neighbor has a curry tree growing in his yard. Smells amazing. I cloned that too! It’s about time to get my Strainly site up and running. Schmarm’s Farm.


See, that’s my problem!! I WANT to grow plants from seeds. But, say 6 plants, have to clone each. And then keep them until each plant has been dried, cured, and smoked to see which one is the best version!!


Start it!! I will be your first customer!! :grin:


I’ll be the second customer!


I LOVE clones. I like knowing what im getting, allows me to plan my tents way better, and allows a much much much better harvest. Case in point. In one tent going now, from seed, 8 plants, 2 are plants i would not run again. Feel they are taking space i could use better. Waste of my time n space. With my clones, would not have happened.

Yes seed hunting is cool, and i do that too, obviously, but a killer clone, is worth it’s weight in gold to me.
Im one of the few who will not complain on $$$$ for a true gem i can grow and produce pounds of . How much is that worth? JMHO


I do bitch about them, but only because I want to not like them as much as I do. Clones really are fun. These days when I think about dropping $100 on a pack of seeds, or a clone or two, the clones usually win out. Getting into seeds again and I’m back to dealing with the possibility of herms and plants that just suck. But I do love having something no one has ever had before. I’m sure I’ll be a mix of the two from here on out.