The Bank of Stank

What? Buy you some seeds with money you sent me? I don’t get it haha. What’s the joke here? Is is this a reference to some internet thing that I’m not aware of? Haha!


The idea of clones is great on the surface. Female, searched out phenos and it saves time.

The problem is buyers have to put a lot of trust in clones sellers. The icing on the cake is that the seller comes through, pest and disease free we still have to take there word that the buyer is getting the genetic s they bought.


I started 6 seeds of Blue Magoo BX3 and only had two made it because of my neglect. I swore they were both females just by looks. The first confirmed a girl and the other took another week plus but it was a male. He’s short and bushy, smells really strong, and has loads of frost in veg. I think I’ll make F2s and maybe a couple crosses instead of trashing him.


That’s definitely a selection critera for me. How much trichs do the leaves have in veg.
Should correlate with potency too :thinking:
Best of luck on making F2’s! I have a couple packs of these myself to run and wanna mix with my SSDD when I get to BX2.


oh hell yeah, that’s a lot of frost for a vegging female


Finally getting things into flower now after a couple weeks delay.

3x3 Tent is already at 11 days flower, almost through with stretch. Got these guys on Blumat classics and loving it so far. Although the short length of tubes means I have to keep the res in the tent. I’ll look into getting longer tubes to keep it outside and free up some space.

Truffaloha #1         MAC
      Tropicana Cherry
AJSD x Chem 91        Rainbow Belts

And the 4x4 tent is still vegging. Will probably flip in a week or so.

Bodhi: Lemon G x 88G13 #2     Tropicana Cherry        Lemon G x 88G13 #2
JOTI: Blackberry Breath #1    Blackberry Breath #2    Dynasty: Blue Magoo BX3
Mendo Breath                  Strawberry Cough        Pink Lemonade #2


And the best part of flipping to 12/12 is getting to pick the next round of beans! Always a hard choice but I think I have a killer lineup ahead. Got them soaking right meow. Just running 6 beans a piece for the first go.

@Heritagefarms F2 preservation of Soma’s Lavender.
@PlantShepherd F4 preservation of Bodhi’s BCSC NL5 F3.
@lefthandseeds F2 preservation of Bodhi’s Jungle Spice, green tube, breeder favorite.


I’m smoking on some Tropicana Cherry right now :laughing:. Didn’t grow it myself, got it from one of our favorite medical growers.


Yeah this is the"breeder cut". Any good? I figure it’s like most of the new hype stuff, not much depth.


Excellent! Can’t wait to see how they turn out for you. Hope all has been well. :v:


Between your grow and a couple others that popped up, I don’t see how I could go wrong with these. Thanks for spreading your efforts around to so many!

I’m doing just fine, thanks. Lots I could complain about but, hell, I’m still above ground! How about yourself? Last I saw, seemed like your thyroid stuff was finally getting better.


Super happy to spread them around. Even happier when people grow them out. Next on the preservation is South African Congolese. Gonna be a bit, but lmk if you want any.

Thyroid is better thank you. Been busy with the dog and work, enjoying the last of fall, usual grind. I’ll definitely be checking in on your grow. Feel free to tag me if I miss something. :wink: :v:


Have you smoked the White Nightmare F2 yet? Any guesses as to why the nanners showed up? I snagged a pack of these recently to find a male to use, but the nanners you reported concern me now


Yeah I’ve been smoking on it. It’s decent, surely not a keeper though. Hard to compare a Blue Dream cross to the actual Blue Dream cut which I grew at the same time and it rivaled in every way.

I only had one female so it’s not enough to really comment on the strain. But nothing else was herming in the same tent. :man_shrugging: Being F2, I’m guessing you’d have to pop a decent amount to really find something you’re looking for. Don’t let this lone gal dissuade you.


What are the odds? I started 5 seeds each of Jungle Spice and NL5. In both sets there is a seed that grew into twins and another with whorled phyllotaxy. I’ve not seen either in quite a long time and now it’s in both sets. Strange. See if you can find them.

The Lavender beans seemed to have produced regular sprouts, how boring.


I love sex testing! There’s no way I would be able to run this many seeds along with holding a dozen+ cuts. I would run out of room by the time they would show sex. But now only 12 days from sprout and I have my gals. 9 plants, perfect to fill the entire 4x4!

2/5 female Lavender
3/5 female Jungle Spice
4/5 female NL5 (including the twin and the 3-leaved)


Nice! Decent ratio. I’m too paranoid for that, or I’d give it a shot. Prohibition state. It would be nice to pop a bunch, find the girls and supplement if needed with a fem seed or 2 to fill out space. Excited about that Jungle Spice. Haven’t seen too many of them run out.


The 2018 Farm Bill made cannabis with less than 0.3% THC content equal to hemp and federally legal. I’m sure the state could screw you still but maybe not as much to worry about? I mean you’re sending a 1/2 - 1" piece of leaf. Who would even know what it is? They even offer smash cards for prohibition states. You take the leaf and literally smash it into the paper. They test the residue. Ain’t nobody going to know what residue that is.


No shit. I’ll have to look into it more then. If I can get a handful tested for a decent price it would be worth it to pop a few things sooner. Was considering doing a solo cup run some time next year to get through some of my regs. Would much rather not blast through a bunch I don’t have to and get some better plants.

Edit: only found one so far, $60 per test, up to 4 plants each test.


FarmerFreeman is great and they get cheaper the more you buy. I spent about $11 per test. That’s the cheapest I’ve found.