The Bank of Stank

They’ve sold them for $10 per test during 4/20 and Black Friday sales. We’re just a few weeks away from the latter…


Where do you get these tests done are there any home kits?


I believe this is where he is talking about…nice price too.


No at home as its a pcr test, requires a centrifuge if I remember correctly.


Here’s a link to a home kit that I was considering buying a couple years back:

It’s spendy, though. If I remember correctly, it was almost $2,000 for everything, but that included the chemicals or whatever for 300 tests. Maybe? It’s been a while since I looked at it. I really wanted to get it, but at the same time, I was just kind of like,”Nothing wrong with waiting a few extra weeks for plants to show sex, like I’ve always done…” And now that I’m broke, I’m glad I didn’t get it haha.


This is exactly where I’m at with it. I don’t wanna drop 100+ bucks to test a pack when I could wait a few more weeks. I have the room to do that many. If I could get my hands on a thermal cycler. I would just need to buy the regents which should be relatively affordable :thinking: If I could do those tests for pennies on the dollar… I could suddenly put down 50-100 seeds at a time to pheno hunt for a specific male or female for a project instead of doing ~10 at a time every ~40 days or so.


Do it! I’ll gladly sign up at HolyAngel’s Sex Service.

Yes, sex testing is definitely a very boujee thing to be doing, make no mistake. If I had the space or was tight on funds then I would never spend for it. But it’s great to get a couple growmies together and buy in bulk for the cheaper pricing. For holidays I just ask for sex tests hahha.

But damn it is sooooo nice to save all the time, watering, soil, and space waiting on them to show. And you can do it early enough that you could pop more seed if you didn’t get enough gals the first round.

I do wonder what’s the case with herms. Like could some show as 50/50?


Yeah, it’s just under $1400 for 300 reagents and a little less than $300 for 50. I dunno if it’s “pennies on the dollar” haha, but it’s definitely cheaper than farmer freeman is charging.

You boujee motherfucker… haha. I’ve always thought that about you. “Fucking schmarmpit… That boujee asshole…” haha!

I just always kinda thought, you know, it takes about two weeks for my plants to get to the point where I can even take a sample to send in. Maybe even a little longer sometimes. Then another what? Seven days to get the results? By that point, it’s really only another two weeks or so for them to start showing on their own (although lately it’s taken some of my plants 50+ days to show). I can wait. I think haha.

Yeah, that’s interesting; I wonder, too. I feel like I just saw that very question addressed on somebody’s thread here, but I can’t remember who’s thread it was or what the answer was haha.


These tests test for the Y chomosome. Most of them are labeled as male/not male. The genes responsible for intersex traits have not been identified, and are not being tested for.


Thank you for making me feel seen. :champagne: :sparkler:

They only need a 1/2" cut. You can snip them pretty darn early. Freeman’s turnaround is currently very fast. I sent samples on Friday and had results on Tuesday. And I’ve been waiting forever for some strains to show recently, like this Blue Magoo I had to put into flower to even be sure.

I’m in no way affiliated with any sex testing companies, and I do not promote non-consensual sex testing. But just think, you could have done that simple plumbing job yourself and had 40 sex tests instead.


That actually made me lol. Like, I literally laughed out loud when I read that.

I’m not sure I’d even have enough to take a 1/2” cut after two weeks. I dunno, maybe I would. It always seems to take my starts a little while to get going, no matter the genetics; I’m always amazed at how rapidly some people’s seedlings grow when I look at their pics on their logs. Mine always seem to need about two weeks before they start really doing anything at all.

Fuck. Youuuuuuu… haha! Good point, though. I really have had that “new” RO unit for almost two years, just been sitting in the garage this whole time while I’ve been like,”Yeah, I’ll get under the sink and install it eventually…” It’s almost like I was waiting for a disaster to happen to give me an excuse to call a plumber and not do it myself…



Chiming in on the farmer freeman train. I usually take off one cotelydon and send that in at 5 days, when the first set of leaves have just formed. Two weeks into a plants life, even with slow mail time, I know the sex. It’s pretty awesome, albeit expensive.


Hey if I could afford to be boujee I would be booooouuuujjjiiiieeeeeee! Lol


Oh, shit. Seriously? I always thought that it had to be a relatively decent-sized portion (like schmarm said, a half-inch at least) from a true set of leaves. I didn’t know you could use a friggin’ cotyledon. That’s crazy…


Yeah, I read on their website that you can do that. The website says 7-10 days. I was still skeptical of how early I could take them, so I gave them a call, and they confirmed. It’s been a game changer.

Here is a photo of my summer outdoor sex tests after I had received the results back. I checked my excel log on seed starts and comparing to when I posted about my sex test results, these were fully sexed at 14 days above soil give or take some that may have been up a day or two earlier.

Anyway, sorry to steal your show @schmarmpit, I feel like a bit of an evangelist when it comes to sex testing.


I tried the FF thing recently with the single blue tara seed I sprouted (cause it accidentally got wet packing the others, so fuck it right ?) clipped the cotelydon and knew the sex before it put out its third set of leaves. Super rad but pricy in bulk. I think meangene said he’d get into sex testing when the price drops down below the price of a pot and some dirt :joy::joy:


Early flower can seem to take forever sometimes. I’m finally seeing the beginnings of some beautiful nugs in the 3x3. These are at 31 days.

I’m pretty sure GreenAcres royally messed up the names of all these strains. And now, complete shocker, his account has vanished from Strainly. I’ll be using air quotes for his cuts for now.

Like this “MAC1” that looks nothing like the real cut. Kind of reminds me of the LA Confidential I used to run.

And this “Trufaloha” that I can’t even say the name without feeling slightly dumber.

And this “Rainbow Belts” that has crazy leaf variegation that very closely matches the description of the Pink Lemonade that I also ordered.

This Tropicana Cherry I know is legit from a fellow growmie.

I’m sure it will all be grand either way. My knew plan is cuts get only one run and I’ll reveg if it’s good enough.


If it’s any help I had a good experience with prestige clones. They been around a bit. There prices aren’t the best but definitely not the worst either. Finishing up there cereal milk now and it looks and smells great, big yeilder to boot.


Thanks for the rec. Their prices are fine but looks mainly like Cookies crosses. I’m more interested in the classics. But I’m probably never going to pay for another cut ever again. I know too many friends now that are happy to share. And I’d rather be hunting seed anyway which I’m getting back in to.

I will admit that I have fallen madly in love with Blue Dream and will likely try to hold the cut for a long time. It’s great to smoke and to grow.


What’d you end up thinking of the ssdd f2 girl? No worries if you need to be harsh on the review. Just interested in another person’s thoughts on her, especially since you’ve ran out all these clones.