The Bank of Stank

Whatever this “Pink Lemonade” is, it’s finishing real fast and coming down soon. Here she is just shy of 8 weeks. Smells like fruit punch. I flowered her very small. She stayed fairly squat but has nice strong branching and medium/small nugs. This could be Truffaloha or maybe Rainbow Belts #20. Or anything under the sun. If she’s good smoke I’ll call her whatever she wants.

And check out this trippy root hole from the Blumat. You can imagine the capillary action of those roots sucking on that clay carrot. Some more aggressive growers (like the Strawberry Cough) had roots that embedded themselves in the clay to where it was hard to remove the carrot. I was literally scrapping roots off the clay to clean it out. I especially like them starting off with transplants into the final 3 gal pots. The small root mass gets bottle fed up top while bigger roots can start spreading down. I usually screw up transplants by not keeping the top layer of soil moist for long enough and they get all messed up. Didn’t happen once with these little gems.

As long as you prepare these things correctly and don’t let the res go dry, they are a fantastic help with keeping organic soil moist. I still had to hand water every now and then, but they cut my waterings down by 60% easily. I love them.


Things looking good in there! That’s pretty cool. I experienced the same thing when I was growing in coco. The roots would wrap themselves around the carrots, I almost wondered if they would suck them too dry at some point and mess up how the sensor works. But, it was cool to see the roots build up where the water/nutes dripped:

I’m tempted to set mine up again, but you do really have to stay on top of the res being full or at a fairly constant level. I experienced a couple of run outs cuz the res got too low and the pressure changed. I’ve seen a couple of people make auto fillers for the res, which would be great for keeping the system at constant pressure, but then if it does fuck up, you’ve got like 20 or 30 gallons or water on the floor. But, once you do get them dialed in, they’re pretty damn handy.


Wow that’s crazy! I’m jealous of those root lumps. Never seen them go that nuts in organics.


For ultimate boujee bud, make sure to harvest with a nice mix of cloudy, amber, and…purple. :champagne:


Ooh, that’s cool as shit. Which one is that?


That’s Tropicana Cherry. You can see why the rosin is colored like SeaMonkey posted earlier.

I made fresh frozen hash recently from several strains all mixed up and the resulting hash looked kind of light grey. But under the scope it was these dark purple trichs heads spread throughout.


Well, I let this Blackberry Breath #2 go a little over lol. Damn! I was just going by looks of the bud and when I scoped her it was just a field of brown. All over. It’s only 61 days. The BBB#1 still has some time but not much. The smell on this thing is just wet lumber, maybe a little perfume in the back. Kind of unimpressive and disappointing. Yield was decent for her small starting size and minimal stretch.


I also took down this Lemon Hashplant V2 #1 at 61 days. These plants grew the most vigorously of everything this round. Both females look the same which leans more to the hashplant structure with a bit extra stretch from the Lemon G. But these dense nugs and their smell are all hashplant unfortunately. One plant had a lemony scent around 5 weeks but I can’t smell it anymore. But who knows what will come out on the cure. The Lemon G in comparison has huge fluffy buds that reek of lemon pledge candy and take around 70 days.

I traded @50State the other half of my Lemon Hashplant V2 pack and I wonder if he ever messed with them. I think I’ll try the Lemon G x Wookie next.


Personally I’ve found more mom-leaning phenos in the Wookie 15 than I have in the HP crosses. I saw all HP phenos in my Lemon HP V2 as well and gave the rest of the pack away locally. Interested to see what’s in those Lemon Wookies for sure. Great pictures also, love the fall colors coming through!


Oooh that’s great news. I’ll definitely be giving them a go then, thanks!


Lemon Wookie V2 will be my first strain from seed in 2023!


Maybe wait until you smoke them; it’s possible they’ll taste super-lemony or just really good in general, despite the way they smell. I’ve grown tons of weed that doesn’t taste anything at all like the way they smelled, as I’m sure you have, too. I always think of that Golden Triangle x GHash from Bodhi: smelled like a dirty, wet rug, but tasted unbelievably good and nothing at all like a dirty, wet rug haha. That one was probably some of the best-tasting weed I’ve ever grown. Kick-ass high, too.

That actually seems to be pretty common with those GHash crosses, where they smell gnarly as fuck but taste super-good. Clusterfunk was the same way. I dunno…


At 64 days, this Blackberry Breath #1 from JOTI is much more appealing compared to the #2. Unlike the #2 with the Lowe’s lumber department smell, this one is more of a musty forest floor with very light hints of gas. It’s got better yield, color is nicer.

The Blue Magoo BX3 has the worst yield but the smell of sweet artificial blueberry is the strongest I’ve encountered so far. If it tastes good and the high is nice, I’ll likely hunt through the remaining pack.

And it’s finally looking like time to flip the 3x3 seed tent! The Jungle Spice #3 has looked sickly since the start. I’ve been so tempted to replace it with one of my many clones but, dammit, this is a seed-only tent! Best of luck to you, JS3.

Lavender #1 – Lavender #2 – NL5 #3 (whorled)
Jungle Spice #1 – Jungle Spice #2 – Jungle Spice #3
NL5 #1 – NL5 #2 – NL5 #4


Maybe let up with the eternal fucking optimism. I much prefer your toxic side.

Now that you mention it, I can almost see that and get behind that statement. Respect.


the strain you like but arent sure of its genetics name it unsolved mysteries lol. beautiful plants. once again


Literally “LOL”ed when I read that!


I was actually headed that direction with these Green Acres cuts. Call it Unknown #1, Unknown #2, etc. But I’ve since realized that I can’t keep strains around that I don’t know what they are. It bugs me to no end. I love to share cuts but wouldn’t hand these out and continue to muddy the waters of this already messy clone game. I know they are something from the dude’s long list of cuts but I’ll never figure the rest out. The smoke was good on all of them, but like most everything else, nothing particularly amazing. I’m happy to have figured out a few of his cuts, the rest were culled to make room for more! Here’s what I figured out:

KEEPER: “Rainbow Belts #20” = Pink Lemonade #2
KEEPER: “Strawberry Cough” = Strawberry Cough
CULLED: “MAC1” = some kind of cookies strain. Has that doughy taste and unimpressive high.
ON HOLD: “Pink Lemonade” = I think this is actually Rainbow Belts #20
ON HOLD: “Mendo Breath” = Mendo Breath (D’s cut, Green Dragon). I believe this is one of the earlier Mendo Breath F1 cuts that had a taller frame and bigger node spacing. The smell is very close to the original Mendo Breath I got from Clonify years ago which has been suggested was an F3 cut.
CULLED: “Truffaloha” = some kind of OG. 3/5 bladed leaves only, super stretchy, loud gas smell that dried into a very floral perfume taste (not my thing).

The newest clone additions are: Mother’s Milk #31 (Bodhi’s breeder cut), Wedding Cake (TK x Animal Mints), ASS#1 (Bodhi’s cut), and The Great Southern Trendkill Skunk (AKBB breeder cut). I’ll have to wait until next round to run the two skunks, but I’m looking forward to that stank.


Glad you’re being up front and open about this stuff. :clap: Thank you!

That sounds about right for the real MAC1. :wink:

What’s the provenance on your MM31 cut, if you don’t mind?



No way! I love the legit MAC1 cut and hope to get it back some day. I grew it for years and was bummed to lose it. For me it is very strong, up stone, and had really interesting terps of like cherry yogurt or something. I love MAC!

I got it from @PAGODASEEDS who was offering them on the Bodhi thread recently.


Just admit it. You have the clone bug!! I’m the same way!!