The Bank of Stank

Makes me wonder if @JBow918 still has MM F2 pollen for that MM#31 cut… if he does, I’d do the work if ya want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Sucks on those other cuts being all over the place… Definitely interesting with the possible flipflopped tags on the pink lemonade/rainbow belts :thinking:

Jet has the MAC cut…

I’m actually slightly surprised the Strawberry Cough hit keeper status for you… Do you just not have other haze type plants or?


He would NOT say that had he tried the real Caps Cut of Mac…couldnt be said in my opinion.


Oh, I see. Thanks! I’m not familiar with Pagoda. What name did they go by on the forums before they started this company?

Exactly my thoughts… :slight_smile:


Been waiting to do the open pollination F2 of MM until I could source the mm31 cut. I asked some of the reputable, no bs clone dealers and none of them had it.



I’m not sure who Pagoda was before, but he told me he sourced the MM #31 from Radio Ridge Nursery in California.


Dude I haven’t even smoked it yet haha. It could be crap. It’s just a keeper for NOW because I’m fairly certain it is actually Strawberry Cough. I’m pretty quick with these clones. I like to run them at least twice, and if the smoke isn’t great then it’s gone. I’ve never even grown a pure Haze. Not sure I have the patience. But LeftHand’s Everyday Haze is quickly bumping up my seed list.

Yes I sure do. And I’ve also had bugs from clones. It’s an awful two way street. I have not spent on seeds since I started this, so it seems I have to waste my money other ways. But $100 for a pack of seeds of the same for a clone? These days I’ve been choosing the clones. Got too many seeds to be buying any more. And it’s been so much fun trying all these famous cuts.


Hope you don’t mind @schmarmpit but figured this would be a good place to ask. How does apple fritter compare to wedding cake?


This is my first time with wedding cake so I have no idea.


Thank you. Have you tried apple fritter?


Yah it was decent smoke. Just not really standout compared with other cuts I got. But damn she yielded great and had amazing bag appeal. I know a few guys who love the smoke. Different smokes for different folks and all. I have her listed in this review:

And I’m laughing reading the first line about ending my clone hunt next month. BULLSHIT.


i watch some guy on youtube who just recently started selling clones (usa) only :frowning: unfortunetly but he has some really nice strains and crosses if you still got that bug lol


You come around here, pedaling cuts to an old burnt out clone-boi addict?! Brother, I rub Clonex on my gums to get me through down times of not buying cuts. I sleep on an old pile of rapid rooters. And you come here asking this to me, on the day I just cleared out my dome?!

Yes I’m interested, thanks.


LOOOOL im so sorry to be an enabler… i just like to live vicariously through you clone sluts!! since i cant get any myself :smiley:


I say this to myself all the time😂


HA! That put a huge smile on my face


Yeah, I chuckled, too. That’s definitely the first time anybody’s referred to me as “eternally optimistic.”


I don’t know much about Bodhi’s ASS#1 cut (American Skunk Selection). Not to be confused with his other ASS cross (Appalachian Super Skunk) of Mass. Super Skunk x Appalachia. Sounds like it’s something he searched through, found a choice pheno, then released the cut to the public but never really did much breeding with? I’d love to know more. I see other breeders like Doc D using the cut in crosses. Supposed to be just kind of foul, maybe not so much “skunk”.

But when getting ready to release this cut from quarantine, the scope scan reveals frost under the leaves like I’ve never seen before. TK and Gooey were pretty close but this is everywhere.


Oooh! :star_struck:
I’ve seen kind of similar(less) on the Kryptonite and Triforce on the top of the leaves but not really checked under them :thinking: may have to go over everything again. That girl is covered!


Yeah she is covered, and I was surprised because there’s relatively nothing on the top of the leaves!


Cool double serrations on this whorled NL5.


I’ve got my next round of seeds sprouting. As usual, it took many days to pick my strains. I’ve been choosing 3 strains and 6 reg seeds each, or 3 fem. That usually works out pretty well to fill my 3x3 with 9 ladies.

Platinum Pineapple F4 by @Heritagefarms
These seeds had amazing vigor and had tails ready for planting in just 24hrs from soak.

SinMint Cookies by Sin City Seeds
These are the older 2014 reg stock, not the later fem release that was plagued with herms. I grew some of these out way back then and was very impressed with the smoke. Sin City went on to find a good male from this stock and came out with tons of SinMint crosses, some of which became popular like Animal Mints which went on to make Wedding Cake (x TK) and Kush Mints (x Bubba Kush). I’ll probably use a good male to make some crosses with my current clones for shits and gigs.

Lemon G x Lemon Party by CSI
Caleb is an absolute G. I was looking for more Lemon G crosses to scratch my itch but I ordered Lemon Party S1 because of how strong the lemon flavor was on the Fallen Soldiers cross I grew. I couldn’t find any Lemon G crosses on the CSI site but got a surprise when I opened my order. I wonder if this is an old cross that was not released or if he’s actively working with the Lemon G currently.