The Bank of Stank

Nah, these are PlantShepherd’s repro of Bodhi’s BCSC F3.


Sweeeeet. When did those get planted? Musta missed that, but those are on my short list for sure.


Planted mid October. Kept them small to cram in the 3x3 with the other seed plants.

Lots to be excited for in the 3x3!


Hell yes! A deep blow to the infection cycle, I wonder how many people he had already served up with that crud. Bam! At least if they call him and complain, he can tell 'em how to get rid of it heh heh. :fist:


Can’t wait for your smoke report from this tent!!


Lavender #1 – Lavender #2 – NL5 #3 (whorled)
Jungle Spice #1 – Jungle Spice #2 – Jungle Spice #3
NL5 #1 – NL5 #2 – NL5 #4

Day 27F now and starting to make beautiful flowers and frost. The tent smells amazing when I open it up but there’s no way in hell I can identify all the smells, or tell what any individual plant smells like. It’s just a blast of good weed smell straight to the nostrils. They’re not old enough to go pinching buds just yet.

The Jungle Spice didn’t like the lights being so close for the first couple weeks and I’ve since raised it up to suit them, but the NL5 appear to like the high intensity.


Damn, what a beautiful sight!


Man I’ll be curious to see how you like the buds from those lavenders when they’re finished, but the whole tent looks great!


Dang that tent is looking sweet, I’m digging the NLs and can’t wait to see them finish. Nice work


If you rub on the sugar leaf a little and smell your ginger you can start to get individual smells but it can be hard when there competing with each other terp wise.

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Are these F1s or F2s? I’ve got the F2 repro that Lefthand Seeds did from here awhile back. Want to get into them, but need to figure out a medium for running regs in. Usually run hydro tubs with fems.


These are Lefty’s F2s, specifically from his #6 pheno that smelled of lemon lime sprite. And much to my elation, they both have that sweet smell!


That’s awesome! I’m itching to get to those myself. Just need a medium that allows me to start more and cull. Tried a local made Coots mix awhile back but had issues with gnats and poor wetting.


The 4x4 is at 15 days now. The stretch is done and they all evened out nicely. Then just last night I stuffed a MAC1 clone in there from @Jetdro as I didn’t have the heart to trash her after taking more cuts. Definitely a tight fit but sure to be an epic harvest

Blue Dream – Pink Lemonade – Strawberry Cough
Mother’s Milk 31 – Tropicana Cherry --“Pink Lemonade”
CSI: Zkittlez S1 – Wedding Cake – Purple Urkle - MAC1


I’m loving the looks of these four NL5 plants. Smells are complex; some pine, fruit, chemical astringent. They are easy growing, love the soil mix, and have not found any intersex issues.


The un-topped whorled NL5 in the back is going to yield well.

The Jungle Spice don’t seem to like the soil as much, or maybe it’s just their original unhappiness from the light being too close. I thought for sure one of them got hit with stray pollen because the hairs started going way before anything else. I have to remember to check for herms when I’m running seed. But it’s just that plant turning early and definitely not seeded. It’s also the frostiest looking in the tent.


A couple of those leaves are so serrated they’re almost just a straight line on each side :eyes:
They all look great!


Ha right?! I was tripping at one point thinking, well there must be double serrations on everything else too and I’m just not seeing it, but no, pretty much just on these.

You know what they say about plants with double serrations, right? They got big SHOES…


Of course! This little shit Zkittlez S1 from CSI that’s twice as old as everything else and I deemed worthy of running in my all mighty benevolence is sprouting nut sacks all over the place! This is how you repay me plant? Damn! The tops seem OK so I hacked it back underneath, but I’ve got my eye all over it now. What a waste of time and space!

Next Day edit: I found even more sacs and decided to axe it and give the latecomer MAC a proper spot.

It just makes me realize that I’m all too sentimental for runts. That plant was basically asking for a pass its whole long life but I just kept it going thinking it would grow out of it and be worth it. Lesson learned.


I got some runtz s1 I made of you want some my dude?


Very cool of you to ask! How is the mom? I don’t know much about Runtz, except maybe it yields like crap.