The Bank of Stank

that deathstar looks :fire:, nice job

I’m a bit infatuated with Lemon G. It’s a local heirloom that I’ve smoked a ton of but never grew myself. It was everywhere in Ohio in the early 2000’s. I’ve been surprised to see more breeders working with her. She’s known for fluffy green buds that smell and taste like lemon Pledge (in a good way). The high is calming and fun, and not an overly potent or head-smashing stone. It’s all about the taste and the feel-good vibes, man. I think I saw that she has a decent amount of CBD in her, at least more so than normal. I’ve seen grows of her, and she’s got a taller frame and builds large buds of medium-low density. I’ve grown several Lemon G crosses over the years and she seems pretty reliable at passing on the lemon taste.

Bodhi Seeds - Lemon Hashplant V2 (Lemon G x 88G13/HP)

I only had 5 beans to play with, and I got two girls out of it. Their structure and growth was very similar. They were vigorous growers throughout veg, loved to be topped, and easily became the biggest plants in the flower tent. The stretch was probably between 2 - 2.5X. I took the larger #2 to 62 days and the smaller #1 came down at 70 days. Both produced fairly leafy buds with good overall yields.

#2 at 62 days

#1 at 70 days

#2 smelled like a moldy wet towel as early as I could get whiffs from her. For a second around week 5 she had some lemon scent but it quickly passed. The trichs were dry and you really had to rub them to get a scent. The cured buds still hold that moldy towel scent. It’s a bit disconcerting, like I’m thinking bud rot or something, but no. But now there’s an incense type smell creeping in too. The taste is surprisingly hashy, and pleasantly smooth. No trace of lemon anywhere on this one. The high is strong, well-balanced, and lasts a good while. Decent smoke all around, just no lemon to be found.

#1 is the winner in my book, though not good enough that I’d bother keeping her around. She actually has the lemon smell coming through very nicely right now! I couldn’t smell any of it at harvest. I was mostly getting incense, floral, maybe some pine, but now in cure she has a bit of the lemon pledge thing going and it sort of comes through on the smoke as well. Not nearly to the extent of Lemon G in smell or taste, but a really nice balance of lemon and hashy goodness, like lemon-tinged bubble hash. The smoke is a bit more invigorating in comparison to #2, but still fairly potent. It’s good smoke pretty much any time of day.

From my small viewpoint, the G-hash male definitely upped the potency of Lemon G in this cross while also kind of dominating the overall smell and taste. Structurally, there’s lots of hashplant leaves on those two while still retaining some of the Lemon G’s bigger structure. But I’m sure you could find a Lemon G leaner in a pack or two, if that’s your thing. If I had another pack I would probably hunt through it. This next round I’m trying CSI’s Lemon G x Lemon Party, then eventually I’ll get around to Bodhi’s Lemon G x Wookie 15 (Lemon Wookie V2). Maybe one day I’ll finally get the Lemon G cut to play with.

Side note: Lemon Hashplant V1 (and other Lemon V1 crosses) used his Lemon Diesel mom. He moved to using Lemon G for all the V2 crosses he made.


that is beautiful.


Damn, nice fade @schmarmpit!


Thanks for the write up!! Lemon HP looks killer! I ran Lemon Wookie V2 last go, but got skunked with all males. I’m definitely going to revisit soon!!


Great smoke report, thank you!


Fuuuuck… I just replied to this post, didn’t realize I was responding to a re-post on the Bodhi thread, thought I was here haha.

Anyway, plants look good haha…


No prob, I’m bringing it over here as not to clutter up the Bodhi thread. Although I guess this is worthy info in either spot.

I’ve only been curing these for about 2 weeks, but I have a nice controlled slow dry of about 2 weeks before that as well. Either way, after reading this I’ll definitely be sniffing more in a couple of months. But I’ll be surprised if I have any more left by then!


Time to flip the 4x4!

Blue Dream – Pink Lemonade – Strawberry Cough
Mother’s Milk 31 – Tropicana Cherry --“Pink Lemonade”
CSI: Zkittlez S1 – Wedding Cake – Purple Urkle

What’s crazy is that Zkittlez S1 has been vegging for two whole grow cycles! Twice as old a everything else and still a shorty. Never grew out of it. But it was my last bean so figured I’d run it. The others made some supremely tasty smoke. It’s the slowest growing plant I’ve ever had though, far worse than Purple Urkle. The only seed plant in the tent and definitely not keeping her around (famous last words).


Have you flowered that wedding cake before? I’d expect that thing to at least 3x in height…
Other than that, I always love how you get the even canopy in here every time right before flip, looks perfect! :ok_hand:


got my hand slapped and already outa likes for today but i got this for ya…


Thanks, Holy! I’ve got to at least try for an even canopy because when the plants are crammed that tight they are not yielding anything below the canopy. Maybe one day I’ll let up on running so many different strains and give them decent room. Not for a while though LOL!!

Not tried the Wedding Cake yet but learning from Jet that she is stretchy, if we have the same cut. This cut is from RamenRoots on Strainly. I found PM in quarantine after only a week and had to break the news to him. He didn’t believe me at first but the microscope doesn’t lie. He freaked but then got smart and sterilized all his stuff with sulfur. He realized that his IPM every other day was just masking the infection. Spreading the good word of sulfur, saving sellers and buyers all the while.

That’s actually three separate WC clones in that one pot. Idea being keep them small but still get a topped plant’s worth of bud out of it.


Ah for sure! Gotta find those keepers first! :wink:

Oh nice, that was a good idea! I’ve been thinking of what it’d be like to run a whole table, sog style, of just the TK or similar. She grows so thin and straight up, even topped, that I think I could cram like 25 of them in there easily. Maybe double that… It’s just gonna be a 3-4ft tall sea of green :joy:

Least you caught the PM immediately, yay quarantine! That’s one I’ve thankfully not had to deal with yet. Only thrips and spider mites so far lol…


That would be wonderful, if she was just easier to clone!! :grin:


I’ve also run 3 TK clones in one 3 gal pot before and they did great. I think because she doesn’t have a huge root mass, so 3 plants in one pot were not really fighting for much nutrition. But yeah, SOG TK would be an epic harvest! She’d be perfect for it. I just need more variety than that. I’d be a twitchy mess if all I could smoke was TK haha.


That’s gonna be a nice run in that 4x4, do you know if zkittles is slow in general or you just have a slow vegging plant?


I’ve heard that the CSI Zkittlez S1 can be… temperamental, let’s say. But I’ve run them before without noticing much slowness. Maybe not as vigorous as others but this particular one is just especially slow.


The end product may be worth it


This whorled NL5 is putting on the frost way ahead of anyone else at just 21 days. And stacking nicely too. Could be a real special gal. All the NL5 are frosty actually, and fairly uniform between 4 plants.


Are those NL5’s from Todd? I know Motz was saying they were the best he’s ever ran…