The Bank of Stank

Just skipped right over this @minitiger ? I about spit out my coffee lmao


Yeah, I didn’t feel the need to even acknowledge that statement haha. I figured people’d either get schmarm’s joke or they wouldn’t haha!


What??!! I thought you and @HolyAngel had huge stashes of cookie crosses!!!


Here’s the 3x3 about 2 weeks later. Stretch is winding down. I’m getting excited for some Lemon and Pineapple scented flowers!


I love the quality of AC Infinity tents, but I hate how they put their name in the foil like that. Every damn picture I take now has AC INFINITY slathered all over it like an ad for a Vegas whore house. Smart branding, I guess, but obnoxious as hell.

“Hey dudes, look at this killer bud I grew!”
[outrageous nug shots sponsored by AC Infinity]

It’s enough for me to avoid buying another tent from them.


Gorilla does the same, and i just noticed it!


put foil tape over it lmao i had to zoom in and see what you mean and yea its like a watermark in a pic lol


You kinda have to hand it to em though; shrewd marketing


Yeah, it’s like your plants are doing a post-game Q-and-A with local and national sportswriters. Although I admit that I hadn’t even noticed the “ACInfinity” plastered everywhere.

Maybe you should hit them up and see if they can compensate you in some way, shape or form haha.


Better than the Vivosun written across mine :sob:


Overhyped marketing instantly made me think of this


I been searching that for nearly 20 yrs…and its still not there…lololol


What, with water? Like, from the toilet?


The 3x3 is at 35 days now and the flowers are starting to bulk nicely.

The Platinum Pineapple have nicely spaced bud sites. Looking like they could produce well. Not much frost or smell from them yet.

The Lemon G x Lemon Party are definitely the stinkiest and frostiest of this tent. And the LG2 just reeks of lemons already. I’ve got my eye on her.

And the lone SinMint doing her thing. I messed up the timing of flowering the male SinMint and didn’t do it time. The boys usually come right out the gate swinging but this SinMint was slow to flower. I went on a long vacay and didn’t have the resources to keep him alive. Oh well, just more seeds I’d likely never get to anyway. But I may try to reveg this gal if she is anything like the previous gals I grew out.

And the 4x4 clone tent is just at 9 days flowering now. Last grow was only 2 weeks between tent harvests, and I ran out of room in the drying chamber. Now I’m 3 weeks apart which should be the perfect amount of time.

ASS#1 — Mother’s Milk #31 — Wedding Cake
Trendkill Skunk — Blue Dream — Black Velvet
Rainbow Belts 2.0 — Tropicanna Cherries — MAC1


Beautiful plants and nicely filled tent as always! My tent is 2wks behind your 2x3, but no duplicate grows this time 🥲. I copied your ratio for popping seeds, 6ea from two strains, then 3 fems from a third. Ended up with almost a perfect set with 8 for blooming out after males showed themselves. Room for one undersized clone to fill in the gap, but ended up putting in two.
Oh, also going to flip a new clone of Mendo breath to test in another week, hope this one turns out right!


Thanks! I’m happy with this round so far. The water only soil is still working great for me. But I’m thinking that it could all go bunk next round. My latest soil batch smells like a barn. Like nasty pig shit and hay. Never smelled it in my soil before. I started using rice hulls for aeration on the past few reamends, instead of perlite, and I think it’s now breaking down after all these months. The plants are acting like its a bit too hot. Getting burned after transplants and such.

I’ve got a set of octopots and res waiting for me whenever I’m ready to try the dark side (salt-based nutes). If my soil is bunk then I may make the switch soon. But then I could only fit 4 plants instead of 9 each run. Decisions, decisions. Got to reduce my clone collection so running fewer numbers could be good for me.

Good luck with the seed plants! I love that ratio for new starts in a small tent. Great variety, and almost always works out well.

Where’d you source the Mendo? I hope she’s what you’re looking for. I’m growing the Green Acres Mendo Breath for the last time right now. No idea of its even MB, definitely not the same Clonify MB that I loved. But does have a similar smell and smoke though so…???


A dose of LABS will take care of the stink guaranteed! @schmarmpit


I got this cut, along with two others, from sun clones. Figured for the price, might as well give it a shot. If not, then I’ll have to bite the bullet and try to contact All Star. This round, I gave up on the organics. I’m feeding the maxi bloom + gypsum combo, giving it a try in the promix instead of coco or hydro. Figured I’ve seen the results @corgitron had, might as well give it a try. That along with the new lights, I hope to get some results that at least make me want to smoke my own instead of buying :flushed:


You gotta smoke your own man. That’s the whole point unless you selling it lol. Good to see you here and there @Seamonkey84 same with you @schmarmpit.


@DGCloud you back at it?