The Bank of Stank

Yea just playing with some stuff I picked up, prob do another run to see what I will keep and shut down during summer to save on AC expenses, but yes I’m back at it again.


Good to hear!!


Thanks joker good to see you too. I’ll have some updates on me thread sooner or later


Damn the Ohio afghan mango it been a long time since I smoked that


Yeah, me too! That plant was around 10 weeks and looked like 4. Something was not right. I cut it at the base and the stem inside was black, rotted halfway up. I’m surprised it was still standing. I never got to try it and the guy who sent it warned me it had something wrong, so the mom got chucked. Maybe one day. I know it’s still out there.


I know your a smart man. HOW COULD you have octo’s and NOT use 'em??? No brainer . Less plant count , 4 times yield, no muss no fuss, set it forget it…duh!!!


Run one… :sunglasses:


Ha! I will…eventually. I’ve got one more round where I pack 9 plants in the 4x4. I’m trying to figure out which 4 plants I will run big in the octos, but I have to try them all first! My clone list is now over 24 cuts. Way too much for my little op. I’m getting to that point again where I’m ready to trash them all. That’s why I make sure to spread them all around before I clean slate.


Damn that a collection Im going to need to know the trash can location if you do lol


Here is the 3x3 tent at 51 days. Looking to be a nice harvest in a few weeks.

The four Platinum Pineapple are all looking fairly uniform. I dig the open structure. Lots of tropical fruit smells coming from these. Looks like quite a bit to go as well.

The Lemon G x Lemon Party cross is finishing much faster than anything else. Lime green leaves everywhere! I already cut off an early sample from LG3 last night which had the ripest looking trichs in the garden. They are all frosty and stink of lemon and dank.

The lone SinMint is leaning very hard toward the Blue Power in the cross, which is funny because almost every other seed I ran from this pack seemed to lean more to cookies. She’s stacking hard now underneath all those leaves. May want to put her in reveg after just in case the smoke is bomb.

And the last run for this Mendo Breath. She produces very well but will need a solid 10 weeks. Great smoke, just not the Mendo cut I’m looking for. I have been talking and trading a lot with PNW StrainHunters recently, who’s now working privately away from Strainly. He asked for pics of this Mendo and seemed to confirm that it actually is Mendo Breath, the first gen release of her. He’s grown her before and all my descriptions seemed to match up. But I’m looking for the newer gen Mendo that I first got from Clonify when I started this adventure. @DGCloud just sent me some snips of a Mendo cut that I think could be a match for what I used to have. Fingers crossed. Or maybe I’ll just be growing out the same cut again lol.


And here is the 4x4 at 25 days all green and happy in their 4 gal pots. Hopefully they will last a little longer than the 3 gals I used to run in here. I couldn’t believe the stretch on that ASS1 cut! She out stretched both Mother’s Milk 31 and Wedding Cake which are super stretchy mofos. The ASS has like a 4X stretch. From pics I’ve seen online of this cut, the yield is pretty crap too. But that’s alright, this Bank is mad for Stank!


Beautiful buds @schmarmpit
I’ve heard the ASS1 cut is a stinker, had no idea the stretch was like that! wow!
Never have noticed it on fj’s list, mind sharing where it may be sourced? I thought I bookmarked the last time you mentioned clone folks but guess I didn’t. thanks



I got the ASS1 and Trendkill Skunk cuts together from a Cloney Soprano auction on Strainly. He likely still has them. But if you’re in the states then consider it yours if you like.


have you smoked your rainbow belts yet or is this the first run ?


That is promising to me!! I actually don’t know what I smoked was the first gen or the second release by Gage Green but I’ve been looking for it but haven’t found it yet. Hope the cut I got recently is one of them, going to put one into bloom in a week or so once she’s tall enough. How much does she stretch? My tent is all over the place with plant height, some are like 16”, others are 3ft :upside_down_face:


This is the first run for me. Same cut that a couple others on here have run (iamyou_youareme, Greasy).

This Mendo has a pretty good stretch, like an OG really. If it’s anything like this 1st gen then you’d be good to keep her short. The Clonify cut was not nearly as stretchy.


The one I sent is very little stretch and should finish in about 8 weeks! Whole plant should turn purple!


Awesome, sounds like he’s got both types now. Wonder which one I have is. @schmarmpit if you haven’t gotten rid of all your first gen mendos, I’d love to compare all three cuts :sweat_smile:.


Nope I got rid of the first gen, unless I reveg this current plant flowering out right now. Snowball’s chance in hell though! I guess you can email PNW lol.

DG’s cut sounds exactly how I remember the Clonify cut.


I took some early samples off LG2 and LG3 at 53 days. The greasy lemon trichs are just out of this world. Can’t wait to try it. The LG2 reminds me most of straight Lemon G, and has the best structure, vigor, and biggest buds as well.

Unfortunately I found a single calyx filled with pollen sacks on the LG3 that looked like they were just about to open up. Could be more down below but it’s kind of hard to get back there. By this point I half expect fem seeds to throw anthers late in the game. They make me a bit nervous to run in general. My tents are cramped, there is very little light below the canopy, and I don’t do the best leg shaving to stay on top of it. But still sucks to find them. Caleb never had this cross listed on his website, so that could be part of it as well. It’s probably so crowded down below that some stray pollen wouldn’t even do much damage up top anyway (nervous laughing intensifies).




Just reading the words lemon g and I can smell it. Going to flip the lemon party s1 tomorrow or Sunday. There giving off a pleasant lemon smell at the moment we will see in a few weeks what comes of it