The Bank of Stank

I don’t think that’s an unreasonable expectation haha. I feel like that’s just a kinda known thing with fems. I’ve read that that’s not uncommon, anyway, which is why I’ve never fucked with fem seeds.

Do we know why CSI deals almost exclusively with fems/reversals etc? What’s the deal with that?


That’s where the market is and he has all the elites. Closest growers want girls not males. And elite x elite? $$$


Elite clone x Elite clone = PROFIT???
Otherwise he’d be like every other breeder using a select male to hit all the elites with.


[Mind sync complete]


Beautiful man! Excited to hear your thoughts on Lemon G! I’m going to run Lemon Wookie V2 next round and am getting stoked!!


Okay, yes, obviously haha. Sorry, just being my usual naive self, sittin’ here thinking breeders are doing their thing for the love of growing…


Oh damn, @newb2.0 came across this this morning bro


Thanks for looking out @HolyAngel!! RESPECT
How might I go about adding myself to that PNW server?
The only one I got from him on THAT list was the Cherry AK-47.

I honestly don’t know what to make of HLVd. I’ve read a lot about it. Going by the odds, anyone buying clones from the west coast, or really anywhere in the US now, is going to have HLV. It’s absolutely rampant. As a fairly recent development, anyone slinging clones these days almost has to be throwing down on HLV testing. You notice PNW just getting going on it after restarting his clone op. Customers are going to someone that does test if the seller is not. Average customers are getting wise to it.

So from all this I have to assume that some of my clones have HLVd. I try to use best practices, like bleaching cutting tools and such between plants. I never keep moms, just constant re-cloning, and my cuttings are small. I like to pretend this all could be helping, but there’s bound to be a slip up somewhere along the line if it’s present at all. I’ve been mentioning it to everyone I trade with recently; I don’t test for HLV and I have collected lots of cuts from all over. Best to assume I have it.

But what really gets me is I don’t have any noticeable issues. I had a few cuts in the past (before the russets) that grew out to just look sick, and they were trashed. But I’ve been running other cuts for a pretty good while now and I haven’t seen any noticeable degradation or clear symptoms of HLVd. I thought the Strawberry Cough had it at first because she throws some leaf variegation now and then. Tested her twice, negative each time. I’ve heard that soil grows may be less symptomatic than hydro. I’ve heard lots of talk though, from fear mongering to straight up, it’s all fake!

I think everyone is still trying to wrap their heads around what exactly is going on here, and how to deal with it. It’s all still pretty new. Is there any standardization for how labs are testing for HLVd? Which labs to trust? False positives, false negatives. I just don’t know what to think anymore. I’d expect to see lots more issues on the forums with dudded grows and stuff like that. Are we all so small scale that we don’t even notice a 20% dip in production like a large scale grow would?

I’m going to continue playing with clones because it’s TONS of fun! I’ve had such great smoke in the past few years! I’ve been rolling in high grade variety like a pig in shit. And I also have no sadness about torching everything and getting back to my seeds should something obvious present itself. I guess I should just stop sharing cuts. No fun! But I figure I’ll just give the warning that I don’t test for HLV and let the other guy make the call if the risk is worth it to them. People should probably add on a $50 HLVd test to their current quarantine procedure before introducing any new plants.

The fact that it is likely also spreading by seed, now that’s some bleak shit. My old seeds are getting more valuable by the year!


Nowadays, you can get those PCR tests at any decent cannabis lab. 7 bucks each for at home testing kits.


Yeah I just don’t know who I can trust to give accurate results. They say testing roots is better than leaves, but I’ve only ever had leaf testing done. Half a branch could be infected and if you don’t grab the right leaf you miss it. But I’d gladly pay $7 per test if they were proven to be accurate.


This! There is still so much confusion. Roots are better than leaves. Read where you need multiple negative tests to really know you’re clean. Hopefully, with more research a more reliable test will be developed.


Just assume that they’re all accurate and trash that shit. I mean, it’s not like there aren’t plenty of kick-ass seeds around (of course, now we have to worry about those, too haha…). Still, I always err on the side of caution.

Is variegation a symptom of that HLVd or whatever it’s called? I’ve done almost zero reading about it, but I did notice yesterday that a few of my plants have a little variegation going on. Or that’s what it looked like, anyway, coulda just been some sorta deficiency manifesting in a way that looked like variegation. I dunno haha.

Anyway, yeah, I say trash that Cherry AK. If it’s confirmed that it’s got the viroid, why fuck with it?


Variegation is not an hlvd symptom but could be a symptom of tmv(tobacco mosaic virus) or similar. Could also just be genetic.


Okay. I’ll take a closer look tomorrow when I water (not that looking more closely will “prove” anything haha). I’m not even sure which plants they are haha since I don’t even really start looking at the labels too much until I flip. I do feel like certain breeders’ gear might be more susceptible to coming with viroids or whatever than other breeders’ gear does, though, definitely trust some of them more than others…


I don’t think so! If you look at his report, that one came back negative. Want a cut?


Joker right about this. They are testing some of these plants multiple times at different spots. Then there seems to be some sort of grey area with how heavy the virus load is.

At the end of the day it’s tough to pop a 10 pack and get the star plants as a facility that pops 100. Sadly I just don’t see a end of this virus in site but hopefully I’m wrong.


Like with cultivars of berries/fruits ect. bought through licensed distributors, the original source providing the clones/graphs ect all have to be certified and tested for commercial sales. Companies like dark heart that only deal with TC plants are the only way to go in the future for commercial use. Hobby level sellers and growers will have to deal with this issue until the infected plants are weeded out of circulation.
Of course other problems like bugs and mildew at contaminated nurseries that are outsourced to harden off and distribute the in-vitro grown clones.


Haha! Nahhhh, I think I’m good…


Here’s LG3, the third Lemon G plant at 60 days. Trichs look ripe enough. She was so small and never grew up. Had to put risers under her and she still didn’t match up to the others. I’ll be lucky to get an oz off this wee one. Still found a few stray nanners down low on this one as well. So that’s at least 2/3 of these LG plants showed herm tendencies late in flower. Hoping the pollen didn’t seed everything else.

Funny, with the clones you’re almost guaranteed seedless harvests, but if you don’t quarantine them first then you can end up with a bad harvest due to any number of pests or illnesses brought into the garden. With seed plants you don’t have to worry much about introducing pests/bugs, but the stray pollen can from herm plants can be just as disastrous!

If any of these plants have that great Lemon G taste, then I might consider popping the remaining beans, but if so, I’ll likely clone them and trash the seed plant. Maybe less chance for herm then.


I hear that a lot but every plant that hermed from seed for me, hermed from clone too. Hell, I had one cultivar where the seed plant was 100% stable but dropping in the clone of it right afterwards and it hermed spectacularly. 3 times in a row every clone I took off the mom I made from the seed plant, hermed. These days if I see balls/nanners it goes in the compost. I don’t even bother trying to "see if the clone is more stable’. Always a waste of time in my experience :confused: