The Bank of Stank

Ah nice thanks!


thank you for the quickness lol was hoping he liked the fritter damn… haha i still wanna run it just to see for myself but a little bummed now lol


Thanks, @HolyAngel! Doubt I could have found them myself so quickly.

@204medismoke the Fritter is definitely worth trying! For me, it was way more fun to grow than it was to smoke. She throws down some serious weight and it looks and smells awesome. I just did not enjoy smoking it that much. But @Pawsfodocaws loves the smoke, so to each their own!

@ramblinrose Unfortunately I only got to grow the SR71 Purple Kush once before the russets got me. To date she has been of the best “purple” smokes I’ve had. Most others have been disappointing smoke (urkle, gdp, blah blah blah), but she actually seems like decent medicine and not just a color. Ironically, she never turned purple for me LOL. Almost everything that wants to does in my setup, so I don’t know. Definitely has the purple taste though. I bet if run longer like 11 weeks or more she would be devastating.


Awesome thanks for the info - bummer on the mites. Thinking of getting the pk clone… might be fun to Bx with my pack of purple k x sunshine daydream.


well that made me a little happier to read lol. ill get her in my stable one day its only been 2 years !


I enjoyed the fritter more then the Tropicana cookies. Just thought the trop was weak sauce.

I never had the afgooey but it sounds great. How is the buzz on it?


Yep, I agree with that sentiment.

This is my first time growing Afgooey so no experience with the buzz yet.


I like it a bunch. I’ll be smoking on it for months!


Another week long summer trip in the memory books. I love coming back to see the growth after a week away. The 4x4 is at 17 days and looks like stretch is done. The canopy is a bit uneven but good enough for me since I didn’t really try at all. Funny, the AK47 was pruned into a bush just like all the others but she still grew into a Christmas tree despite my efforts. Surprisingly beastly growth on that one. I’ll remember to keep her in the back next time.

   Gooey    --  Skunk Tangerine  --  Blueberry (Archive)
 Death Star -- GG4|Stardawg Guava -- White Rhino
Cherry AK-47 --   Tampa Crippy   --  Gushers|Mendo Breath 

The 3x3 is at 47 days and is getting floppy, especially those GSOG crosses. I didn’t do a net in here this time and I slightly regret it now, but I doubt it would have even helped much because these all stretched so much, I still need yoyos to keep them up. Buds are getting frosty, stinky, and bulking up nicely on everything now. The GSOGs that stretched too close to the light are now paying for their sins with some burnt leaves, but I’m gonna just lit it ride.

 Mango Mintality x GSOG #1           #2              #3
 Duct Tape x GSOG       #1           #2          Grape Pie
                    Tangie        Banana OG        Afgooey

The Grape Pie has the most attractive looking flowers in my eyes.

The Afgooey flower looks very similar to Gooey (though unrelated) but the smells are completely different.

The Banana OG is getting FAT on a very familiar OG structure. I’ve gotten rid of most of my OG cuts but we’ll see how she stacks up. I will say this OG mix at least has stems that seem to be supporting these dense golf balls.

Tangie looking and smelling great.

Duct Tape x GSOG #1-2

Mango Mintality x GSOG #1-3


Plants are looking great after a week away! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Grape Pie once she is all cured for you. She grows real easy, yields pretty well, and produces gorgeous buds. Flavor is a little soft, but I think the high is fairly potent and long lasting. It’s almost unfortunate she has the word pie in her seeing as she has no GSC lineage.

I am pleased with my recent harvest.




what an great update! plants looking super healthy !! great work! :slight_smile:


Man, you always have such well taken(or filtered, lol) photographs. I love it! :smiley:


Thanks for the flattery, gents. Just be warned, I’m INCREDIBLY susceptible to it.

The pics are just my Galaxy S21 in ‘Pro mode’ with brightness turned way down and color temp on auto. Pics come out bangin every time.


Note taken! :wink:

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How quickly things change! I was cleaning up some lowers in the 4x4 and found powdery mildew. It appears to be just the beginning of an infection. Only a couple lower leaves per plant were showing the white spots, but it was on maybe 5 of the 11 plants in there. Seeing as I was only 20 days into flower I decided trash the whole tent. I’m not messing around with trying to keep it at bay and possibly smoking mildew buds. Not worth the trouble and worry.

This all got my gears turning pretty good, though. Yes, I’ve been taking in lots of new clones from all around, but my quarantine is on point. Even more so since implementing HLVd SOPs. I haven’t had PM since May 2021, my first bout of it. It was wiped out then. As far as I can tell, the veg/mom tent is completely clear, so it could not have come from there. The 3x3 at 50 days is completely clear, much to my relief and confusion as it’s right next to the 4x4 and shares the same lung space. And the quarantine tent is not even in use right now.

So it seems the infection started in the 4x4 and was not brought over from a tent earlier in the chain. Now I will say that there is a very obvious reason that could have started it, but I didn’t think it was possible. I have an outdoor veggie garden on the other side of my basement wall were all my tents are located. In the garden are a few squash plants that are completely covered in PM. And I walk through them, getting PM all over me, to get to the tomatoes on the other side of the squash. I’m not at all careful about cleaning myself when going from outside to then checking on my tents. Stupid? Yes. I’ll have to change that moving forward. I don’t do any IPM in my tents, I just treat issues if/when they arise. I’m surprised I have not brought in more crap from the outside garden this way.

I had been under the impression that PM was plant specific and I couldn’t get my cannabis infected with PM from squash, but if at all possible, then that’s definitely how it got in there. If not possible, then I’ve got some serious head scratching to do. What are your thoughts on this @JoeCrowe?

Anywho, onward through the fog! I’ve got a 3x3 that’s bursting with beautiful buds and everything else in veg has been sterilized with wettable sulfur out of precaution, and will get another dose in 2 weeks.

Here’s the new state of the 4x4. I’m reeling in my plant counts to keep things more manageable for the foreseeable future.

Mendo Breath   ---   Deathstar
   Lemon G     ---   White Rhino
     AK47      ---   Stardawg Guava

And the veg/mom tent. All covered in a delicious sulfur crust that I’ve truly come to appreciate.


Those plants you mentioned couldn’t infest cannabis. The one on cannabis is VERY host specific!


Aw, dude, that fucking blows. I think you made the correct decision re trashing everything, though. No need to battle that shit for weeks and months.

I’ve always wondered how you keep shit in check with the amount of plants you grow in the 3x3. I flowered three plants in mine once and had a really, really hard time keeping humidity levels in check. It’s annoying, actually haha, just because my 5x5 is always too dry, but my 3x3 is always too humid.

Not that that’s the reason you got PM, I realize that. I’m just saying… haha. Anyway, yeah, that sucks. I wonder if what you were growing had anything to do with it, like those clones are just susceptible to PM or something…


Gotta be because those clones weren’t bred with pest/disease resistance in mind, right?


I’ve never seen a plant resist the infestation. I would go so far as to say “mildew resistant” isn’t real.