The Bank of Stank

Oh, yeah? Okay. That’s interesting… haha. Good to know. I take your word over anybody else’s when it comes to shit like that, so… Yeah, good to know.




In the greenhouse, it can take a little longer for some of the plants to get infested due to the distance from the origin of the outbreak. 50 different plants, including distant relatives all get the mildew. If I had a dollar for every person who tossed out their entire grow when the mildew took over, I’d be rich, right? Not one single report EVER of someone saying oh but plant so and so didn’t get it so I just kept growing that plant mildew-free while I tossed all the others.


I’ve rubbed so many other mildews on cannabis. It fails every time! I’ve tried:
pumpkin, peas, comfry, aster, plantain, clover, calla lilly, dahlia.
If I find another colony I can try, but it appears to function based on RNA signal like any other fungus. AKA the plants have to be related somehow.
If you are interested in a mildew deep dive I have a really nice article


50 different cannabis plants? Or 50 different “plant” plants?

And yes, I also read this:


I will say that one of my Pura Vida f2’s that I grew last round got PM on the lower-quarter or so of her. At least, it looked like PM to me. She was really, really bushy, I probably should’ve defoliated. And I did once I saw it; everything was fine afterwards, no other plants had whatever it was that I was looking at haha.

I could’ve just “misdiagnosed” it, maybe it was just residue from the water that I was sloppily splashing on the leaves every time I, uh, watered, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t.


Thanks for the response. This is what I keep telling myself. I don’t want to get hung up about the veggie garden being the vector. It doesn’t make much sense really. If I go rolling around in my PM squash patch and then go into my grow rooms, it’s going everywhere at that point, both flower tents and the veg tent. I can not rationalize why it would be starting in just the 4x4 and not be present anywhere else.

After looking at my notes I think I see the issue. A recent clone came in that got a “fast track” quarantine of only 2 weeks instead of the standard 4+ weeks. I got excited and wanted to run it ASAP, so it went right from quarantine to the 4x4 flower tent. But it never got sprayed with sulfur during quarantine because the guy I got it from said he uses oil-based IPM, and I didn’t want to burn it. I trusted all was well and of course I was proven wrong. I won’t even mention who it came from because that is solely on the recipient to accept all risks of taking in clones. I get more in that are dirty than are clean.

So much for that statement.

Thanks, but it’s really not a thang. Just some wasted electricity, mainly. I’ve got bud for ages. I didn’t even flinch when ripping them suckers out of their pots. Still got backups of all the genetics. I know the pain of thinking you can keep a grow going with an active infestation. It’s never worth it. Just glad I caught it early

My humidity is never in check, except maybe the dry winter months. I don’t do any dehumidification, just good extraction and a fan on the canopy. This last harvest both tents were around 65% the entire time in flower. The crowded, dark, stagnant understory is a perfect breeding ground for nasties, but since the nasties are not present, the plants are fine. I don’t do IPM. I’m surprised I don’t get bud rot and stuff like. Hardly ever seen that.

Interestingly enough, the first plant to show the infestation was Gooey, my oldest cut. I’m sure it did not start from her, but she had it the worst. She’s like a canary in the coal mine. The other strains to show it were Cherry AK47, White Rhino, Tampa Crippy, and Deathstar. Nothing else had any signs of infestation, but we know how that goes. Perhaps these older cuts simply have less genetic resistance?

But I’m feeling good now. Everything is sterilized and I’m ready to rock in a few weeks!


I see you have this strain. I’ve been looking around and wanting to get it. Just don’t want to fork out a bunch of money. Would you be up for trading for some of my genetics?


Damn that Grape Pie looks fucking killer too man! Good work!


shitty deal on the PM that shit is annoying as fuck. dealt with it all last winter and spring. i know you got some of the best cultivars on here and will be back in the saddle in no time. you going to be re running same strains or popping some new beans?

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Looking good as always. Can’t wait to see these ladies in there flower dresses.

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Hell yes! I never really fell out of the saddle, so far as I can tell. Just a slight set back. I’m running all these new cuts to try and figure out what to keep. In fact I was looking at those six plants I have going now and thought, nah, still room for a few more. Right back to 9 again lol. Added Lemon Tree, Red Pop, and Gushers.


Whats the lineage/story on redpop? Never heard of her.


lets go! red pop has some crazy terps and gushers always sounds good! where did u get the red pop clone from ?


It’s some new hype from Exotic Genetics. Suppose to smell like straight strawberry candy, and good for making hash. My buddy said it’s worth running once.


I predict it and the gushers won’t be any better than the rainbow belts were.


the guy im doing this test run for has red pop clones for sale i think 90 usd and deals for more i have the list on discord

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terp wise it will prob be better. but no idea about the high.


Got it from a friend who had the Lemon G, and he got the Red Pop S1 from ZP HomeGrows.


haha thats the guy im talking about lol. sweet


Only one way to know for sure! They’re not really related so I’m sure it will be different.