The Bank of Stank

Well Greasy grew her real nice and he said she’s light on flavor too. I’m keeping her around until I can sample the smoke, and she’ll only have this one grow to decide if she stays in the stable or not. I was sniffing her up good last night and I’m getting some wine smells in there too. Makes sense with GDP in the lineage.

Hell yeah, blast from the past. I love how quick she finishes, and makes great weight too! I sometimes get that cat piss smell with things that have a lemon scent. Hopefully that fades for you haha. Such a great cut though, just a bit too racy a high for my liking.


Not a great pic, but a side bud I chopped about a week ago. About to get jarred.


I’m at 9 weeks and my chopping hand is getting itchy. Rip a bong, gloves on, see you all in Trim Heaven.

The Afgooey is certainly ripe by this point. What a treat to grow! She stacks surprisingly well and definitely needs support in the end. Absolutely covered in trichs, including fan leaves and stems. She was pretty well buried in the corner but didn’t seem to mind the shade at all, and made some dense juicy buds all the way down in spite of it. Getting more incense and floral now mixed in with the tropical fruit punch. I left a stem sticking out to show how covered they are.

I also took down Duct Tape x GSOG #1, the first of 5 testers from @SCJedi. Maybe could have gone another week but definitely good enough. All of these GSOG crosses are bulking up in a massive way in the home stretch, the 3 Mango Mintality crosses especially so. Just look how long this thing is. maybe 4 ft tall. Even trimming most of the lowers there was still some fluff before the big buds started in the upper canopy. And they are big, dense flower clusters. All the GSOG are looking to pull some decent weight, just spread out on a 3X stretch frame. And I thought the trunk shot was funny. It REALLY wanted to throw more roots down that stem.


the air roots are lovely! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Two more got knocked down today, Tangie and Mango Mintality x GSOG #1 at 65 days.

Tangie was flowered small and she stayed squat. Medium yields of greasy buds that stink to holy hell of orange. I noticed over the past week that the sweet orange smell started turning a little less vibrant. I wanted to chop so I didn’t lose those fresh terps!

The MMxGSOG1 stretched huge like all the other GSOG plants, then completely collapsed by the end of flower from the wet noodle stems with 2" long internodes. She could have gone longer but I wanted to clean up that mess of plant off the ground.

The rest will go to 70 and finally have some room to stretch in all that new empty space.

The remaining buds are getting really hard, as well am I.

Grape Pie

Banana OG

Duct Tape x GSOG #2

Mango Mintality x GSOG #2

Mango Mintality x GSOG #3


Lol why do you gotta throw the comedy gold in there. I was intently reading with urgency then did one of these.


Al the ladies are looking great though brudda. Its hard to imagine the grape pie kind of timid with as fierce as shes looking.


grape pie and mango mintality gsog #3 made me dribble a bead of pre cum. nice work


I’m at 23 days flowering in the 4x4, a few days longer than when I last chopped all the plants down from PM. It’s been maybe 6 weeks since I sprayed sulfur, and I only did one application as I was feeling downright confident about the whole thing. The PM is gone and the clone hunt continues.

Mendo Breath – Gushers – Deathstar
Lemon G – Lemon Tree – White Rhino
Cherry AK-47 – Red Pop – Stardawg Guava

The 3x3 is about to be flipped.

Tampa Crippy – MAC1 – GG4
Chem 91 – RS11 – Strawberry Gary
Skunk Tangerine – Gooey – Deadhead OG

And the clone tent just keeps on cycling like the tides.


Not that it means much of anything, but here’s the two frostiest specimens in the 4x4 right now. At this early stage they are catching my eye.

Lemon Tree. Absolutely reeks of lemons on every part of the plant. Overwhelming lemon. It’s kind of putting the Lemon G to shame in terms of frost and stank, but there’s a long ways to go yet till I’m smoking any.

Gushers (Gelato 41 x TK). Nothing particularly standout about the smell or anything, just frosty as a mug.


Lol that gushers is gonna look like a sugar cube!!! Smell is not over powering but it has a sweet smell to it. You will see once you break the nug.


hows the bank whats the stank!


Curious to see what you think of the rs11. I grew it out and she was picture perfect but a bit of a trop cherry (weak sauce).

The Gary Patton which I guess is rs11 related I found a little stronger. Idk see what you think.


Mornin’ @schmarmpit, Curious how the Lemon G is doing? Is this the first time you’ve ran LG? The reason I ask is the Lemon Wookie v2 was very foxtaily and noticed others had similar structures on their plants. Any experiences or thoughts?


YO YO YO!!! The Bank of Stank is doing just fine. In general, my plants in the 4x4 were run a bit too early, didn’t give the roots enough time to fill the pots. And my latest soil mix didn’t sit long enough. So there’s some deficiencies here and there but otherwise it’s all good. The real world however is giving me good run right now, but it’s all gravy baby! Trying to juggle 30 cultivars is getting to be a headache. I need to smoke these shits so I can finally say “meh” and toss it.

Well now I’m excited! Hahahha. I’m just a week into flower on the RS11.

Afternoon, @CrunchBerries! Lemon G is doing just fine. It’s fun to compare to the Lemon Tree (which I’ve head rumored could actually be a Lemon G S1). They are both equally loud but the Lemon G is noticeably less frosty. I’ve smoked Lemon G a ton and the flowers were always pretty fluffy and foxtailed. These look to be pretty standard for around 35-ish days. We’ll see if she foxtails towards the end or not. But both the Lemon G and Lemon Tree just stink to holy hell of lemons. Hard to say which is stronger.

Here’s the Lemon Tree for comparison:

I’m really excited about this Deathstar cut, which is growing VERY much like the legit cut I ran many years ago. Already stinks too, me likey!

This Red Pop cut is just blowing my mind with candy strawberry terps like I’ve never before smelled. And she’s looking to finish fast as well. I drool just thinking about this one.

The White Rhino has a cool structure. The buds are greasy and smell strongly of anise, just like Durban, Super Lemon Haze, and so many others I’ve run now.

And the Cherry AK-47 is the weakest looking of the bunch so far but she does very much stink of sweet fruity cherry already.


Heard tons of good about the red pop line seen some crazy stunning plants from that line way curious on how she will smoke for you!


ya zepilot says the red pop is prob the terpiest strain he had and thats his cut i believe so it should be dank. but i wanna see how u like the high. everything looking amazing and that death star structure <3 curious to see how the white rhino does also


Man, that Deathstar is throwing tons of trifoliates, huh? It kinda looks like it’s growing nothing BUT trifoliates. That’s interesting.

Plants look good haha.


Loving that Death Star! That’s a gem of a cultivar for sure and a heavy hitter! Awesome Does it have HUGE fans?


Deathstar is one of my all time favorites. Stanky as hell and potent to boot. Plus it’s an heirloom to my local town in Ohio. If there’s any clones I actually keep around after the dust settles, Deathstar for sure will be one of them.

Yeah it’s kind of like the TK, where it throws lots of 3 blades, especially when it’s young or roots are cramped. It typically grows out of it when vegged longer. I think mine is showing lots of 3’s just because I didn’t veg too long.

Yeah man, beastly fans on her.

Yes it’s a cut he hunted through an S1 pack. Honestly the smell alone will keep her around for at least another round. It’s that good. I might not even care if I get high if the taste is anything like the smell lol!


Just got a death bubba cut and OMG the fans are bigger than most full grown plants at 6” tall no joke! It’s nuts! That’s awesome it’s rooted in your home town. It’s one you don’t see or hear of often a true gem! Nice