The Bank of Stank

It’s really interesting to hear the perspective that the clone grown plants aren’t doing it for you guys quality wise. I’ve only been running cuts for a year or so now, but I’m having a different perspective. I’m finding my overall quality of smoke has significantly gone up, and that I’m thankful I haven’t gone crazy on seed purchases, as I really don’t see myself going back to seeds. Maybe it has to do with my limited space to grow, as I can’t grow as many plants. Kinda funny we can all have such different perspectives with the same hobby.


Oh man, I remember having that many different cuts :sweat_smile:. Now on I’m trying to focus and push through for some bulk of my favorites instead of constant variety. I’ve yet to bloom out more than two clones of a particular cut at a time, and some jars empty out too quick 🥲, while the tent is full of other new plants.

ETA: to add to the addiction, you have to try Bubba Kush!


One of the things (for me) is what schmarm said, about how everybody’s growing the same clones. That doesn’t sound interesting to me at all, to be growing the same shit everybody else is. It’s kind of why I even stayed away from growing OG hybrids for a while (although I’ve since loosened up my stance on that haha). I always figured,”Why should I waste my time growing something that’s readily available at literally every corner dispensary?”

I get that, but I don’t think schmarm is worrying about that, seeing as how he’s sitting on 30 moms right now haha.

I’ve said it before, but I just like popping seeds and seeing what happens. That’s the fun for me. Growing clones, having a relatively good idea of what’s gonna happen, all that stuff just seems totally boring. I like it when I get some weird outlier plant that gets all huge or some plant that does something that I didn’t expect it to do at all. That’s fun! Haha.


What’s holding you back? I’ve got all 30 crammed into a 2-level 3x2ft tent. Keep them bonsai small, reclone often.

That’s a major part of it. I suppose I’m spoiled because of the great bean genetics I’ve been able to run, but yeah no one cut has impressed me that much I want to hold it forever. I will be keeping Death Star and Lemon G for the sake of keeping local heirlooms alive.

Yeahhhhhhh. I swear I’ll do it!! I just remind myself that I have much more invested in the seeds than the clones.

Ohhh sheesh getting into some therapy type stuff here. You may be on to something but mostly just life demanding more attention.

You must be joking. You mean the same Bubba I sent you two years ago or some other “pre-90” Bubba cut I don’t care to know about?

The clone scene is rife with this. It’s hard to break away from selling the same cuts every other dude is. Dozens of people all slinging lots of the same stuff. It’s all kind of funny.

But I will say I have gained tons of knowledge on a lot of classic strains that are the backbones of most modern day stuff.

I also have very limited grow space. That’s no excuse, @Greasy! I’m sure you could find a way to manage another baker’s dozen or so.


This has got to be the best argument I’ve heard for running clone only a at least once: to get a good baseline understanding and a reference for these strains that built the gene pools we have now and be able to work forward from there


Oh! I honestly don’t remember who sent it to me originally, my bad lol. I just remember it was the Matt Berge cut. Of all the cuts I had and lost, it was the one plant I wanted back most. Now I have an actual Mendo breath (f1) too, I feel like I can start pumping out some buds I know I like to smoke instead of a a salad bar of “let’s try this”.

Yes, looking back through messages, you were the one that originally sent me that cut :sweat_smile:. Well thanks again for that. I recently got it back and going to put 3 clones in to bloom once they grow out a bit.


I believe you! Haha. I was just fucking with you, really. I’ve been saying I’m gonna do this thing or that thing for years, like taking cuts of my seed runs (I’ve been saying I’m gonna do that for at least the last five years) and I never do it, so… I get it haha.

I kind of understand that; I guess they have to provide what the people want. What I don’t understand is WHY does everybody want the same thing? Especially when I feel like it’s been fairly well established that a lot of those clones that’re going around really aren’t that amazing.

It’s a mystery… haha.

I was gonna say the same thing, but only if the clones being grown actually ARE the sorta “building blocks” of the newer stuff. If it’s something like the Bubba being discussed here or, uh… I dunno haha, some other sort of kinda legendary clone, sure, that makes sense.

But if it’s just some Apple Fritter Oreoz Whatever bullshit that nobody’s even gonna remember in three years, why bother?


They don’t, the market creates the illusion of choice. If a cut gets popular, others add it to make more money, if enough people add it, it becomes a hype strain, people then see it as a must have and buy more of it, perpetuating the cycle. There are so many things out there that people actually want, but they are literally trained to think they/we want what’s available.
It’s not about what people want, it’s about creating a sense of emotional “need” through marketing.


Yea that’s a good point. I’d say maybe some of those hype cuts like that might be more of a Hail Mary play, like, “I’ll try it just the once to see what’s up, and if I’m pleasantly surprised then maybe I’ll keep it around” like the building block cuts are to build your table of reference, the wicked hype-ey strains are more to see if the people around you know what the fuck they’re talking about :joy::joy: the old “am I crazy? Or is it everyone else?” Test


How does that happen?

And how does that happen?

And what about that? How do they become trained?

Those are all rhetorical questions, btw. I know the answers.

Mhm. That’s like an everyday thing.


Day 53 flower shots. Just decorating some, carry on with the convo.

Red Pop S1 (ZP’s cut)

Stardawg Guava

Mendo Breath



White Rhino

Lemon Tree

Lemon G

Cherry AK47


Gorgeous plants @schmarmpit that deathstar and mendo have got my eye for sure!


Those are looking killer man! I’m excited to hear your reviews. :wink:


I live in a prohibition state with kids in an apartment with only one grow area. Can’t use tents and have to shut down for inspection season as the wife is paranoid they won’t renew our lease every year even without that going on. I’m thinking about scrapping the current cabinet and getting something a little better suited to having cuts going if only to keep a mother or 2 of something I like. A lot of the stuff I have I don’t pop simply because I’d want to keep cuts and don’t have a space to right now.

Really want to move out of Florida. We’re even on the verge of getting recreational, but it’s some bullshit without homegrown and run by the current medical dispos which are trash.

The plants look fantastic! The Deathstar caught my eye.


From the opposite point of view what do I care if someone is growing all the same plants as me? I grow weed because I don’t trust the inputs anonymous growers use that supply dispensaries, and I don’t like dry ass weed. If I could buy high quality weed for cheap, I would immediately stop growing and spend my time on other hobbies. I’m in it to save a few bucks and control what I’m putting in my body. I really do enjoy hearing other reasons people grow. Only reason I started growing was cause the medical scene in California went to shit.

I could definitely hold more clones, but it would take years to flower them all out only being able to flower 8 at a time. It’s really cool to see how you can really push the limit on what a small set up home grower can accomplish. Definitely set me on this clone journey watching you!


I know you do brother.


i was caught by those two also. might need to make some deathbreath lol


The people of Ohio have declared cannabis legal! I can finally try pot for the first time! This shit state has finally done something, along with Issue 1. I’m already planning my first outdoor for 2024. 6 plants per house member, max 12 plants per house. Otherwise, not much else gonna change.

I’ve been smoking on the last harvest for quite a while now and need to get these smoke reports in so I can start deciding what to get rid of. Here’s the only clones I harvested recently. All the rest were Grape Stomper OG seed tester crosses that all turned out to be great smoke. 5 of those plants and all of them were worthy bud.

This is just my kind of bud. The flowers reek of tangerine candy, and finally, the taste is equally as good. Whereas the Skunk Tangerine has more funk and maybe floral to it, Tangie is just straight sweet orange. The high is functional and uplifting. I can smoke any time of day or night and it just puts me in a feel-good kind of mood. Lasts maybe an hour with a soft come-down. Not terribly strong, but the smell/taste is well worth it. I’m keeping her around a bit longer. Got to compare head-to-head with Skunk Tangerine and pick one. I think Tangie will win though for shorter flowering time and better taste/smell.

Grape Pie
This flower has very muted smell and taste. The smell is something mildly sweet. I can almost get a glimpse of winey-grape terps on the smoke, but it’s hard to pick out. The smoke is expansive and thick. The high is stoney and heavy. She’s a decent plant but the lack of smell/taste means she’s getting the boot. I’ve got plenty of heavy stones with better terps.

Banana OG
This strain does almost nothing for me. It’s such a surprise because it looks so dank. Very much a classic OG looking bud so I figured there’d be some potency to it but it’s like I didn’t even smoke. Crazy. The smell is kind of like a green banana, mild sweetness with some earthy OG at the bottom, but all fairly mild and none of it really comes through in the smoke. And then I wait and wait. Still waiting to get high from Banana OG. I’d normally run it again to make sure I didn’t do something wrong but she grew like a champ. She’s getting the boot.

This flower is an absolute treat. Afghani and Maui Haze. Great grower, quick flower time, nice yields of big fluffy spears. Stinks of sweet tropical fruits with hash undertones. Greasy, loud, fruit punch terps. Smoke is smooth as hell and the high is comfy, uplifting and relaxing at the same time. Even though she’s unrelated, she very much reminds me of Gooey. Very similar structures, flower, and highs, but the Afgooey has the better smell/taste. Gooey is more hashy/spice/incense. Might keep Afgooey around for another grow.


Congrats on the ability to legally do outdoor! The Tangie sounds delicious. Wouldn’t mind trying that Afgooey either!


Be careful! I’ve read that some of these new “designer strains” are much more potent than the stuff from back in the day. It’s why children smoking weed for the first time get so high now; that NEVER happened back when we were kids haha…

Anyway, nice writeups. The Tangie sounds about right, just judging from the few batches of it that I bought back in my dispensary days. Kind of surprising about the Banana OG, although I’ve never tried that one so I have no frame of reference. Afgooey sounds like the winner to me haha.