The Bank of Stank


That’s awesome Tangie is nice! Good to know on the flavor and whatnot. I wasn’t sure potency was gonna be there or not… Sounds like I should’ve got it instead of the ST lol

The Afgooey sounds dank af and right up my alley! Let me know before you get rid of her for good :wink:

Sucks on the Grape Pie not bringing the flavor! Figured that one might’ve had something going for it but also can’t say I’m too surprised :confused:

Speaking on not surprised, thanks for the confirmation on the Banana OG being garbage :sweat: sucks to put in all that time to get a beautiful plant that does ~nothing :sob: but that’s definitely what I remembered hearing about it. That the only thing going for it was the slightly banana-ish smell… Hopefully @JAWS is aware or has a better cut of it or beans or something in case that would mean it no longer meets the criteria :thinking:


I love Tangie too:)

The Trop Cherry that you sent me smells exactly and tastes a lot like my Tangie that I held for a few years. Mine was from Crockets Farm seed.


Congrats Schmarm! Was happy to hear that Ohio passed rec today, now you get to join the circus of legal dispensary nonsense! Haha, but fuck all that, all about the homegrow :heart::v:t2:


Congrats my friend! LEGAL! Always love your reports/write ups, had banana OG on my list, guess she’s getting bumped…… hopefully banana Kush will do it for the banana terps I’m seeking but with a buzz, definitely not down spending three months on some mids.


Seems like we had similar thoughts there. I do like the effects, just didn’t have the flavor. Too bad, it’s an easy grower, nice yielder, and sure is pretty! What of your other strains have the same heavy stone with added terps? Inquiring minds you know?

Man, that’s a bummer to hear! Is she so unimpressive you would recommend others holding don’t waste their time. I’ve got one that I’ve been vegging since you sent her!\

Great news on the legalization. Now you can stink up your neighborhood with that outdoor!


Mendo Breath, Deathstar, Crippy for sure. GG4 makes me feel pretty knocked out and has great taste.

Shoot. I just might say that, yes. I don’t know. Trichs looked ripe, I think I did her justice. She’s certainly fun to grow so there’s that. But I just can’t say much good about the smoke in mine.


I think you’re going to like that white rhino too, I’ve been puffing on that and GMO for a bit. I gotta save the little bit of Mendo bud I have left since I’m only just this week going to put two more clones of her in. Though I’m pretty sure I have the f1 Mendo cut, you feeling confident you got the f3 back this time?


Good to hear on the White Rhino smoke. She’s definitely got that old school vibe to her.

I’m not confident at all in what cut this Mendo Breath I have now is. But I do know that it grows almost identical to that F1 cut but is finishing like 2 weeks faster. Has all the right smells, and the looks. We’ll see what the smoke is like.


Very cool.

I remember White Rhino being my introduction to high quality cannabis in the late 90s in NE Ohio. Have you grown / smoked this one before?


This was my first “quality” buds too! I am the buddy of rhinos because of it.(how I chose my username long ago). Around 95-96 in Lawrence, Kansas. I remember there being some sexy hippy chicks hanging around. Lol


No this is my first grow of her. Glad to hear she was memorable.


I’m at 9 weeks now and starting to cut down some little bushes! This has been one of the terpiest harvests in a while.

This Red Pop was actually done just a bit past 8 weeks. I like them quick’uns!. The strawberry candy smell is still a knockout, and I love the look of the hard bulbous nodule flowers. She’ll yield really well once I veg her big enough. Mouthwatering smells here.

The Mendo Breath made some chonkin flowers that stink of that gassy, creamy, delicious Mendo-ness. Took her today right at 9 weeks. I’ve sampled her flowers at many different stages by now, different cuts, and the high is always heavy and sedative, so not much point it letting her get too ripe. Thanks @DGCloud for the hookup on this cut.

And last for today, my holy grail, Deathstar. This cut from GMO House of Clones is the best representation of what I remember growing back in the day. Of course I was running HPS and bottle nutes back then and never got this kind of color, but the stink is there, the structure is there, the timing is what I remember. I’m beyond stoked. No larf on her, solid nugs the whole way down.

When I first ran her in 2009, I was practicing cloning for the first time and ended up with like 6 rooted cuts. I flowered them all pretty small. They stretched big and threw down these golfball buds out of nowhere. I ended up with 3oz of primo from relatively nothing. Feel’s stupid I never kept a mom going back then, but I’m feeling reunited at last. The Gene Trader’s cut I had before this was also good, equally stinky and good high, but took like 12 weeks and structure was bushier and squat. Not sure what that was, maybe S1 or something.


So Gorgeous! Very very nice :raised_hands:t3:


Everything looks killer that mendo breath is :heart_eyes: only have had it a few times but always impressed me killing it as usual @schmarmpit


Killin it @schmarmpit ! I wonder what you’d get if you put a like-wise structured A New Hope male onto that Deathstar cut? I think it would be awesome! :grin:


Anytime @schmarmpit you’re always welcome to some cuts from me. Also glad I get to have another opinion on it as I liked it but wanted others to try it as well. Thank for the report and I can’t want to do my next test run soon.


Ha! I like the way your budder churns! I’m seriously considering it. In fact, I will likely be crossing every male I ever come across to the Deathstar clone. I’ve run many crosses of her to date and there wasn’t a bad plant out of the bunch. You might say I’m infatuated.

Another thing we liked was mixing Deathstar with Lemon G. Makes the smoke a little less heavy and adds that lemon taste to the sour funk. So I think I’ll try and reverse one on the other and get that in seed form too.


67 days I decided to chop down the White Russian and the Lemon Tree.

The Lemon Tree certainly stinks of lemons, but there’s also a funkiness to it I can’t quite pin down. I’d say the Lemon G still has the better scent while growing. But this plant has seemingly just stalled the past week or more, hasn’t really changed at all except ripening trichs. I feel like maybe I missed the window and harvested later than usual. She looked just as finished 10 days ago but the lemon smell was a bit brighter. If the smoke is any good I’ll give her another shot and stagger the harvest. Nice compact structure of medium sized, dense, crystally buds.

Here’s a branch off the White Rhino that’s been trimmed up well enough to see the bud structure. Reminds me of Blue Dream structure, kind of fluffy looking but can throw some weight too. There’s density to the fluff. Still reeks of sweet anise and some kind of fruit, very sweet smelling altogether.


I always enjoy reading your smoke reports, surprising about the banana OG but now I know.
That Deathstar looks killer, I can see why you are in love with it.
And congrats on your state making a sensible decision :muscle:


Thanks @buck90! I will say that the people of Ohio made the sensible decision. The people voted it in. The Ohio legislature has until December 7th to tweak the bill. Governor Dewine says he won’t mess with the major points of the bill, but who trusts anything a politician says? Hoping they won’t shit all over it. The majority of voters passed it, so not a great political move to go against our collective will. We shall see.