The Bank of Stank

Many thanks for sharing your grow
It is very inspiring
Your ladies Always still appear to be in perfect health


Thanks, @Ras-T, but I wouldn’t say thee plants are anywhere near perfect health. See Exhibit’s A-D. These poor plants are severely lacking in nutrition. These are all at 10 weeks now. Some need another week but just won’t have enough gas to make it, at least without eating all the leaves and making it a total chore to clean up.

Stardawg Guava smells insanely good and has made some grenade sized buds despite eating herself clean and being a fairly small plant. This plant will absolutely crush on yield. Loud stank of tennis balls (rubber?) and gas and sweet fruit, dare I even say guava, but mostly that new rubber gas. This is gonna be good!

Lemon G is getting foxtail-y and dense at the same time. The lemon pledge smell is just overpowering. Can’t wait to smoke this old gem. It’s been so many years!

Gushers looks like she’ll need another week. How long o you take her @DGCloud? Flowers look done but trichs are still clear/cloudy. Very much resembles TK structure. I went to lower the net and she just flopped all her branches. Flowers are tight and crystalline and surprisingly have a lot of the nuance of the TK smells, just kind of less loud overall. I’m also picking up on something oddly savory, like dog food lol.

Cherry AK47 is finally starting to bulk up. Definitely giving her another week. Smells are very sweet and hashy, I think I’ll even admit, a cherry scent. Looks like great smoke.


even with the deficiencies they are beautiful
i wish i could grow indoor like this one day
I love your style


The 3x3 is now at 41 days and smelling CRAZY good. Lots of heady stinkers in here like Crippy, Chem 91, GG4, and Deadhead OG. The cold night time temps and high light output (mostly for the added heat) are coloring up these plants real fast.

Here’s a few choice lookers. Tampa Crippy, MAC1, and GG4 in that order.


Always with the poster quality pics :star_struck:.



I think I just come here for the pics. :laughing:


Do you need a new neighbor over there? Would love to see all this in person! Always some damn fine pics in your thread.

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Foreals what kind of camera or phone are you using.

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DG, how long do you typically take Gushers?

My camera is just my Galaxy S21 phone. In pro mode you can adjust brightness and color temp for nicely accurate shots. The normal shooting mode is overly bright and too saturated for my taste.


You definitely found the true Death Star! I have had a few versions over the years, but nothing was like the cut we had my mentor brought back along with dumpster in the late 90’s ! Dank AF! and held in my top 10 still to this day…. I’m DEFINITELY working on securing that one. Always look forward to your reviews, pics and smoke reports! Think you may have me second guessing turning down guava too now :man_facepalming:t2:
Always ALWAYS Killin it :facepunch:t2:


Dude… dude… I’ve been searching for Dumpster for ages. Was actually decided on my next seed run doing Bodhi’s Dumpster x 88G13HP, looking for a dump leaner. Never grew that cut but smoked plenty of it.


I really don’t really count my days since I always do a bunch of different strains at once. But I do notice that the mendo breath and the gushers are usually the first to finish most of the time. If I had to do a guesstimate I would say around 8-9 weeks


That Garfunkel is good shit. I think the one I grew was a g13/hp leaner but it was very potent smoke. I grabbed a pack to go through but I don’t know enough about dumpster to know what to look for.

A few months ago someone let out dumpster for money and another guy made a bunch of noise on IG about the cut getting out, all pissed off because first dude wasn’t supposed to sell or share it. Promised free cuts but no idea if they actually went out or we’re legit.

Not sure what my point is except that it’d be cool to see you run her and document how she is. I’ll see if I can retrace my steps and see what happened there, maybe I can find you a lead on her.

Great thread by the way, really cool getting to see all the oldies but goodies grown and documented.

Edit: damn just got done talking with GMO House of Clones and I guess the guy offering her was a total crackpot and likely didn’t have the real cut. False alarm unfortunately…


Oh, wow, what a surprise: Somebody said something on IG and then got mad about something and some cut was released or not released and it was all bullshit anyway and nobody knows if it was the Real Cut or the fake cut and now everybody’s growing something and they don’t know what it is or maybe nobody ever got the cut at all.

That NEVER happens haha.

Lesson? Plant those Garfunkel seeds you have and don’t worry about what you’re “supposed” to look for haha… Also, fuck Instagram.

I know you were just responding to schmarm’s stated desire to find a legit Dumpster cut, I’m just sayin’… Definitely not fucking with you, though; I wouldn’t have “liked” your post if I was haha.


Totally understand man. I just remembered the recent drama around that cut and wondered if it was floating around again. Sounds like the only thing flying is monkeys flinging poo on IG which is nothing new or interesting.

It felt like a pointless story when I was originally typing honestly and here we are :joy:

Really I think the Garfunkel is a really worthy grow. Probably even better plants than dumpster to be found.

I have a similar clone affliction as schmarm. Even some of the same cuts from Joe. I’m planning one last hurrah over the coming year before I get back to growing from seed.


Nahhh, dude, no way! Not pointless at all. It was a good story haha. Nothin’ wrong with lookin’ out for a brother!

I was following a Garfunkel thread on a different site a while back, but it just fizzled out, which, bummer.


Hell yeah man you found the lemon g. How is she growing she seem healthy? That awesome man. I seen in your thread talking about doing a Garfunkel run I have a pack also and was thinking the same thing. May do it outside now we went recreational. Hope all has been good.


I’ll see what I can do …. Pretty sure I can help you out though , almost positive in fact . :wink:

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I’ve had that Garfunkel pack atop my list a few times already , definitely has to be some serious heat in there! You guys definitely have brought the fire out over the years! Dumpster, Death Star, I’ve never even tried lemon G solo but Death Star is in my top 10 and will probably always be tbch, everything I’ve smoked with dumpster or Death Star has been great too, just true powerhouses that seem to impart fire on everything they touch! Ohio definitely knows what’s up


Yeah, the stank from the real Deathstar is unmatched IMO. A small nug will fill the whole room with funky earth, gas, coffee, sour heaven. To most non-smokers it’s skunk. It is the quintessential Stank from this Bank. We all know someone from back when who’s been popped because they had Deathstar on them lol. Mendo Breath comes close, some Chem cuts get close, but Deathstar is in a league of it’s own.

That’s awesome! I’ve also got a new lead on the Dumpster cut and sounds like it’s legit, but I’ll take in any options that pass my way to make sure of it. I do want to grow the cut first, then pop my Garfunkle pack looking for a similar male to make a bunch of Dumpster BX seeds.

Yeah dude, she’s the most vigorous cut I’m holding honestly. Grows like a beast, clones fast and furious, loves my soil mix. I’m as happy as a clam to have her. I’m at like 10 days drying my first run of her and you better damn believe I’m taking early samples. The taste is undeniably her. Superior even to the Lemon Tree, which is also a very lemony cut. The high is nothing knockout (like Deathstar), but the perfect daytime herb to inspire creativity and action. I’ve seen test results showing higher than average levels of CBG and CBD, but who knows. I just love the flower. Another “Pride of Ohio” cut, for certain.

It’s been a lot of fun searching for these Ohio cuts. I’m also talking with Copa about getting some Meig’s Gold genetics into my hands. That’s another legendary strain to this area. I always thought it was just lore, but have since learned all about ‘Noodles’ and some of his popular strains from back then.

Once I shake off all these clones, the only one’s I plan to hold are these Ohio heirlooms simply to make sure they don’t get lost to time and have local copies of these awesome strains.