The Bank of Stank

3x3 is at 50 days now. Everyone survived a long Thanksgiving trip with family, and the plants did fine too. Opening this tent is becoming a bit of a sensory overload. All I can do is stare and smell.

Gooey is finishing fast and get some purple tinge I usually don’t see.

Chem 91 is finally starting to bulk up. Seems she might take a while. This thing grows way too similar to TK.

Hard to tell from the pic, but this Deadhead OG is getting fat buds all over. Like twice as much bud as Chem 91. Smells great too.

GG4 doing her thing. Gonna yield huge.

MAC1 doing her thing. Looks great but gotta wait!

Strawberry Gary. I don’t know about this one. Smallish buds, weird smell right now.

Skunk Tangerine, going to take forever.

RS-11 with a super gassy/sherbet nose right now. Smells delish!


No way my family cabin in meigs county. Chester to be exact. I was sorta the same way with meigs gold I’ve heard local talk about it but wasn’t sure if it was a strain or if everyone growing in meigs call it meigs gold.


I always run into these stripes. They always progress into some crazy discoloration and eventually the leaf has to get plucked and the plant develops rust spots and specs and discoloration blotches.
Im learning it is from me not feeding my plants until its too late.
Im using royal good kings mix and bio bizz nutes i dont believe there is any lime in the mix but i run into this same issue and it always progresses into bad shape plants


interveinal chlorosis is usually magnesium deficiency. need epsom salts.


How much epsom salt per gallon do you mix ?


usually a gram a gallon should do. i too run into this alot when im slow to up my feed at diff stages.


I’ve heard good things about the Strawberry Gary. The 91 I ran outside this summer was a total bust because she takes so long to start bud set by the time she was ready to bulk the weather was starting to turn. Should be cool to see how she does for you.


Since switching brands recently I’ve found this quite often, excellent advice as it will surely correct it


Welcome to my world! Due to space limitations, I am forced to veg all of my plants in 3" nursery pots. I use recycled soil with water only. After a month or so in these pots with nothing but water, they start to get deficient and display those symptoms you show. Eventually I must clone and restart the plant, or transplant into a larger pot with fresh soil.

Below are plants that have recently been transplanted from their 3" pots into their final 3 gal fabric pot. I will veg them here for another month, then flip to flower. The deficient plants get thrown into hot soil and all those deficiencies just burn right up. All new growth is lush and green. Over time I strip all the old stuff off. When they’re all nice and green again then it’s getting time to flip.

This process is likely a bit harsh on the plants, but it’s extremely easy on me so I continue this way. Like others have said, you may want to supplement or feed earlier. But mine don’t get anything but tap water so I have gotten use to the cycle.


The results you get with your recycled soil, water only mix still astounds me. I never got around to mixing it all and letting the soil cook. I also use smaller containers, so the water only rout prob won’t work anyway.
Here’s the tops of the fruit mix at 7wks, grown in 1.5 gal of promix and fed heavily. Thank you for sharing! I think you grew them better lol
Pink lemonade

Strawberry cough

Tropicana Cherry

Kinda got a bit overloaded in my 3x3 space :sweat_smile:, though for the first time, I have more than 2 going of the same cut :rofl:


Woah those look great dude! Excellent work. My plants never looked that good.

I’m excited for your eventual smoke reports. The Strawberry Cough and Pink Lemonade should be done soon. The Pink Lemonade was one of the more memorable smokes from that group.


And here’s the garden after 9 days of veg. Most of the deficient leaves have been yanked and the plants filled in. These are ready to flip but I’ll give them another week to really settle in. The Red Pop had it worse and is taking longer to recover. The Sour Diesel is throwing new leaves that look to be getting burned. That’s not too common for me. We’ll see if she can handle my style. I’ve also heard Diesel doesn’t do as well under LED.

 Blue Dream  --  Lemon G --  Stardawg Guava
 Red Pop  --  Super Lemon MAC  --  Juicee J
 Afgooey  --  Sour Diesel (Weasel)  --  Tampa Crippy

Have you tried the Tampa crispy yet?


Oh yes. Run her a bunch by now, well, whatever this cut is haha. But she stinks almost as good as Deathstar and has a great stone. One of the stinkers I like.


quite some nice mix you got in your tent! looking great!!!


How long you been taking the afgooey my friend? Got her in flower now i was thinking 9-10ish


Afgooey I took at 9 weeks last time. Had plenty of ambers and was primo smoke. Still might want to try 10 this time. Rarely can you go too long.


Did you end up tossing momma? Does the afgooey seem the better of the two?


I still have mom gooey. Hard to say which is better. I hope to determine that in the next couple months. Never had them for smoking at the same time to compare.


BTW @Heavenlygoo, check out mom at 9 weeks now. She’s never given me this show of color before. Must be I never grew her in the colder temps. Trichs show she’s ready any time now. I may go to 10 weeks.