The Bank of Stank

Very nice my friend. I may have sent you the wrong clone jking lol. But looking frosty as a mug though. How low are the temps getting for ya at night??


I have a buddy that grew up in Florida. He talks of crippy like it’s the holy grail. Your garden looking great by the way


If we have the same Tampa Crippy cut, I love its marshmallow gassiness :yum:


Time for another round of notes on how these buds smoke for me. They’ve been curing for maybe 2-4 weeks now. I’ve smoked em all and got a good enough idea of what’s up. 9 new strains to me, so I got to keep this machine moving forward!

Red Pop S1 (ZP’s cut)
I’m growing this again, flowering soon. It’s really fun to grow. She flowers fast and has the terpiest strawberry smells I’ve ever encountered on a plant, stacked on big chunky braided nugs that look a treat. The smoke is great!; decent potency, tasty, and smooth. The effects are heavier and can leave me feeling tired after a few bowls, but it is quality smoke.

Deathstar (GMO cut)
Everything about this Deathstar cut is way more OG than I recall. She stretched like 3X and was the biggest yield in the tent this round. Dense OG golfballs that do have the characteristic Deathstar smells of rubber, skunk, coffee, sour. The dried bud even retained those smells but like half of the stank intensity that I remember. This is like someone mixed Deathstar and Bubba. The high is decent but also nothing noteworthy. I’m holding onto it only so I can compare with another Deathstar cut cloning right now. I will find the original cut.

Mendo Breath (DGCloud cut)
This is a great Mendo cut, and I’ve run a few! The bud stinks to holy hell. People looking for skunk terps should try this out, she reeks. A definite staple at the Bank of Stank. I love the vanilla type scent the dried bud takes on after a while curing. Just the slightest touch of sweetness to all the stank and it’s a drool-worthy match made in heaven. Heavy yields, heavy stone, easy grower. She’ll hang around a while.

White Rhino
This one was the biggest surprise for me. I kind of expected White Rhino to be like other White strains I’ve grown; kind of earthy, spicey, pine, thick and chunky, dick in the dirt type stuff. You could tell me this cut is a tropical variety and I would totally believe it. It’s got that sweet anise, buzzy tropical fruits smell that I am all too familiar with from other sativa cuts (like Durban Poison, Super Lemon Haze, Strawberry Cough, etc). And just like those cuts, the onset of the high gives me a bit of a headrush that gets me feeling anxious. But then in mellows out much sooner than the others and transforms into a buzzy body sensation, eventually dropping off even lower to a heavier sensation. The most extreme “hybrid high” I’ve experienced. Because it drops me off slow, I can smoke it often and it doesn’t tweak me out. Smells of the dried bud is strong and closely resembles the growing flower. Taste is great and smoke is smooth. This one is certainly unique. I might hang on to it and think a bit.

Lemon G
Holy shit, it’s her! Reunited and it feels so good! Been searching long for this one. Crazy vigorous grower that makes big buds that just reek of candy lemon dankness. The flower is medium dense, kind of fluffy but not lol. The high is happy and fun, inspires creativity, but also mellow and not too zippy or anxious. Kind of light, can smoke it all day, and because of the taste, you likely will. This is possibly my favorite bud. This will be the last cut I ever let go of.

Lemon Tree
This was also a very lemony smelling plant. She stayed kind of squat and had dense but medium/small crystally buds. To me, this smoke is nothing special. Taste was OK, but the lemon doesn’t come through as much as Lemon G. High is just, whatever even though it looks 10X better than Lemon G. Nothing special. I’ve already got my lemon cut, so this one is gone.

Stardawg Guava
This is great smoke! The bud smells gassy, rubbery, a bit fruity. Stank to the max. Taste is chemmy, sour and delicious. The high is strong and makes me super focused on whatever I’m doing. Maybe not the best for social situations as I get a bit introspective on it. But she’s a beast of a grower and will yield like crazy. Excellent plant and flower, all around.

This cut grows very much like TK and yields maybe a it less. The smells are subtle and varied. It’s like how TK has all these different smells. The Gushers bud is like that but the volume is turned down to like 40% and the smells I’m picking up on are…interesting. Thinking mothballs, rubber, astringent, and a subtle sweetness like cookie dough mixed with playdough lol. The taste of the smoke is nothing too special really. I was expecting a cookie flavor blast but no. The high is decent. I tend to like the highs from TK crosses. It’s decently potent and lasts a while, but again, nothing in comparison to the TK itself. Likely dropping this one.

Cherry AK47
This bud smells so damn good, like legit cherry dank herb smell. It’s mouthwatering. The smoke is very enjoyable. More hashy tasting than anything, the smell doesn’t really come through as much. But the high is solid, a very nice hybrid stone. It’s just a good all-around smoke that you could puff on all day. Definitely not a knockout one-hit type deal like AK47 is known to have, and that’s fine with me. I’m definitely going to run this again!


like 60F at night.

Wow, that’s beautiful! But not AT ALL like the cut I’m holding. There’s not a hint of anything sweet like marshmallow in this cut and flowers looks nothing like it. There’s so much controversy around “Crippy” and what she really is. I wonder how many cuts out there claiming to be the Crip. Look at mine, couldn’t be more different lol


Definitely interesting! I got mine from PNW strainhunter and it looks more spiky like the Bubba or the pic on the seedfinder site.

Huh, most of the Crippy pics I am seeing in internet images look like spiky bubba type pheno’s :thinking:

Here are some outdoor shots of my girl:

It’s intriguing, to say the least.


Ha I got my cut from PNW Strainhunters as well! So it’s got to be the same cut. Crazy what different environments can do to a plant. Though I will say your outside pics look much closer to mine.


Excellent! Yes, I grow hydro. It’s pretty amazing how visually different our results are!


That’s what I like to hear! I’m going to have to try her soon! I let my white rhino go very ripe, had mostly a heavy indica type effect to me, if it was more sativa with any anxiety I prob wouldn’t have kept her.
I just chopped the pink lemonade last night at 8wks, kinda surprised me as I could smell was a garlicky onion type gas that got my eyes starting to water. Not as savory dank as the gmo but more gassy. I’m giving the trop cherry and strawberry cough another week maybe. This past round of cuts is part of the last bit of trying things and going for variety for a bit, half the tent is going to be filling with the Mendo cut I have and bubba kush to be following, pushing for some bulk of stuff I know I like. Unlike before, pushing for at least 2 going at once of GMO, Mendo breath, and bubba kush.


Oh for sure! My first indoor pic was only from day 42 after flip, it doesn’t fully purple up for me until ~week 9.


That or they’re mislabeled :face_with_monocle:

We should, as a site, figure out what causes the phenotype differences. Most of us are under virtually the same lights, and similar nutrients. Wonder if elevation has anything to do with it :thinking:

I’m growing around 500 feet above sea level.


Damn that looks nice we’ll done


I imagine a lot of it has to due with hydro vs soil and plant size. I flower my plants relatively small. The root mass compared to a hydro grown plant would be paltry in comparison. You also might not see certain leaf shapes until the plant reaches a certain size. I don’t know, just throwing some ideas around.

But smell wise I get mostly gas, pine, menthol? and general stank. Never detected a bit of sweetness.


Nice reports! I was waiting to see what you had to say about that White Rhino; that was the one I was most curious about, actually, but I didn’t wanna chime in with my own experiences (smoking, never grown it) until I read what you thought of it.


Well I’ll hope you chime in now. I’d love to know if anyone can confirm or deny any of that. It totally wasn’t what I was expecting at all.


I remember in the med program here in OH one of the bigger cultivators were (falsely) claiming they were running the Deathstar cut, which is absurd because they have to start everything they grow from seeds in the program. Didn’t see anyone really call them out on it so it makes me wonder how many people buying & selling clones would know “real” Deathstar when they see it. Hopefully the other one you have is it!

I’ve never tried it before but there was an incredible Sensi Star cutting in NE Ohio around 2002. Wish that was still around.


which cherry AK47 is that? where did you get it?
I have some from Motz - OleReynold…?


awesome reports really interested in that mendo breath i have like 3 beans i really need to pop some day. so red pop is as terpy as they say which is good to hear

the white rhino i remember from back in the day had that head rush high that smoothed into body and could be trippy for inexperienced smokers. i wanna say it smelled more skunky musk earth to me though. yours sounds delightful


This Cherry AK47 is a clone-only cut going around. I’ve got Motz’s Cherries too, which he found from serious seed stock. I ran some a while back but didn’t find any cherry in my small sampling. Even Simon at Serious Seeds said it never really existed and maybe was something unrelated. Just like everything in this world of clones, I’m not entirely sure lol.

This is great info thanks!


Was it Galenas? I remember they had a strain labeled as Deathstar and was extremely disappointed in it. Nothing at all like the true OG Deathstar. Im lucky enough to be holding the real cut and just chopped my first round with her on Sunday. I also gave some clones to a local that grew the Deathstar back in the day and he told me as soon as he seen the cuts and noticed the smell coming off of these tiny girls, he said its 100% the real deal. Im sure the Cloney Bologna cut is good, but defiantly not the real deal.