The Bank of Stank

I’ve worked with cultivators in my area and 0/4 of the facilities I’ve been inside and spoken to have been starting seeds. I know for a FACT that one, very large company illegally ships clones, collects cuts from workers basements, and sells their own product under the table. The lemon G and death star have all been boof so far… one dude brought deathstar to one group and it didn’t get tall enough to run was their reasoning…though I do know it was a fantastic cut, just didn’t stretch hard. Anyway.


Ya. A friend of mine tried it who has had real deathstar and assured me that it’s not it, or even any good. I was tempted to try it just to compare it to the SS cut but decided not to waste my money.

“Sensei Star”

Not my images

Oh, OK well I stand corrected on the seed starting thing then. Thanks for the insight.


No not trying to be aggressive whatsoever. Sorry if it came out that way. The law is worded that way but most of the cultivators just straight up ignore it. It gets me heated. I know a couple have started seeds but it’s a bit wild to see many ignoring that aspect.


ugh… :see_no_evil:


The anise thing sounds right, totally remember that, although I dunno about any tropical fruit-type smells/flavors. That doesn’t sound familiar to me, but maybe it was just because the anise was so strong. What’re the genetics again? It’s like an “Indian Sativa” and “Colombian” and something else, right? NL? Maybe that’s where the anise comes from, the NL.

The high sounds right on, though. I remember one time in particular smoking a joint with my then-girlfriend and walking to a bar a few blocks from our apartment. I felt great on the walk there, but by the time we sat down I was like,”No… No alcohol… Just an ice water, please,” and had to kind of “get centered” for a while before I could act like a normal person. It wasn’t necessarily an “anxious” feeling as much as it was a,”I do not want to ingest any more mind-altering substances, even if it’s just a shot and a beer, for a little bit until I get a hold of this high”-type of feeling.

I remember the nugs were also always suuuuuper-tight. Not necessarily “dense,” just very tight, but that could’ve had something to do with the way it was dried/cured, something that the grower was doing post-chop, I dunno.

I’d blaze it again, for sure. But I do remember multiple instances of me kinda being like,”Whoaaa…” whenever I’d smoke it. It was pretty powerful, for sure, kind of a “roller coaster” high.

Edit: never mind, I just looked up the genetics, says it’s South India, Brazil and “Afghan,” which probably means NL.


I worked at Verano for a few months they are a lower end grower out of Canton. I seen sooooo much moldy weed get passed through that place. We tossed away 100’s of lbs of plants. Plants literally oozing mold. Only a small percentage of plants get tested. The medical program in Ohio is the biggest crock of shit.


Been chopping stuff done every day or two. Coming up on 10 weeks. The only ones left in the 3x3 at this point are the Chem 91, Deadhead OG, and Skunk Tangerine.

The GG4 has no surprises here. Going to be a great yield. Super sticky buds.

The RS-11 is a gassy fruity stinker. She surprised me because she does not look done going by the hairs but the scope showed way more amber than when I usually cut. I’ve seen people say 8-9 weeks for this cut, but going near 10 weeks on this is still looks like it could use another. Will be a decent yield.

The Strawberry Gary doesn’t have much in terms of smells. Dry trichs you got to really rub to get anything. Smallish nugs, she won’t yield that great this round. This was the only clone that didn’t make it from my harsh 1-snip only cloning rule. I’ve got a little bit of the plant saved for reveg just in case it’s bomb, but I expect to let it go.


Beautiful looking buds great job


Those do look great :seedling::purple_heart: well done!


I love the name @DirtySlowToes haha. I’ve got the armpit covered, you got the toes. Maybe we got enough usernames in here to build a half decent person. We also got @LegsMahoney @lefthandseeds. I’m sure there’s got to be more!


Every time you post, I feel like you mention something that I don’t remember that you were even growing. Strawberry Gary? What is that?


They have that clone up at Archive sometimes… Gary Payton x Red Pop… haha… whatever Gary Payton is besides a ball player… Red Pop, I have no idea… I can’t keep up with the ‘flavor of the week’ stuff anymore.


Yeah honestly I’m running through so many cuts I don’t even look into too much anymore lol, unless it’s something that’s been around a while. But people send me all these cuts to try and I have a hard time saying no. Got to try it at least once. You never know, right? Could be the best smoke you’ve ever had. Everyone’s taking about Gary! Haven’t you heard? I don’t know. I’m coming to the end of the road, boys! I’m almost through this little clone game.


Ah, okay. I’ve actually heard of that Gary Payton strain (and of course I remember the actual person, he was one of my favs back in the day), but I don’t remember the genetics.

For sure! I’m not criticizing. I really do feel like you’re constantly bringing up new things that I never saw you mention before, though haha…


Have you tried any GMO/chem cookie yet, she only takes 10-13wks and stretches about 3x original height :joy:


Yep, I got GMO coming up next round with a few other newbies, after which I’ll have tried every clone I had ever taken in. Then, I’m popping some seeds and hunting for my own cuts!

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of my favorite cuts have double serrations on the blades. I’ll look for that marker moving forward. Lemon G, Tangie, Afgooey, Blue Dream, Gooey, and several others I’m likely forgetting, all have that trait.


Heh, outside of the TK that double serrations is also a trait my keepers share :wink:
The C5SensiStar F3 #5
And the sunshine daydream f2 #1 both have it.


Double serrations are a trait I’ve sought for 10-12 years now and Is a marker I always look for as well, I noticed when running BIG numbers it was always the double serrations I loved and 9/10 times when we hunted keepers the double serrations shined over the rest. Been trying to figure out the correlation since.


We’re well on our way to the 6 million dollar man. Also, just bought some GMO rosin the other day and can confirm that that shit is delicious!


Been busy during Xmas break, kids at home all day, not as easy to sneak away and work with the plants. Managed to harvest the remaining Chem 91, Skunk Tangerine, and Deadhead OG all around 11 weeks.

Here’s some of the oldest pics of them I could find before the chop.

Deadhead OG

Skunk Tangerine

Chem 91
I might just trash the Chem 91 because she threw nanners. The smoke is going to have to really impress. I might run her once more just to give it a better try. I hope I can do better than this.