The best bullet-proof outdoor cannabis strains....freezeland, williams wonder, R2


Williams wonder


Original northern lights #2 aka R2 aka oasis aka purple northern lights


Those are supposed to be good strains for us in Canada, or so I’ve read. Where do you recommend getting your strains from? I liked Texada Timewarp outdoors a few years back and I got more seeds due to its hardiness and bug proof almost.


AK BEAN BRAINS is probably the most reliable source.


Thanks JustANobody, I appreciate it.

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You’re welcome, just email and ask Dave for the list. He’s a solid dude.

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You can just dm me whenever you are ready

These are limited releases not listed on my website

That original cutting is still alive and well in my area

Mazar thai I beleive. Def not my fave smoke but def could for the canadian climate :grinning:

Best part about proven outdoor strains…is proving they do well outdoors!
I have been working my own outdoor crosses and giving them to locals here in MA for that specific reason.
Hope yours are performing as you planned!

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If I’m not mistaken williams wonder and the original #2 have been around since the 70s. Freezland the 80s.

Sometimes it’s easier to go old faithful vs re inventing the wheel in the canadian tundra lol

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Carty & Draigs " Black Ogerstone "

(Ghost Cut Oger x Vietnamese Black F3) Momma x Celtic Stone dd pheno Dad.

Seeds were harvested end of last season, old soil was dumped out behind Draigs shed and forgotten about. few weeks ago his daughter was out there and asked Draig if he was growing outside this year… Nope… you are now.

These plants have not been watered, fought their way past big weeds to get sunlight, no foods, no pest control… and now another 2ft taller then these photos… of Draig between 2 ladies and we hope a male off to the left rear…


Nice to see @Draig is up and at em… and there’s anything with celtic stone in the works

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Damn. That’s quite the cross x grow.

Plants are like bones or muscles treat em rough and leave em be :grinning: if they need help give it

Glad to see some Williams wonder still around. :metal:

From my understanding, Freezeland and Friesland are two different lines.

Friesland Indica/M33 being straight from the old Super Sativa Seed Club.

While Freezeland being an M33 Bx2. Created by Smoke A Lot Seeds/Bush Brothers Using a Quebec M33 clone and pollen from a Pluton male.


Thank you for sharing

These would be sssc :grinning: