The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

west end/central nothing but addicts and scumbags coming out for summer… didnt notice them during winter but weather getting nice and they come out like roaches


Brother, I am so sorry to hear that. Glad to know you are ok. Shit can be replaced but you can’t. This type of thing really get’s to me, I… Ok I have to stop there, glad you are healthy bro. Fucking scum bags.


thank you doug yes i am just happy i wasnt stabbed over a phone and bag i wanted to fight but just said w.e take it and then still got punched :angry:


Always smarter to give them what they want.


well now that the Trudeau and John the dipshit horgan have worked together to legalize posession of up to 2 grams of meth , fentanyl, heroine, crack cocaine or other opioids now seen as legal in Vancouver and elsewhere in BC… expect all the junkies in canada to be arriving in droves. I hear they are even coming from washington state to stay here illegally because of the access to drugs Vancouver now offers.
And the BC NDP idiots wanted the legal limit set at 4.5grams!!!
Crazy town.
This is what we get when we vote for socialist pigs like trudeau and john horgan or anyone like them.

Drop the politics as its kinda a no go in general around here.

… that aside consider jail occupation, courthouses time allocation, and people getting charges for some bad decisions leading to life altering employment chances regardless of skill or experience being affected by low level drug possession, changes such as 2 gram max possession at least move things forward to treat it as a health and mental issue instead of criminal.

And assault is still assault which is a criminal offence, those individuals motives is their own as shitty as they are.


We’re finally copying Portugal to deal with the crisis. It’s only been working there for 21 years, and I was wondering if any other country in the world could follow their example. People seem “shocked” when they hear the government plan, as if that’s anything new.

“Like the United States today, Portugal in the 1990s was in the grip of an opioid epidemic so intense that Lisbon was known as the “heroin capital” of Europe. But thanks to an innovative law that went into effect in 2001, Portugal has turned its crisis around.”


Yeah, punishing people for having serious addictions just makes it harder for them to have a chance at living a normal life and contributing to society.

In other news, the weather is pretty nice here in the Kawarthas. Saw a turtle at the lake today, never saw one in this spot before.

Impressive photography, I know :laughing:


Was it turtly enough for the turtle club?


I’m still trying to find the turtle in that pic (1)

I’ve rescued a good 15 turtles crossing roads over the years. Early summer 2 years ago a huge one was in the middle of a 4 lane roadway. When I stopped and put on my 4-ways everyone stopped too, both ways.

The thing was a massive snapper, easily 2 feet across, a solid 40-50 lbs at least. When I got behind it and lifted it up everyone cheered, and their applause quickly turned into laughter after it unleashed some crazy stuff out it’s ass like when you shake a popcan and open it.


You must have scared the shit out of it. :rofl: :turtle:
Good on ya for saving the Turtle. :+1: :v:


Happy Solstice & Indigenous Peoples Day!!!


You too man.

Funny the first day of summer and after today the days start getting shorter :frowning:


You too brother.


Quebec is much like anywhere else except they have a swimming pool. Vive la piscine libre!


to the comment about solstice.

Every year i phone my sister and tell her “winters coming” cause well days are getting shorter come tomorrow :wink: , been a crap summer so far imo but is what it is.


The summer has only just started! I hope the rest of your day picks up.


just wet and cold in comparison out here, but hey take each day as it is and appreciate it.


Looks like we might finally get some sun and warmth by the weekend! :crossed_fingers: :+1:


Now that I think about it I have a pool at home so this sucks.

The charter of rights and freedoms does not include warm weather and sunny skies. It’s paragraph 3 subsection iv