The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

It was an amazing day yesterday, I figured it might be perfect weather for you ice fishing. Glad it was!



Hey Im a 2min boat ride from michigan.

You on Lake Huron??


I was up on Bernard lake a couple weeks ago. Foshin was slow just one whitie between 5 of us

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Thanks so much, y’know despite the BS ‘legalization’ shitshow, Legality ,acceptance, and (age factor) family ‘life’ has so much improved my enjoyment of the outdoors and being out with my family. My kids (25 yrs. and up) never got the disenchantment/distance from us when they were ‘combative teens’ due to getting ‘busted’ by your parents for smoking pot. It ruined parent/child relationships 100% off the time for at least a night and often for a lifetime. It ruined families back then, when my kids got ‘nailed’ they had no idea I was a pot smoker, and I had to pretend I was pissed at them for ‘school’ purposes, but we did not shame them for this illegal activity, we just showed them how it was not a good idea, and talked addiction etc. 5 years later, It isn’t illegal and all of us can grow and smoke, in places ya can’t even have a beer!!! I love that we do not have to drive (or boat into) some out of the way place where no one can see us. We don’t drive impaired by any means (provable in a court!) and I an be a proud parent and grandparent (touch wood, fingers crossed) and a fucking pot grower world. Not to compare or minimize at all, but I get an idea how freeing 'coming out is" to folks these days…Cheers, have an awesome day!!!


That was amazing! It’s like ‘the little voice in my head’ wrote your reply!

Your are exactly right! It is ‘coming out of the closet’ ! Thanx, I have been trying to put my finger on the right label for that feeling. I should have anticipated it but I didn’t and it snuck up on me quietly.

It changes many interactions with people and the best part is you feel clean.

My kids are 27 and 30, they took me shopping for my 1st vape, for Christmas this year they want sampler packs…

Who am I to argue!



Finally got a pic without a face from last weekend. Biggest it could be without being in the slot size, so we had it for dinner. What an amazing day, tried another Haliburton Lake on Tuesday, skunked but my daughter had 2 rip here gear off before snapping free. I had a flashback from my childhood, and know my late Father was right inside me, and I was watching myself (my daughter really) ice fish with my Dad. Which we never got the chance to do 40 yrs, ago. Care for our seniors, folks…we are the family…forever, PEACE.20200311_173326


You made my day @Gpaw. “you feel clean” WOW fucking nailed it…Thank You. I wish I could inspire positivity better (like, without being a humourless fucking pussy, of course) without losing my desire to be an insult comic, well for the time being at least! LOL


I think we need a bit of this right now???


Who else plans on popping more seeds if some sort of a shutdown or quarantine happens? Me and the wife have some plans…


I’ve also got a few tricks up my sleeve. Just doubled up on ferts


I am pretty much at full throttle now, couldn’t do more if I wanted too :frowning:


I’m limited by available time. If I get more free time I will be allotting more time to my fav hobby


waiting on some plants to finish this week, then im starting some more seeds but may try to get a full side cleared so i can do a big “mass selection” which is like 24 plants, but not sure i have the containers for it, well the ones i want anyways.


Pallister fucked us here in Manitoba


yeah he’s an idiot but he didn’t fuck us much worse than trudeau did… i’m ACMPR medical patient anyways, so i’m allowed 244 plants. fuck pallister and fuck trudeau both :grin: i would never buy that overpriced poison schwag from the garbage shops


Here’s something that’ll make you smile


Only until the first charged grower takes it to supreme court, then that house of cards falls just like Quebecs. BTW no such thing as illegally gotten seeds anymore dudes gov shops cannot supply, so we still do have a right or two ya know.


Yeah I know but it’s been almost a year and I don’t see a challenge being fast tracked at this time , even if it was challenged.
We’re seeds ever an issue ?
Yeah we have rights under Manitoba’s version of Monty Burns ,I hope I survive our destroyed health care system to see the change l of law and provincial leader.


I was thinking about this. Do you have a source? I’d be very curious to see.

Also, the querkle/spade is doing great! Thanks again.


No tested court case on that shit, just me spouting off, I just feel at this juncture, with provincial health ministers encouraging us to grow a good veggie garden this year, that pretty much all bets are of when it comes to charging a citizen with growing 4 weed plants on their own property who uses “illegally purchased” marijuana seeds. ALL the med growers have given their genetics away free around these parts, they were varied and legal genetics, the game is gone on punishing home growers for not having NOORDLE as the basis of their grows. It’s all a laugh now. Feds don’t give a shit anymore as the legal market they encouraged is a sham of crooked fuckers. Honest folks growing what they have bought over the past decade, have zero worries, ZERO.