The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

I believe the Superior court has already ruled that the option to home grow must be provided under the legislation


The second they did that would shut the government run ops down for sure. That would push people by the thousands back to the black market


Normally I’ve been sticking to a few strains, but now I want to try others that seem exotic…at least to me. Like a bucket list thing…lol.


I agree, I will not buy from the government myself.
There will always be black market stuff around here. Much better quality and cheaper. :+1:


Don’t forget there is a large industry in that as well, that employs many people.

I’ve never agreed with people getting licenses for 500 plants for personal use cause that’s ridiculous. And those are the ones that will facilitate the argument against home grows.


Licensing is the biggest hurdle in my running a SOG setup, right along with laziness. It would be fun to try though without all the hassle from “the man”.


Not yet, they didn’t give their decision yet. We will probably hear about it in the news when it will happen.

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Thats a kick in the balls. Thankfully I kept mine at 25 plants as well, hopefully it doesn’t effect us small guys at all, cause I love growing damit.


:sob: :crossed_fingers:


My daughter does the medical paperwork, for her permit., I do all the rec, r&d, gardening, strain hunting, (gov’t lapsed seed supply) genetics provider. While I’m not the best grower, my daughter has almost no affinity for it. It took my wife 40 years to shed her ‘fertilizer’ thinking, too. lol So, I hope they don’t start treating us all, like were beaster production pro’s,…like Canntrust… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:…which leads to another canadian story from this week…Ontario gov’t withdrawing charges against management of canntrust (shut down 2020?) for growing in unapproved facilities. This during unbridled growth etc. etc. Prosecution had no reasonable expectation of a conviction, despite a lengthy investigation and proceedings in court which saw former employees’ out themselves and testify against their former employer/partners. Things came to a quiet halt???..Warning politics… I can’t see Premier Ford rolling for the PM’s cheaters??? Perhaps IMO the unspoken approval of their grows involves what we know most of our legal industry shareholders are…I’m beating a dead horse, right? So, as the completely unqualified, singularly appointed leader of the loyal opposition party of ‘over the expiration date pot smoking voters’, I ask you, humble Canuck Cannabis Cultivators…Isn’t it simple to correct the flaws in a system, by eliminating the corruption and patronage? FUCK, I just had a flashback to Mulroney roasting John Turner on TV…That warms my heart like the Christmas tree, my hot coffee and some bubble hash…There, back to nice and fuzzy, time to wrap the gift cards. Merry Christmas, hosers. :canada: :canada: :canada:


I seem to remember they tried that in ancient Rome… and in America in the late 18th century… and in Russia in the 19th century… and in China for half the 20th century… usually it goes like this. After roasting all the old leaders and having a big ol’ party, you find one person or group who everyone thinks is trustworthy and give them all the power, and for the first generation it works out great. Then the descendants of that person or group end up in power themselves, having earned no trust but feeling entitled to their power, and start abusing it. Caesar was great, Augustus was good to the plebians but had an ugly habit of brutally assassinating everyone who disagreed with him, and then a few generations later… Nero fiddled while Rome burned and Caligula brought his horses to dinner parties/orgies. Granted, those were probably some fun dinner parties to watch, but not exactly good for civilization as a whole. :stuck_out_tongue: Sadly, nothing ever really changes because humanity isn’t changing. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Meet the new boss same as the old boss.


That would make a great song lyric!


I have a little less of a long historical ‘outlook’ with what I was sayin’ LOL . IMO Globally as the pains of awareness vs. ignorance war rages on…I have faith in our ever refining systems and people, that we will survive our own failings in the long run. Everything has its time, societies trend, but humans are for eternity. Well that’s what this idiot believes among things like Santa Claus, and children. I have faith in our system and most of the people running our institutions, I believe in Canadians, and IMO we need more of believing in ourselves, not our goofball politicians.


Oh’Canada where nipples are hard and frozen. Lol


It was only -12c in my neck of the woods.
The Fraser river is frozen in some areas.


It was -30 here today also.


A bone-chilling high of 1°C today. Now it’s -4°C! :cold_face:


One of the good things about NS, +5 today and +3 for the next couple of days.


Currently up in northern BC for the holidays, just a bit chilly, if it gets above -20 we’ll probably go boarding/skiing