The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Jumped the gun. Suppose to be possibly -54C with wind chill tonight.


Sitting at a balmy 2c in Mississauga right now.


My Spakrle changes his name
To Mr
Frostbite when nobody’s looking


Where the heck are you @Mr.Sparkle? That’s insane, especially in the day.


Northern BC and by that I mean mid province, same area as @Qtip


-23 in Winterpeg at the moment.

Catching up with the thread, never really bothered to weigh out how much I use for my pain. I should be taking more, I limit to night time use and a bowl is about 0.05g. I would think that if I did use it all day long that would be enough for 2 hours, so 0.05g x 16 = 0.8g. Since it is a 1:1 strain and if I used only a CBD strain during the day it would easily be double that as the THC helps with the efficiency of using CBD alone. So 2g would be fine if the CBD only plants produce the percentage of CBD as the 1:1 plant producing CBD/THC. But I have yet to grow a CBD plant with the frost and nuggets as the plants with THC.

But I doubt my lungs would care for a 2g use. I take CBD orally, have to get around making edibles yet. If I extracted CBD I would need a higher amount, maybe double or triple? More than the 2g they are saying is the average user, mind you there are people that are higher and lower to make up the average. I do have a 10g limit at the moment, I could probably get by with half that. But I have been growing smaller plants lately and I would like to stop growing at times so I can go on road trips and not be stuck at home in order to care for my plants.


good form of birth control, -30

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No, not if you are not the go outside type. Good reason to get back under the covers (until they fall to the floor).


yup minus 47C overnight and sitting at a balmy minus 32C right now … dunno what the windchill was but I know I’m doing nuthing but stay inside LOL


This is the time babies are made lol. Snuggling together under blankets with nothing better to do? Might as well…


UTFTTF, thats entering new territory as an acronym. And I like it.

Been known to happen more than once.

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@bunny zomg this is how good that joke is:


@Mr.Sparkle were 2 provinces east of you and were -50 predicted for tonight. She’s been a hell of a winter so fa


Indeed just went out and did a boiling water toss for the nephews to show them flash freezing.

And down south “LML” where the home is every thing is shut down cause well they just don’t know how to handle snow and winters like northern people, sister counted 32 cars in the ditch heading out to hope, and then no cars to half way up the province.


I went out for a cruise just to see the chaos.
I had zero issues but alot of people apparently did. It was amazing really.
I need to get a dash cam.


Woke up in the middle of the night as the dog wanted out, only to hear the furnace cycling but never lighting and kicking in :grimacing: thankfully caught it before the house lost all remaining heat.

Nothing like a welcome home from shift like some early morning furnace diagnosis, judging by the blink codes :rotating_light: the pressure switch is the issue Guessing my exhaust is froze off outside. Trying to find my multimeter to test the switch before braving the cold :cold_face: to check for/remove ice buildup.


At least it was the furnace blinking and not the CO detector!

Hope your furnace fires up soon! :fire:

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