The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Personal numbers are ridiculous 4 plants .


the 4 plants a household is ridiculous and some provinces even had citizens go to court against them because they couldn’t grow for themselves.

Its going to be a series of fights like during the medical days that slowly force the government to lighten their grip. I can’t wait till more progress is made for people to grow their own.


4 plants can produce a shit ton of weed, years worth for average users of one crop if grown well. It does not give you room for clones or other things, but still better than it used to be.


I actually don’t have a problem with them cracking down on greedy health practitioners who sell prescriptions with ridiculous plant counts.


“She said that don’t befront me, as long as I get my money next Friday. Well next Friday come I don’t have the rent, and out the door I went.”

Sorry, a little extortion poetry :face_vomiting:


Think I know what I’m drinking tonight. One bourbon, one scotch and one beer…


“I don’t think you’re trying to find no job.”

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… but I’m tired

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“She be talking about the front tent she be lucky to get any of the back rent. She ain’t gonna get none of it.”

A classic riff on another classic that doesn’t get much more rock and roll than that :sunglasses: dig it.

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It is our moral obligation to break the laws that we feel are injust.


I saw George back up the Stones in Buffalo in either 78 or 81, forget, think it was 81. Went to both. It was kind of rainy and Thorogood had a raincoat on, lol. The stage was covered, but we weren’t. Anyway, he’s playing “Move It On Over” and all of a sudden the sky starts clearing, the sun pops out for the first time that day, and as they say, the crowd goes wild.
And yes, he played One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer.


I’m gonna need some pointers here

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I saw George in Winnipeg at the Playhouse around that time. Great show. He did a newspaper interview and mentioned Johnny Lee Hooker as big influence, who I almost saw later in Montreal (80 or 81) but sadly the show was canceled due to a heath issue.

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Hope Everyone has a wonderful christmas! Made it from the maritimes ahead of the storm to Quebec, where we have been essentially snow, rain and winded inside the house! Hope everyone gets to enjoy some rest and some libations! This place is great, and am really happy that we have such a cool group of canucks on here.


Happy Crimbo everyone I hope everyone has a wonderful stress free time.


The limits that you can have in your house is a Provincial one and not Federal. We can not grow without a licence in Manitoba but there is no limit on how much you can keep. Some provinces have limits, some not.

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I’m not Canadian, but one of my sisters is, my folks were, and I almost graduated from high school there. Oh, and I got my professionally done tats done there. Canadian flag


Number one question on the citizenship test.


I think I’ve got a 4 tree recreational maximum.

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Ahh, I see! Pretty ridiculous how much disparity there is. In QC it is 30g on your person in public, and 150g in your home :crazy_face: They won’t even let you leave the gov’t dispensaries with more than a few items in hand.