The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

My Doc said, the only thing he could offer me for my pain,was opiates or weed, so I told him politely, what he could do with the opiates. He said, that it was a wise choice, and wished more of his patients did the same. I was not happy when he retired, best doctor I have ever had.


you are on the money with a nursery…thats the way!


Has anybody looked into the research license?



my weed doctor encouraged me to grow several plants just for making smoothies with, to make smoothies/food/etc with non-decarboxylated flowers so i get the medicinal benefits without the intoxicating affect, to grow several plants of CBD only as well.

he encouraged me to make tinctures, edibles, extracts and even suppositories. basically consume cannabis in every possible form, decarboxylated and non-decarboxylated versions each with high CBD, high THC, and hybrid/balanced strains.


Hey @legalcanada Thanks for this, I totally agree and more fuel for the fodder!

I guess I should update;

I sent an online request through who @Shadey mentioned, got an automated email saying they would get back to me shortly. I got a call from another clinic on the island a few days later as a referral from Canabo who gave me the breakdown. Basically they have an administrative fee wherein the Dr can bill their hours at the same rate for the time and rate that they would otherwise be billing our healthcare system at for filling the required paperwork - one visit, 3-4 hours at a flat fee of $850. They will have my license renewed and paperwork filled with Health Canada and WILL be approved in 2-4 weeks. I guess it comes down to what my daily intake requirements are as 1g/day is apparently equal to 5 plants indoors.

I will set an appointment when I can make the 10 hour round trip to the clinic :pleading_face:


yeah my clinic charges i think $275 and it’s over skype, they mail the prescription and i mail it with an application to health canada


That fee is really high. Try Cannabis Growing Canada, it’s where I got my ACMPR. Much cheaper, all online.


What was your fee?


Last year I was prescribed 7g and the consultation was $200. It’s a bit cheaper now I think.


Thanks @smokenhike, definitely worth an inquiry, I will do so today. Cheers!

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Yeah they just sent me an email price list…Looks like a very good option and saves me a 10 hour drive! The range goes: 5g/per day, 25 indoor $150 to 95g/day, 463 indoor $950! Definitely the cheapest consult fees I have seen.


The one Canabo hooked you up with, their fees are paid by health Canada through your doctor, when your doc refers you to them, I think that’s how mine works my only costs are 15$ for the piss test.

I would pay the $150 for the convenience to save doing all that driving though.


Me too, I am looking at a bit bigger license maybe 245 plants for future expansion so I will likely still pay a bit more but I am guaranteed approval, all online and save the driving as you said.

I think @legalcanada was licensed up to 245 wondering what that process was like if there were further stipulations past a certain number of plants? It seems as though through Cannabis Growing Canada FAQ they say that you can be approved up to 400+ “in your home” but under MMAR I think past a few hundred you MUST grow inside insured, commercial warehouses and meet certain criteria. That is the only thing holding me back from pursuing 245 is I do not have space and will likely not be able to ever use the license to the full extent at home.


Don’t forget your 4 personal home grow plants :smirk:

I think they might apply tighter controls with higher numbers in home grow residential areas it’s hard to say atm, depends on public complaints about smells in the future.


Oh I haven’t, there are going right now


Want to have something in writing so that I can start having a lot more though! Smell won’t be an issue here. I will chat with them before going too crazy, were definitely in an urban residential neighborhood.


MBVapster was saying there are some large home medical growers being investigated in his area. The Popo are asking how they can afford all the grow equipment and power bills while their income can’t support the grow costs, without selling it.


Yeah, that makes sense, how are they??? I think if they are under medical license and selling then that is something they should have expected… It’s basically registering who you are so that they know who and where you are when you break the law if that’s the outlook.

None of my product would ever be sold, the data I develop along the way could very easily be sold. I have a legal outlook and legit med needs and will eventually use a commercial space to run breeding programs, test equipment, develop tech basically farm out the opportunity to run various genetics and test various tech in a legal testbed.


I think he said one was a relative, who had just moved plants to another location, so he was just under his 500 limit luckily.

They checked all the serial numbers on his equipment and found a stolen skid steer, which he had bought, but had a reciept, so they just conficated it. MBVapester hasn’t added any more info.

If the system gets abused to much, it could become more difficult, they could make it a lot more costly and complicated, with security and health and safety crap.


tbh any clinic that charges prices on a sliding scale is unjustifiable. quite sure it’s already illegal to charge for a prescription and using a sliding scale based on prescription size makes it hard to argue the fee is for anything else

i just double checked and mine was flat rate of $325 for in-person (ontario) or an extra $50 for skype appointment. pretty sure 50gpd (244) was the highest they’d go for a new patient but i think i heard they’re willing to increase at renewal if you can show a need. I didn’t have a need.

I wasn’t informed of any certain rules or regulations regarding higher plant counts and i haven’t read the regulations, i’m going to give’r a search


I’ve heard a couple things about my local cops checking up on ACMPR growers (high plant counts). Maybe I don’t want to ‘show up on their radar’ for now…
