The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Looks like it’s karma and wiarton this year!

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Im 10,000% going to do this next year!

Planning it right effing now! Lol

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I will 100% see you there. There isn’t enough of this . We run a few of our own but it’s small time. Just a few crews, this sounds killer. We need stuff like this everywhere. Thank you for sharing


We have enough Ontario members we could OVERGROW the entire competition!


Damn…I drive through there several times a year on the way to my brothers. Never heard of it.

My brother was totally against weed his entire life. I mean TOTALLY. Until he finally tried it when it went legal. Now he’s a daily consumer…lol.


Haha…. It’s funny cuz so many were so against it, but the government says “it’s ok now” and people are like “oh it’s not so bad, great medicine” or two years after constantly belittling me for my “chronic habitual smoking” and “making the neighborhood smell like a skunks den DAILY” she had the nerve to ask where she could get seeds/clones. Smh


I can see a ton of OG’s rolling into little old Wiarton like 40-50 deep smelling like a skunks ass taking over !


Two guys on my hockey team used to think it was evil…like the same as heroin or meth evil. Both daily consumers now…lol.


That was my mom…. No joke sent me to rehab at 15 for pot. Found like 4 zips and a plant in my closet, lost her SHIZ, flushed it, smashed my setup and they immediately took me to Hotel Dieu a local rehab. Should have seen all the guys there when I told them why I was there! :joy: I left there with a newfound knowledge and taste for much worse let’s put it that way . 7 days in that hell hole, at least it worked right bahaha


Did more looking into it, must be Grey-Bruce area resident and grow there.

I fail on both criteria.

I’m going to start one here I think.


Dammit, same. Yes, do it. Please🙏🏼We have one here but it’s crap and the people who run it always win even though their flower is trash. We need a couple good, big ones spread out. One harvest season , other mid summer. There’s a killer one in Michigan I keep getting invited to but haven’t made it yet, road trip? Actually @shag my brother from another mother puts it on with DBJ from GLG it’s an epic shindig, competition/camp-oout /smoke out


One of my ‘fondest’ memories of my brother as a teenager was at the kitchen table eating dinner and he says to my mom “Saw Pete and his buddy downtown today”
Mom: “that’s nice”
Bro: “They were smoking weed!”

I just about died.


WTF? That’s what my kid sister was good for too! That one cracked me right up :rofl: I was picturing it while reading it. I envision you dropping all silverware,jaw hitting your plate and the look of bewilderment…. Quickly followed by intense anger! And moms face just staring in your eyes like “oh was he, you just wait ya little shit” :laughing:


Ya, you pretty much nailed it there.

I love bringing up stuff like that with my bro over a couple of beers. And watching him squirm.


I thought I read this was open only to Bruce county growers? :frowning_face:

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(disjointed stoned reading & posting moment here*)

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Hello fellow Canadians,

I decided to let my sour strawberry#12 cut loose and trying to gage interest.

She’s a bit longer flowering at ~10 weeks
3x stretch
Strong high
Frost rails
Strawberry hash smell and taste
Grows short limbs/ more columnar structure

The mom is still small as I recently started a new one, I’d be able to send the first few cuts in about a month

What say you?


Sounds delicious! I’d definitely throw one down.

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Fantastic! Glad you came forward my friend.

I grew a few hundred f2s outdoors and haven’t seen this expression before, I think she’s special :slightly_smiling_face:

Stuff rarely makes it past 2 runs for me, but this one I’ll try my best to keep around for a long time.

I’ll let you know when she’s ready for big snips.


I would clear a spot to give one a try @Mithridate sounds amazing