The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

I’d be up for a cut !!!


I was about to start a few of your seeds for my next grow, but would gladly give a cut a go.


Wicked! I love it. Tbh I’ve wanted to try this one for a while, and I know if YOU are saying it’s gonna be special , it’s gotta be. Looking forward to it brother. :pray:t3:

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Have you tried making hash or rosin out of it? Reading some reviews it seems like a popular variety for extracts, which is what I’m currently hunting for so I’d be willing to give one a shot.

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I did make hash out of #1 and #12, the first yielded a little bit more and had a purple tint when hashed but 12 was stronger and much more flavorful.

I been dreaming about pink or purple hash for a while, so the choice was painful, but went for 12 for highest quality of hash, and she has the vigor which sour strawberry isn’t exactly known for.

I don’t know if she’s a good breeder yet, I’ll mate her with 88g13hp anyway! :yum:


I put the 4 of you down for a cut, somatek being the possible 5th, then I’ll stop here for this batch.

I’ll reach out soon-ish.


Oh man…. Put me down to test those when you are done as well. I’m kind of obsessed with the 88G13hp and that cross sounds unreal! Do it please!


Yessir! The strawberry x hashplant is meant to be the final outcross. Then I’ll inbreed it for some generations, until I can grow it outdoors like corn, and make spectacular hash lol


Best Wishes, this sounds wild

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Hey @Mithridate thanks very much and very generous of you. Mith’s cut will be a special one I’m sure

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I’m definitely down to give it a shot and post a grow report for ya, “stronger and more flavourful” definitely sounds like the better choice although that sounds like a hard choice as I also love purple pot but not at the expense of quality. Which is what makes finding a colourful keeper that much more exciting


If you would be interested in spreading your mom around, i would love a cut.

If you re looking to spread it in the future that is

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The main complaint about sour strawberry is its strength or lack of, so I just had to.

To be clear, #1 had purple resin not buds :yum:
#12 does turn pink mauve with cold temps.

A small bud from under the canopy…


I’d love to share her far and wide, let’s see how she does in others grow rooms first, and then I’ll make a huge mom to pass more around.

I did write down your name as a reminder.


Thanks for clarifying and something you don’t see often, Stellar Collision has pink trichs on a green plant although it’s purple with cold temps. Does it change colour with cold temps or just #12?

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Out of the 4 I had selected for a third round, only #12 had some color. The pack I started with had none solid purple and few with hints of pink and purple, only under colder temperature.

It came as a surprise to be honest, first 2 runs indoor only had the pink bracts

Like this

I lost the matching male to this #12, still have a bit of pollen though…


:rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :metal:


Lol Pigeonman, you need help man :joy:


my inner child chuckled when i wrote it. But I was like naw, its just me being a kid. lol. glad to see its not just me


Uh huh I like the sounds of that!