The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Been going on longer than you might think…



You got that right…I’ve been using one of these to trim my buds for decades.

Ok, I made that up.


I wish :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Happy New Year canuckaroos


same to you, and all as well


Happy New Year all you Canuckistanians!!!



Happy New Year all!


Happy new year I hope its the best year ever for everyone :+1:


Happy New Year everyone.


Heres to a Great 2023 Doug.
You’ve been totally gracious throughout the chaos in my short-time here!
Its appreciated and sets the height of the Bar… which is awesome
We are all gonna grow some ridiculous Weed this Year!
I cannot wait to see what this group gets me into…


Thanks bud, Happy New Year to you and yours. I am in like jail right now but know that I appreciate the kind words.


An interesting read .

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Happy belated New Year Friends! Been down for the count with a nasty stomach bug, not sure if I got it from travelling to Quebec, or something food related. My wife had it before me and we thought it was food poisoning, but seems more like a bug. Anyways, fairly medicated trying to keep gatorade down and wanted to pop in and wish everyone a healthy and happy 2023.



Quick question for my fellow Canuks. I posted a trade request in ‘Canadian Seed Trading’ topic. But I think it was kind of dormant, with post before mine going back to October. Should I repost it somewhere else?

“I’m looking for any Thai, Malawi or Vietnamese Black crosses where they are still dominant.”



I swear I just got some of these in a trade but my notes are at home. Shoot be a PM @TricycleOfDoom and it’ll remind me to check when I’m home from work. :+1:


Awesome @Pigeonman. Thanks!

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I think @Foreigner has been messing around with some Malawi crosses if my memory serves me correct…which it usually doesn’t.



And, of course, Doug has a silo full of every strain on the planet! :rofl:


AMAZING, I LOVE IT! (even though i missed it)

Budswap cannabis growing competition - Jan 7th Wiarton Ontario

Registration: 2 pm Jan 7th, 2023 - Wiarton Curling Club

Cost: $60 (to pay for lab testing)

Winners to be announced on February 18th at the Bongspiel

The Contest Info:

The Bongspiel Bud Swap is a friendly competition for home growers to share their harvest with others while competing for the best strain/grow. Indoor and outdoor welcome

The Bud Swap competitors are also the judges.

When you enter the competition, you must provide 1 ounce of your best home-grown cannabis for the swap as well as one gram sample for lab testing

At the swap you will split up your ounce into equally divided samples, depending on the number of competitors (if there are 20 competitors, then you must divide your ounce into 20 samples - You will be told how many at registration when the number of competitors is confirmed.

Samples are to be split up at the drop-off meeting (not prior to the drop-off).

All competitors will get a numbered sample from each contestant, and will in turn judge each sample.

During the month, leading up to the Bongspiel, all competitors must judge each sample. You will be asked to rank each entry and assign a score out of ten. No ties.

Ranking and Scores must be submitted no later than February 10th, 2023. Those contestants that do not submit their ranking and scores by February 10th may be disqualified from the competition (unless prior arrangements have been made).

The contest will be judged on points based on ranking. Points are assigned based on judges ranking as well as lab results.

We will use judges’ scores to determine contest winners in the event of a tie in ranking points.

Lab Testing: The lab will test for cannabinoids. Rank and Points will be assigned based on the total concentration of cannabinoids.

On the day of the swap:

Arrive on time- registration will be open from 2 pm to 2:30 pm on January 7th, 2023. If you arrive late, you may be disqualified from the competition because samples can not be accepted once the swap has started.

Proceed to the registration table to enter your product(s)

Provide the registration table with your 1-gram sample for lab testing.

Your contestant number will be the only identifiable marker of the sample.

Please bring your own scale

Once all have registered, we will tell you to split your ounce up into equally divided samples (enough for each competitor).

Once all samples are prepared, each contestant will get one of each of the samples.

Each sample will only have its number listed on it

Once you have your package, you are free to leave and begin judging the product

Missed it this year but i WILL be there next!


You kidding! I spend a crap load of time in Wiarton in the spring /summer! See you there