The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)


These are my 2x Texada Timewarp (female) plants vegging out up-pot by up-pot until end of May when they go outside into 30 gallon fabric pots.

:v: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I debated these last few days whether or not I should put a tap in my tree I probably should have put one in just for shits and giggles and see what was running


Ehhhhhhh… Thanks for the shout out boys! (@Yetigrows @CanuckistanPete @Pigeonman)

@Granola If you need seeds, we are here for you. And OGers always get extras!!!


Good morning to all my canucks! Anyone have any tips for quitting smoking/vaping. Currently in the first 24 hours of withdrawing and its been up and down haha. Who would have thought that nicotine could be so fickle. I have quit coke and booze and it was a breeze compared to the emotional rollercoaster I have experienced this past day lol.

Been slamming sparkling water and halls like theres no tomorrow.


I have a 100ml mixing bottle. When it’s half full I fill it up again without nicotine. Etc. This way I get nicotine until it’s so low it doesn’t matter :+1:


I was pretty well two packs a day for 30 years and all the incentive I needed was to watch my father die of lung cancer I quit two weeks before he passed away and in a couple of weeks it will be my 8th anniversary best move I ever made in my life nobody ever thought I could do it I’m behind you 100% everything is possible


After 20 years of trying, the patch and nicotine lozenges worked for me. Mindset is the key though, I had to truly want it and not do it for my wife or kids etc as people like to tell you.


Sorry to hear about your father. That’s a terrible thing to have to go through.

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I used weed to help me quit smoking,just smoke more weed to replace the cigs.


Easier said than done, but slowwwly taper down using spray or lozenges. Keep it across the house so it’s not so easy to grab every 5 mins.

Cold turkey can work too if you power through, but it can be miserable for quite a while and mess up your day to day.

Then the trick is to not have “just a bit because I have self control now”. I quit for 2 years then they got me with a free sample vape.


Never smoked in front of my daughter. When she was 6 years old I didn’t want her influenced by me doing it so I quit cold turkey. I’d quit 20 times prior to that but that was my last time…23 years ago. I stopped drinking beer for 3 months cause I always wanted one then. I also grabbed a handful of stir sticks when I was in a bar to chew on…gave me something to do with my hands until I’d got over it.

Good luck @sprinklememaynee …it’s one of the best things you’ll ever do for yourself!


Smoked for 27 years, my last cigarette was over 22 years ago now. Just went cold turkey, it wasn’t easy at first. Now I cant stand the smell of them.


Yes it certainly is but from everything you try and look at the positive sides of things and I have not looked at or wanted a cigarette since I even had a dream one time where I pulled a cigarette out and went to light it and slapped it out of my hand with my other hand and said you don’t smoke and then I woke up and said holy shit I’m not even allowed to smoke in my dreams I think I have this beat


I fucking love the gum. No joke. It does help but you gotta get used to it. I was already a gum chewer so not a big deal for myself. I found the thrive to have a bit more bite which I like but nicorette is cheaper at Costco.
I used to vape all day every day from the minute I woke up to the minute I went to sleep. It came before coffee. Everywhere and anywhere. In the work offices, work trucks, busses, malls, haha it was glorious. Also mixed my own juices so always have flavours I liked.
So the next thing I found was keeping busy helped a ton. I could go hours without vaping if I was busy with stuff, it wouldn’t even cross my mind until it did… but I found the same with the gum, once I got busy I didn’t even notice.
Now I’m just chewing the gum cause I love the bite and I do like nicotine as a mild stimulant. I only drink 1 coffee in the morning, but I’ll chew half a pack of the gum through the day.
If the gum hadn’t worked I was going to get the laser, quite a few people have success with that.

Good luck man, it’s said to be the hardest habit to quit. Idle hands!


Tried a few times before it stuck for me.

What worked for me was the mindset that ‘the only reason to have a cig is so i won’t want one in 15 mins’, which put it all in perspective for me.

I wasn’t getting high, i wasn’t getting ANYTHING but a delay in the next round of cravings, so i quit.

I got through the first day, then the second telling myself that, and then started convincing myself that THIS nic fit wasn’t as bad as the LAST one i got through and i wasnt going to give up now…

It’s tough man, i still have cravings occasionally. (I can laugh at them now)

Eight years.

You can do it.

I believe in you.


Another good thing that helps if you’re not being able to quit cold turkey is to cut out all the bullshit cigarettes they’re the ones that don’t really mean anything you just smoke them cuz you’re a smoker then there’s the ones like the after the joint cigarette the with your beer cigarette the with your coffee cigarette the after supper cigarette if you cut yourself down to just the ones that mean so much to you and cancel the other ones then eventually you can cut these out too quite easily


Thank you so much for the encouragement, and sorry for your loss! I know it is the best move for me, I smoked for 11 years and then switched to vaping and vaped for the past 6 years, lots of water and weed to get through the first couple days then looking forward to having this withdrawal period in the rear view!


Thanks @smokenhike doing the cold turkey right now, I ended up vaping for 6 years as a tapering down, and have to get over this nicotine crutch once and for all. It comes in waves, but has been manageable, just hard to not get that dopamine hit whenever I want.

I can fully relate @CanuckistanPete, dont want to set a bad example for my daughter! I also want to be around as long as possible, and having to sneak around for a smoke or a vape isnt something I want to spend my time doing.

@Yetigrows thanks for that affirmation. Going to try that one out for sure! Its wild to think of it that way, Im really not getting anything out of it except for reprieve from the craving. That is really helpful to put in perspective.


Just to let you guys know, Kootenay is going to be on Breeders Syndicate soon! I guess Matt has been bugging him for two years and it’s going to happen. Pretty cool as he is another guy with a ton of experience and knowledge of the Canadian scene. Kootenay posted the story of Mighty Mite on direwolfs IG recently and I mentioned to them both that we need more Canadians on the show. I doubt I had much of any influence, im just excited it’s going down.


Anyone here ever order from growdaddycanada or indoor

What was your experience like??