The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Is it worth a retrofit? I know youre handy with pipes.

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Naw. We already paid up the ass to replace the actual AC unit a few years back. Main thing is maintaining the temp once low, and the 6" fan will kick in only when the temp in the upstairs floor hits “__c”… which is yet to be determined.

This is gonna be set-up in Quigley’s room, so I need to figure out the best ambient temperature for the space so he’s not too cold. If anything I can pipe the fan to pull from the landing near the house’s air moving unit so it’s not pulling the hot air directly from his pen.

I’m not below living in a cyberpunkesque space with piping everywhere lol.

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Gotcha. Lots of goals.

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You could always knit him a sweater .


A lizard suit, Larry.


Why yes i did, I haven’t been back, pricks!

@Pigeonman its my go to shop, I know the owners they are brothers, absolutely great guys, family owned and operated, and they have tons of stuff you can’t get elsewhere. I actually bought 2 of those things but from Noma at Canadian Tire for a window air conditioner , then just had to make a downsize baffle to join the 6” and 8”pipes. Looks profesh (little do they know it’s a dank spout)


Sometimes this is the best lesson. Bad bad bad!

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True that , true that :laughing:

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Next time maybe you’ll think twice about sharing your opinion :joy:

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It’s crazy that this world has come to this huh? We’ve basically done a 360 and are headed back to pre civil war days and now they are flying around with nukes in the sky too, like wtf happened to this place !? I honestly don’t think if I was 18-20 again I’d want to bring children into this world, and that’s a big statement as my kids are my world and pride and joy. Crazy times, crazy times. Can’t even voice your opinion without being slandered , belittled or just down right shut down :man_facepalming:t2:

At least we’re in Canada ….


Sorry for the early morning depression dose….

Canada is arguably worse. I read cbc and it’s often a big mistake. Apology this apology that.


You are probably right…. I just like to think we’re better off . Since I developed this ridiculous debilitating anxiety I tend to stay away from news, I’ve had it put me in full blown anxiety mode. But it’s tough not to hear all about the BS, plus what and who to believe anymore? That’s where I’m lost

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Par for the course I suppose

It’s better now that Covid isn’t in the spotlight.

I stopped reading it for awhile because of it.

Now it’s all coach abuses gymnast or cop shot in Regina. Not very topical.

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Definitely! I had to stop completely then. That shit was killing me , especially once everyone I knew started dying , God that was a tough time. Pretty sad when news/politics and geo political issues are enough to send you off on a freak out. And I never had anxiety my entire life, then COVID comes and poof (I was blessed with anxiety :man_facepalming:t2: ffs ) and now it’s here to stay on pills and all (and I despise pharmaceuticals) but I do agree it has been easier since the crap stopped

I can’t listen to that shit every 15 Minutes it peaks my anxiety.

Pharmaceuticals have their place if they’re well placed.


You too huh? It’s like 70% of the populous suddenly acquired anxiety from being shellshocked by bad news and deaths and fearing for their lives or some other crazy side effect from having Covid that’s wreaking havoc on their lives

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Well I’ve got other reasons but that shit didn’t help.

Chaos and doom, all the time.


Idk mines horrendous and all they do is try and give me more pills, and I respond by smoking more dope. The stuff they have tried to give me is nuts. Lorazepam, Valium , crazy tranquilizers, anti psychotics, and depression drugs! (Let’s throw these darts blindfolded and see what sticks in the bullseye)

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