The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Yeah tell me about it.

I find the longer acting benzos work better than the shorter ones made for panic attacks.

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When it’s bad , like real bad only lorazepam works, it’s my (when I’m dying pill) I’ll chew one and within 20-30 minutes lights out. Literally been my saving grace 3-4 times now as I truly felt like I was dying. They gave me escitalopram (cipralex) daily and that helps, also KO’s my ass every night combined with a fatty or two lol. Idk I’m doing better than I have been the last few years so that’s a blessing 100% feels good to be in control again


Thats the stuff for Powdery Mildew… 3.25% @Foreigner,
@ 2 parts Milk 3 parts Water.

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Clonazapam for me. Mild all day. It helps. I don’t really smoke weed either so a little something is nice.

They help if used properly.


I usually just cut my losses or make bubble. I’ve fought it too many times and I can’t seem to grow on my balcony without getting infested.

I can definitely see that. I do enjoy the lorazepam feeling when I’m not an anxious mess. Glad you found something that works, truly. Gonna look into the differences in fact, I’m curious

Mostly it’s about duration. Xanax, for example, is heavy handed short acting. Clonazepam is light handed long acting.

If you have panic attacks that’s one thing but if you need to chill a little all day…

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Does it really work? Iused to make a spray from hydrogen peroxide and it seemed to work.

Yeah it works for sure. Take too many and you’re going to hear about it…

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My buddy gave me a handful of those bars (Xanax) I did not like it whatsoever. I elate it to being almost completely inebriated but not quite enough to fall flat on your face. Not how I wanna feel all day haha

Yeah that stuff is a kick in the face for very specific applications.

Full disclosure:
Clonazepam during day
Zopiclone for sleep
Chloral hydrate for when I inevitably wake up.

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Sleeping like a baby or just in La La land haha. I’ve only ever taken one 5mg lorazepam and that had me loopy all day doing the nod etc. but I also smoke like a 1/4 a day + lol

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They all kinda work but not really but kinda. Like my sleep meds buy me 2 hours but that’s it. The chloral keeps me chill so I’m not all pissy from being awake at 3am


I have zipiclone too, but the cipralex helped me sleep so I never used it, I suppose we have similar issues. Hmmm small world huh? Finding anxiety to be the norm anymore.

Zopiclone is heavy duty don’t use it unless you need to.

Anxiety is only part of my problem but I’m an expert on drugs.

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Haha I totally get it. Meds to help the meds that help the meds. A pharmaceutical world I suppose. I figure as long as I’m not popping oxys and my pills are prescribed im ok. Trying to keep it at a minimum though tbch

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Yes agreed. As long as it’s in a structured environment for a legitimate reason it’s ok. If I started taking 15 clonazepams a day it would be a big problem

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Most definitely! That’s why I keep the lorazepam as my last resort I know I’d become dependent especially cuz I like the feeling , especially if combined with good bud.

They are powerful substances that need to be treated with respect. Usually :joy:


I can 100% say I’ve seen it work.

We had 3 plants get hit w/ W.P.M. last summer, a week before Flip (aug 14)

First application was Enders 3 in 1, then we went to the Milk mix for the remainder if Flower and almost Wiped the PM out.

Everybody around us was loosing crops, we had a record yield