The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

That’s epic! Congrats and thanks for the info. It’s crazy I covered absolutely huge plots of land in trees 6-7-8-9 ft tall back in the day (20 years back) never had PM issues, fast forward to today it’s inevitable…. I’m definitely keeping this in the arsenal , doesn’t get much cheaper or organic either. Thanks again


I just chewed a clonazepam to see what will happen :love_you_gesture:inspired.

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I can “100%” say I’ve seen it work, so glad you R grabbing it for the Tool box

We had 3 plants get hit w/ W.P.M. last summer, a week before Flip (aug 14)

First application was Enders 3 in 1, then we went to the Milk mix for the remainder of Flower and almost Wiped the PM out. Zero impact on big firm Buds !

Everybody around us was loosing crops, we had a record yield @TopShelfTrees1

Will send you a couple images when the server gets it stuff together ! Its having a stumbling morning.



You can exterminate the mildew and it’ll never come back.


Thanks for that @JoeCrowe

Do you apply it as a Preventative step?

I ask because my use of the Milk, was only a concerned response.
If we are talking prevention… I’d like to know how you use it Comrade


You grind up the pellets into dust or disintegrate it into sludge in water. 1 tablespoon per liter of water and spray that on your plants twice after you plant them, or in june. That will terminate the colony by sterilizing it and it won’t come back because it only lives on the cannabis plants.


I am going to try the Preventative route and apply a bit of Sulphur twice in June.



Going to have to get some of this into my life.

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I had mildew for a decade in the greenhouse and wiped it out in a single day. It hasn’t been back since. If you want to review the evidence of how it works I made a quick video.

Things like hydrogen peroxide fail to damage the mildew colony at all. The video could be seen as offensive to some, but the truth of it often is.


Going to get to almost 30 today in Southern Ontario. Crazy nice for April. Going sit outside and enjoy it with the bitches. Millie was born Oct. 28 2022 so this weather is new to her.



I got the outdoor cushions out of storage and am going to have a nap in the sun.


Nice here in Nova Scotia today, it hit 18 degrees, tshirt and bare feet weather, feels good to have a warm sun on your face and to walk on grass barefooted looking at all the flowers coming up, little birds making nests, and chirping, bullfrogs starting to croak, another couple of weeks and the fucking blackfly will be out, and heaven turns into hell lol.


Ugh… I want to enjoy this but it’s only April 13th! :face_vomiting:



Currently in Mississauga


:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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I am wearing shorts with all the windows open and a serious fan blowing on me at full blast.


Got up to 30 here in the Ottawa area. I am wearing shorts for the first time this year. I also wanted to be a cheap ass and not turn the ac on just yet but then I noticed it was 26 inside so I caved and have that shit cranked lol. Hello massively increased electric bills until end of Sept :frowning:

I have my bill set to time of use so I try to use most of my energy when I can after 7pm but that doesn’t work with the AC. 4500+ watts going full steam at the most expensive time of the day. Least my grow can go all off peak during flower. I don’t think my entire 8x8 grow uses as much as the ac either.


Small potatoes but I replaced all my house lights with LEDs and went from kilowatt hours to nothing.

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what do you mean you dont want your kids taught by men in dresses ??? how dare you!

ok ill stop sorry

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Well just got home and its a scorcher in my house. On goes the AC, ahhhhhh, that’s better.