The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Sorry to be the ‘ranting guy’ lol, but its just so tiresome. Hey, at least weeds legal so we got that going for us!


Man nothing to be sorry for. Your saying what we’re all thinking.


Exactly :grin::+1:


Well then you need to check out my blog!!

Kidding lol. My license expires in July. I know now to apply early but that’ll make me miss whatever changes they end up making… I’m thinking I’ll just get the absolute smallest they offer and leave it at that. It just really slows the process of digging through seeds for keepers with lower plant counts.


I have a 100 plant license. I never approach that number, except if I am doing a mass cloning experiment. hah hah research is banned anyways. Got to make sure I’m doing at least SOMETHING illegal!!! I started out at 50 plant count but then got pressured into increasing it to 100. Fucking pirates. lol! The legal weed can be hit and miss, because not all buds are created equal. Microscopy revealed they are selling fresh buds and old buds in the same store. Some buds look like crap, others are spectacular. OK! Now lots of people are complaining about radiation weed. It’s not all like that…
Marijuana must be grown with tegridy!
You can purchase organic freeze dried weed. It’s in the produce section of the grocery store.
What I really mean is here in BC the liquor control board makes the call on if they are going to sell your weed. So it’s kind of shitty that way, not really a free market. LCB can make or break your million dollar investment.
The answer to that is people band together. People are smart. It’s legal to shop your product around to any authorized retailer even outside the province.
Ugh but it’s complicated, right? There’s the three layers… grower, packager, and lab tester. You have to negotiate that as well as know the best practices code for growers. Dense fucking documentation.
Rules like don’t toss your root balls in a pile and leave it there. Don’t dump waste water into the creek/river. Even the smell of the crop is considered air pollution. Volatile organics.
They don’t tell you what you have to do in order to manage the operation…specifically, but they have suggestions. At no time in the documentation did I read you have to irradiate your weed - that’s the choice of growers with no tegridy.


Your right deffinetly not required but most do it anyways.


Do you think if you have a license and the laws change in October they will let the plant count on the license continue until it expires. I’m up for renewal next month.


Many governing bodies are citing the black market sales and illegal grows are a huge problem but in reality its very small. There is no data the really shows anything they are claiming. The amount of license that were revoked last year because of illegal activity was under 50 and I believe there are over 43000 licenses nation wide. How can they cite these reasons when they don’t have any proof to back it all up… crazy.


At the pace the government works I would say you would probably be safe until your renewal. I doubt they would make that swift of a call unless something was really bad with an inspection.
For the most part if you have an income to support your standard of living the burden of proof is on them. Limiting plant counts tho could be a definite reality lowering maximums. I too have heard the 5gram warning from my doc and I was able to get 10 as I told him how do I clone or start new seeds. He did say it was the highest r/x he wrote and this is from a legit place that doesn’t charge but bills the prov. Health for the visit. I can see pressure to go back to 5 on my renewal coming.


It’s really hard to tell what they’ll do. I wish my renewal was later so I could have an idea what the changes will be, but it will probably take months and months.


fuck 'em is what I say. Here’s the thing, I told the nurse I’m making bubble hash out of it and getting shit yields. So, I need quite a number of plants. That secretly I’ll never grow. But they don’t know that, tell em you are juicing the plants. I mean, just use your imagination :slight_smile:


I got mine renewed this week, she asked how much I was using a day now, I am at 4.5g a day on my license. I said it was difficult to say as most of my weed makes oil and I do it in large batches. I said probably where its at the moment 4.5 to 5 g a day. I have a THC cap on my licence as well. Its at 18% maximum although I queried this saying THC percentages dont mean anything its the entourage effect of the plant that needs to looked at, and how its balanced with CBD and all the other cannabinoids.

She said, thats the only thing they have to gauge potency with atm, until more cannabis testing is done.

As to wanting higher plant counts for pheno hunting and having a better more fun hoby, they dont care about that, you are making a medicine and its all the same in their eyes, they dont want you experimenting, or improving its health benefits, that’s the LPs job to do that. As far as they are concerned we know nothing of value according to the weed doctors I have spoken to, because we dont have PHD’s so its all anecdotal.


If anyone’s interested in these located in Canada


Good Friday, just wanted to add to the anti-Canadian bullying movement…its politics so ban if you want,but I have heard enough from this parasitic scavenger Nation, personally. Hmmmm? Canadas’history with China Lets see, help Chinese before and during ww2, Dr. Bethune died for them, then communist revolution, then 70’s and 80’s govt.s build trade relations to still communist country, Tianemen square on international television, China uses all foreign tech to copy and mass produce previously patented North American and European domestic products, All the while building a huge miltary, and telling everybody to fuck off, oh and buy Chinese. I think that about covers our history with China. Oh ya the chinese panda cub mill zoo shitshow… BOYCOTT Watch how the ‘right’ lol here agree with the Communist propaganda department. Cheers.


LOL :rofl: :+1:

‘Running dog lackey’ boy, they are digging deep into the ol’ insult bag… I haven’t heard that used since the 70’s :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



“You gotta lower your ideals of freedom if you wanna suck on the warm teat of China.” South Park
It’s just about money, and making more of it…what’s not to love? :wink:


I think the people that the Chinese government are putting in concentration camps and using for forced labour and organ harvesting and basically committing genocide on , because they have religious beliefs would disagree with your statement about what’s not to love.


hmm perhaps you didn’t watch that episode. It was called “band in china” where it detailed each crime of the chinese government and what you really have to do in order to stop it. It also detailed the real reason governments and corps let it happen, is to cynically just make more money. The episode got the series banned in china and scrubbed from the great firewall. Of course there is nothing to love about the export of authoritarian concepts into our country as well as the slave race assembling our cheap garbage.


That’s the first I have heard of a doctor putting a cap on the amount of THC on a prescription.


Yeah I was surprised, after weed was legalized here the gov set a THC cap on all weed sold in the government outlets, can’t remember exactly the amount but I think it was less than 20%.

The company I use are owned by medreleaf, they were cannabo before. They are doing research on the effects of cannabis, every time I go I have to have a piss test and fill out 3 questionaires, for usage, pain control, side effects. It costs nothing other than the $15 piss test.