The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Some of the old houses are really cool. We lived in one on Lawrence by the bridge leading to the go station. It’s an apartment now, had a condemned sign in front the year we lived there, lol. Some amazing pics found in attic showing the Original water plant opening at the bluffs. Went to Elesmere Statton and later spent a year at Bendale. Good times :wink:


You totally get Scarbs @DougDawson :fist:


The bluffs do look beautiful! My only experience is the train from Toronto to Montreal.I lived in Toronto in the annex for 18 years and rarely went east of Sherbourne. In fact, the only time I really went east of Yonge was going to High School at Northern.


If you have access to small water craft, the marina there has a public loading dock. Rather than deal with the crowds, by partner and I put in our Canoe (outrigger attatched IF it’s wavey) and then paddle or trolling motor via the water to the far end of the beach. We then can toss in an anchor and either chill on the sand or set-up the sun shade and relax reading with the sounds of sun and surf.

Celia loves it, she has a giant bright neon yellow life vest because she is all muscle and doesn’t swim tremendously well :rofl:


Sadly my recollection of the bluffs was finding a 78 year old woman’s body half way down the bluffs. Dorothea had wandered off from a care home and had alzheimers. We were very drunk when the news interviewed me. I was 14 or 15 at the time. That was a very sad day.


yikes, I remember being very young and scared of this event, where they found the abandoned car of the murder suspect at the bluffs. I was scared at the time, because my father worked for the university right beside where the murder took place


I actually studied that plant while at ‘Rye High’. The design philosophy and forward planning was impressive.

I had a feeling those war homes would probably be over a million five now… They were going for about 50K in '87… :crazy_face:

Does the government factor in housing costs into their inflation figures?



Ugh. My heart to yours @DougDawson. There’s a lot of eldercare in the area and there are a lot more restrictions at the top of the Bluffs now than in the past for a reason. :frowning_face:

Wanna hear cray-cray: The assholes that built a monster home with full on 2 story columns (they built the house as if it was on Post road!) put it on the market for… $ 4.2 MILLION DOLLARS.


Yeah, that one stuck with me. Didn’t realize the impact at the time but my grandmother ended up with Alzheimer’s before she passed and that really stuck a cord with me. One of the worst diseases ever in my opinion. Bad to lose ones body but to lose the mind and even who you are is a tough road to hoe for those with it and those who love them.


I agree 100% going through that same issue with my mother she can’t even remember how to work the tv remote or telephone. Starting to get real bad even something simple like telling time is a struggle for her most days.


I feel for you bud, I really do.


Thanks bud I was gonna say keep your eyes pealed for a white bubble mailer with black marker writing should be this coming week hopefully before Santa comes .


Out of likes but :heart: :heart: :heart: , my eyes are peeled brother :eyes:


I had a lot of really messed up experiences in Toronto during the years I lived there. Your post reminded me of one of the worst.
I was trippin on shrooms one night waiting for the last train of the night at Eglington west station. Other then me there was one person pacing while holding something in their arms down at the far end of the platform from me. Just as the train came into the station I watched them jump in front of it. I was in complete shock of what I just saw and was pretty fucked up by the time the cops showed up. I gave a statement , they knew I was high af but didn’t bother me about it and let me go. They wouldn’t answer any of my questions about who it was.
I later learned in the news it was some Drs wife and that she was suffering from postpartum depression. She was holding their newborn in her arms when she jumped. Took me a long time to make peace with that.


Wow that’s pretty wild .


It happens more often than you’d think. They call it a “delay due to an incident at track level.”


Ya man . I knew a couple drivers for the TTC and they said pretty much every single time the trains stop and that comes over the speaker , that is what it is.

And this was in 99/00 ish , so I can only imagine now


That’s sad bud, I have witnessed that very thing. It’s tragic.


The two saddest weren’t so dramatic.

One night heading home from some fancy spot on King st me and my GF were racing to catch the last subway . By the top of the steps there was a homeless person laying under a blue tarp. It was cold AF that night. We simply stepped over them . The next morning on City TV they reported on a dead homeless person and showed the exact spot and blue tarp , we had stepped over . This one really messed me up and is one of the reason I hate big cities.

The second was one day as I finished my day job as a bike courier and was walking along Queen west to meet up with some other couriers for a smoke session , I was walking by one of the insanely big groups of homeless that were just past the corner of temperance? I think it was , and queen , I just happened to look down at one of them begging for change and noticed a very young girl. She was asking me for change or a hit off the doobie I was smoking at the time. I asked her how old she was and don’t doubt at all she was being truthful when she said 12.

I saw tons of serious violence in that city , but those two things effected me the most. I was absolutely ashamed at how comfortable I had become around it while living there.

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I feel the need to follow that up with some feel good shit lol

One day during rush hour on the Queen west street car I watched a homeless guy stand up , whip it out , and piss all over the business women he was sitting next to. Her reaction and shrieks of terror were hilarious at the time .

A feel good story is on my 19th birthday I got to watch the Habs play the Leafs from a company box and followed that up by getting to bang my GF in the observation pod of the CN tower haha She was a hostess at the 360 at the time and made it happen .

Wasn’t all doom and gloom lol

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