The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Flowering from seed my transplant schedule will be adjusted for next round. Keeping container size small and flowering from seed really affected the yield. I think I got three times as much off the same phenotype using a 3-week veg. Maybe 4x. I’m still going to try flowering from seed but I will go straight into a 5 gallon at the 3-week Mark and see how that goes. All of the plants are about 3 ft tall maximum using multiple container size transplants like I did using a 3-week veg. I think the plants need to be cut loose flowering from seed and allowed to do their thing a little bit more.
I am no longer afraid :rofl::joy:


That’s EXACTLY how I did mine. Forgot to suggest that. :+1:


I was going to ask what you did differently, almost looks like a different plant. :joy: definitely going to get some started early next year.


That’s not miss ridiculous, but a daughter of old silver sides. It was the only short plant I had this round.

this is Miss Ridiculous
Still skimpy but much larger flowers than Old Silversides


She does look sticky! Yes much larger flowers.


Incredible plant in every department but yield. Hopefully I can do something about that before I die of old age lol. Each year I hope the buds get a little bigger. Maybe by the time I’m done working with it it will have actual flowers in abundance. Next summer this plant will be grown as a tree. I want it large enough that I can get 6 months smoke from it. I’ll have to build a small Greenhouse for it because I can’t manage lifting more than 10 gallons of soil and I’ll have it in the ground. Can you imagine!? Damn my mouth is watering thinking about it! I’m going to start this gal in February!


I really do need to try flowering like you have with those. I’m surprised they keep on flowering after you let them go.


What do you mean? Force flowered til the end…
I still haven’t tried flowering for a month or two and then leaving them out in the natural light after September 1st. I think they would still keep flowering. They will definitely flower on a 13/11 cycle

This is another pearl pheno. Found half a dozen nice ones.


Yeah you know I love to see the whole plant. lol I think it’s the only way to get a yield from these that’s a fair reward for the wait.


Ah ok. I thought you just did light dep until they were in full flower and put them out. Couldn’t understand why they didn’t reveg. :joy: I MAY be stoned.


@GREANDAL That’s what I do with the males and they keep flowering and then finally Reveg. It’s probably what you are thinking of . It works for every strain I have tried it with. Once the males start to drop some pollen I leave them in the natural light which was about 16 hours this time. They continue to drop pollen for another two or three weeks before stopping and beginning vegetative growth again. Great way to do it. Lazy man farming. I’m sure it would also work with females but you would have to do it when the days are shorter. I’m not sure how long of a day they can handle and continue flowering. Snow High has mentioned that once females are past the halfway point they will continue flowering outdoors in the springtime as the days lengthen. You would have to ask him when he picks these plants and how long the days are at Harvest Time but it sounded like it could have been sometime it may or even June. I don’t know what latitude he lives at


Ok yes I remember that now. So I assume you set them out every morning 12 hours from sunset rather than bringing them in early?

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I have really really cold mornings here and a long work day so they go out at 7:00 in the morning and come back in at 7:00 at night. I start carrying them in at 6:30.
This is the only time schedule sativas can handle here. It’s too cold before 7:00 in the morning… speaking of which I’m off to the races!


I was about to ask why you’re wasting time with me then! LMAO


Result of a grip and strip…

Don’t mind the dirty thumb/ finger…My fingers are always dirty and it’s very embarrassing. I’ve been doing a lot of varnish work and can’t seem to remember to wear gloves all the time. I do wash! LOL
Edit. That twig got me sooooo fried!


Oh those buds look very nice! Are you looking at trichomes prior to harvest or just smoke tests?

I did let my buds cure for a couple weeks at least. I wanted a great first impression and it didn’t disappoint. I have a nice clone going outdoors that should provide enough smoke for the next year…maybe. I’ll be picking buds earlier for comparison.


Thats a beauty! It will be the biggest I’ve seen. Finally a plant grown to full potential! Can’t wait to see what it does! I put one oaxaca plant in a ten gallon in early flower. . My cousin started it and then had to leave the state for a month so I took it, made it bigger

and we are splitting the harvest. Sudan in background
Oh yeah…there is stalk resin. If this is a tall stretchy plant then I was definitely fooled. Thought for sure this was a short pheno when in veg. If it is a short phenotype it will be the first one I have seen with resin on the stems. If it is a tall stretchy type…I’m in trouble!


Yeah baby! That’s what I’m talking about. :evergreen_tree:


Absolutely beautiful :star_struck:


Bahia latest.

Starting week 15.

At last pistols dropping and changing colour…,buds firming up.

Regards P J

Edit …she has a nice smell of, lavender, real floral smell.