The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

The Bahia landrace is small but is my favourite:



Well done…I be following

& Good Luck


Miss Ridiculous Oaxaca. Picked this morning😁 i have to check to be sure but i think this was a 13 or even 12 week plant. She is revegging @HumblePie420


@Upstate 's advice is solid and i’ve taken notes! :open_mouth:

I have yet to run them, but I ordered 10x Jalisco (Mexican LR) from The Landrace Team and as far as business practices go with interacting with the customer they were solid.

No freebies, minimal packaging (seeds in a dime-bag folded in paper towel) with the dime-bag in a folded drawing from one of their kids (like something you begrudgingly put on your fridge cause they’re proud of it drawing) and all in a bubble-envelope.

Shipping took what was suggested (:greece::canada: = 3-5 weeks) and no damaged seeds.

Next step is to grow them which excitingly is the next project lined up! :smiley: :+1:

This is all just mentioning the business side of things versus anything else but I did find it a good sign that they followed up with me about emailing them with photo updates on the grow when it happens. And at that time I plan on watermarking every image I send them :rofl:

I hope you find what you need growmie! :fist_right: :fist_left:

Dude I’m excited to see how this beauty does for you as I wanted to run them at some point as well :smiley:


Same here the package from landrace team was substandard…i.have seen better.from posters on overgrow


The plan is to cross fingers for a male and make 78 different crosses. Especially if it’s like a 20 weeker it might be a good thing :+1:


Let’s hope the germ rate on these are better than the Malawi Gold I ran. I got 3 out of 30. TLT did send replacements, but got here too late for the current run.


Oh shit! When did you get yours? I have some I haven’t run yet.

Edit: never mind they’re from rsc. lol


Chihuahua Copper Canyon’90

Destroyer Chi, Destroyer * CCC90 Shes huge




Chunking up!


Woohoo going to Panama in January!

Too bad I’ve already got some Panama beans. Maybe I’ll take a road trip or two…


Not allowed. Not allowed. I’ve told Mrs Foreigner many times. They kick you out of the country if you sing it.


Fist pumping intensifies.


I’ve been doing the same tune with different countries -

“Burkina Faso do do do do”
“Cameroon do do do do”
“Honduras do do do do”

It’s not the same.


Smoke Report Highland Oaxacan Gold via Upstate

The smell doesn’t jump out of the jar but when I grind some up that’s when the lemon and fresh cut wood smells emit. Also getting some sweet floral notes here and there. It’s definitely great work weed and keeps me focused on one task at a time through completion. No issues with anxiety or uncomfortableness. It gets a bit dreamy if I dose on the higher side but still no anxiety issues. It does seem to be a slight creeper for me. I take 5-6 hits off the vape and it feels like I could use some more but by the time I get the vape packed again it hits me and I’m good.

I really should have been picking buds earlier to test out along the way for comparison but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Damn you self control! I do have some outdoor clones going though so I will be testing those throughout the fall before final harvest. Thanks again @Upstate for the opportunity to grow these!


Tropical Red from Energenetics Old World Farm

The seeds were gifted by the very generous @highminwin Thank you again!

This is a cross of Honduras X Panama Red. Flowering time should be 12-14 weeks so roughly early November is what I’m expecting here at 34°.

The Honduras is sourced from Ace Seeds and the Panama Red from a “private collector”.

From the site description:

Tropical Red brings together two top notch heirlooms from Central America. This is one of the best representatives of the best Central American landraces. Very old school sativas at their best.

This tropical variety is mostly sativa and extremely vigorous. It is very branchy and will grow monster size plants given the right conditions. Stems grow thick and strong holding up large fluffy buds on elongated colas. Resistant to drought, it prefers hot arid conditions and does well in a desert type setting. It is also highly resistant to fungi and thrives in the northwest.

The aroma is like sweet lime with some being more herbal and skunky with hints of chocolate. The smoke is smooth and refreshing, making you want more and more. There is no ceiling so you just keep floating higher and higher.


Nice chunky Oaxaca. Thanks for the smoke report. Have you let the bud cure or did you get right into it like I do? I just harvested a similar looking pheno, but it has OSS type buds closely packed together and that Frankincense smell I love.

Haven’t smoked any yet. Chopped last night. Hoping its good!
Her half sister, The skimpy “Miss Ridiculous”, is epic smoke. It has a delicious taste that starts fruity and changes with the exhale into an equally delicious indescribable taste. Honestly i don’t imagine any will get the chance to cure. I love it. Very very potent. I’d put it against any hybrid. Looks just like Old Silversides but with larger flowers (due to bigger container?)
Tip for string of pearls flower harvest using the grip and strip method…if you grip the base of a stem with two fingers and slide them towards the tip while still gripping and you do this before the weed is so dry the resin flies off, the pile of calyxes will stick together like actual buds. I’ve been making pipe size balls of calyx’s and it works great! The balls hold together well once dry, like a regular bud.