The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)


Panamajock Project Red

Not much to report ,all doing well two weeks on from last fotos…so there around 14 days from when the seeds chitted. (Paper towel Foto)

No nutes I did overwater one I thought …but it bounced back…I’ve got them of the heat mat .now ( drys the soil out and can cause damage as the roots spread…just my opinion.

Anyway so far so good…I just done some repotting of other plants …so sorry about the mess


Ps #upstate. When did u top ,at what week or say what node.?



Loving this thread…Some great knowledgeable guys on OG.

And thanks



Damn buddy. First time in my life I have wished to be 20 years older. That Laurel Canyon pot sounds just like the Description I have read about Black Magic. A guy in Ghana recently claimed to have it but the picture he used was jacked from another IG page so it remains to be seen if it is indeed African Black Magic or a scam. Odd an African would be using terminology coined in the US too. Perhaps it was always known as Black Magic and the West coasters learned about it later? A couple/ few of us have been looking for/ into this legend. Seems to be, imo, a rare phenotype of some Central African variety crossed with Kush decades ago, grown by the African Pygmies and perhaps some other tribes. Hard to say. First few times I smoked Malawi it knocked me out too. Central Africa has some strong pot!
Interesting info about the Mexican landraces. I’ve come to the same conclusion that the Southwest Mexican states have their own genepool, separate from other west Hemisphere varieties. I haven’t grown anything from the Philippines yet, but the flowering times match up rather well with SW Mexicans. I could believe genetics originally came from this region. I’ve only grown 4 Indian landraces, just one from the South, and they look and flower quite different ( longer)from the Oaxaca I’ve grown, but I still don’t doubt there could be some South Indian influence going on.
Thanks for that post. Great read! Nice to get info from someone that was there and knows the truth. I hope you pop those old seeds someday and make a thread about it. I’d love to see it!


Looking good Panamajock😁. I only topped when the plants were a couple weeks into flowering but I had height concerns. I think after the 4th set you could top if you wanted.


hey, your know where to find genetic relation testresults?
I only know Phylos, not much more


I started a seed on Friday and forgot about it LOL

Just going to re pot


This little guy or girl isn’t doing to well…this is the one I thought was over watered, it’s just not doing it…but it’s got a great Sativa structure.compared to the others…the segregated leaves etc…

Won’t cull it , but I did bring a reserve in…the one with the big cola. Lol …(see above fotos)

Re potted three today ( others tommorow)

Not more to say …have a good day amigos
el de la izquierda


Happy growing.



#yobigdaddy glad you following this grow…when you visiting Colombia…lol

The one to left.


Folk crossing the ocean for millenia before Columbus bro. Egypt knew hash and cannabis well, almost as well as they knew opium. Opium was one of ancient egypts biggest exports.

There is a Latin term for Egyptian opium… (Not that good at Latin​:rofl:) and it was highly regarded by all ancient Mediterranean cultures. :heart_eyes_cat: Opium is not heroin and correctly doses can be very therapeutic. Abused it can be highly addictive.

Also the Chinese treasure fleets and ancient maps pre 1400 mark out parts of America. The Romans cut and copied phonecian (Carthage) ship building, essentially flat packed ship building.


Been chilling in Jamaica the past week and came into some really nice sativa that has me thinking more about heirloom sativas. Super nice mellow high - functional, socialable, and enhances whatever youre doing! Perfect island weed. One night on the beach tried a larger amount and it got pretty trippy in an awesome
way. Its no doubt hybridized some, but has the large calyx and open sativa structure to buds with a nice sweet skunky and a bit of funk to it. Much better than the other batch we got which was more brown and definitely more indica.


Have you ever heard of something called Big Sur Nigerian? It’s the mom in a cross I got from Snowhigh:


Said to be the original Big Sur Nigerian aka Big Sur Holy Weed, or a part in the story. This was pollinated with Mexican Red Hair and a Multi bleeding purple and red sap Michoacán heirloom male with purple traits.

I think your post makes a strong case that it’s not BSHW, but I saw your comment about Nigeria, and wondered what you thought.

Thanks for a great post, too. I love that kind of “outlaw” history. :grinning:


Greetings. I’ve seen you using the # sign when tagging another member, like #yobigdaddy. The # sign is for tagging posts and such. To tag another member, use the @ sign, like @YoBigdaddy.

That way, they’ll get a notification that you mentioned them. :slight_smile:


Hey Paz, Wouldn’t miss this one for the world brother doing some fine work there. And every time I turn on the news there’s some more crazy crap going on in Columbia so as much as I would love to go you know I ain’t going till the s*** settles down. Peace to you my friend


I started another thread called the origins of cannabis in the Western Hemisphere or something along those lines. Definitely

check it out. I agree with you. We talked about both of those possibilities in the other thread. The more we learn the more it looks like there were many different cultures that knew about and traveled to and from the Western Hemisphere prior to Europeans.


Ye it’s a bit of a mess, and can only get worse…such a shame,beautiful country with beautiful folks…

Here in Panama the president and his men have been caught with there snouts in the trough…corruption is running rampant.

Good to here from you.

Take care


Sounds a lot like here in the states


looks delicious!

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Hopefully you are able to get more good Jamaican smoke while you are down there. Certainly has that Jamaican look to it.


Jealous big time I miss the Jamaican weed

In the early 80’s there was some black weed they called lambs breath damn skippy smoke tooooo much and put you in a spin lol :joy:

It definitely was more indy then anything else

I remember bringing the big bamboo paper from the Cheech and Chong record there and filled that puppy up



Haha nice! That black lambs breath sounds a bit strong for me - I couldnt have asked for a nicer mellow sativa to accompany lots of rum
drinks on the beach. Just got back home and want to find a nice functional sativa to run now ha. Might try one of bodhis mangobiche crosses, ive got mango lotus and mangobiche x kashmir.