As in, the most perfect furnace-red ember that seems to consume mostly zero weed and emit near zero smoke when you’re just holding it and not smoking, but nevertheless remains always ready to deliver another toke.
And then it kind of goes back to sleep, right? Just burning and waiting for another round.
How do you make those? What are they? What makes them form? Or should I say, form and stay?
I probably only achieve them 5-7 percent of the time. Maybe I’m doing something wrong , but I would expect it to be more than that after 40 years of smoking.
With joints, I’ve noticed that it tends to happen most often when there is a very slight breeze and I’m holding the joint parallel with wind direction. Which makes sense to me. I do better with joints than I do with bowls. Might also be because I used to smoke cigarettes.
Bowl cherries are rare around here but I would like to achieve them more often and more reliably. Is that just a pipe dream?
I’ve tried literally dropping a small amount of weed cut up into the bowl with no packing at all.
I’ve tried lightly packing and densely packing, and everything in between. I’ve tried first layer tamped down, second layer loose, and first layer loose with only minor tamping on the top.
Or is it about how one lights it? I’ve tried around the edge and everything else, but usually the cherry seems to result when I’ve not been paying attention at all, so who knows?
I can appreciate it’s mysterious elusiveness, and I certainly welcome the way the world feels perfectly right when I look down and see one of those in my bowl. At that point invariably I feel like it’s going to be a disappointment to finish that bowl at all.
You see? This is what happens when I smoke weed in the middle of the afternoon when the internet is out.
Thanks for listening my weed-fueled curiosity.
Also I am not a bot.