The Dogs' House: La Perrera

That is the way they spell it on their website, Mig. You know how it is when there’s a bunch of Gringos trying to spell stuff in Spanish and they just can’t get it right,LOL!..hummm…now where have I seen that before…damm locos gringos! Lol

Zapoteca or Zacateca, I only hopes it will be a great plant in your taste, n fulls ya of satisfaction, @Stonervet68. I will search with a lot of interest your grow If ya show It in OG.
How much ya paid for the seeds?

Btw: Here ya have a little history of Cannabis in México, since the first grow by the Hernan Cortes’ Conquistador, Pedro Cuadrado, to the actual “narcohibryds” or “chaparras”, as well as the most knowed clasical landrace strains (sorry: It is in Spanish):


Yes Mig, you are very right:the name means little compared to what the end result is. And after looking at all the awesome shit you grow, I would almost be embarrassed to show you my amateurish efforts,lol. I will feel like la Nina trying mostrar el tio, "el tio mirar, panchito can grow mota too!!!lol…Mucho el respeto to your cultivation skill!!!.. the Bodhi seeds that I get are $setenta siete for once…and all the Norstar are $ochenta for diez…Norstar has several really cool combinations with that Highland oaxacan… go to and check those strains out. If you see something that you find really interesting,let me know and we’ll see if I can arrange to have them send you what you want.

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I just got done harvesting some Norstar beans, It was Purple Mayhem X Goo Skunk Nice I forgot to take any pics of it other than a pic of a premature bud that the stem broke early on the tree and died. I just smoked some of it and some Triangle Kush X Stardawg both were good But the purple Mayhem X Goo Skunk was exactly that Gooey and frosty! It is some sticky Bud for sure. Even the super dried out premature bud that died on the plant was so sticky the buds and rolling paper would stick to my finger and that stuff was dry as can be but still super sticky. I was pretty happy my 4 little plants put out about 11 ounces so I was happy considering they weren’t big plants at all it was more than I thought it was going to be.
I don’t smoke regularly but I had to try my own stuff ya know, I’m still buzzed 5 hours later of of maybe 5 little bong hits from each strain so about 10 hits total so I’m happy with the end product for sure, Though I am a light weight I did smoke it with an old head that around 55 or so that was very happy with the effects of both strains, I wish I took some pics of it to post here to show you guys, Perhaps I will get my buddy to snap some some pics for me that I can post. I thought they looked pretty good though.


Sounds cool pookie123… I had ordered Amnesia OG and Vinters Moonshine. With each one of those they sent me 5 free tester beans…Blackhawk- (XJ-13 x Purple Mayhem)…and Medellin Magic- (Dark Desire x Chelumbian)… all these strains appear to be very potent, so I can imagine that if you don’t smoke that much they must have an immediate effect upon you. I on the other hand smoke like a freaking burning building so I try to order the most potent s*** I can find LOL. I just ordered a strain from Dynasty called Dez Tar Huckleberry, and they claim it is potent enough to be considered a mild hallucinogenic…woohoo!!!.. looking forward to that dank ass smoke!!!


Thousand thanks! I only would accept It if ya want any of my seeds…

@MadScientist, a ti ya te he ofrecido gratis sin nada a cambio Bubblehaze(y alguna semilla de la auto fertilización de mi Dandy Dance Tropical Seeds fem ).

@Limota, maybe we can do a change by your Guatemala Sativa Cannabiogen? Thousand thanx for your ofert.

@pookie123, if ya have any good sativa seed ya can loose, remember The DogHouse.

Me cito de tu hilo “Who wants trade with Costa Rica”. Olvidate de dinero; recuerdame solo si algún día te sobra alguna semilla de buena sativa. Si te interesa si te digo que me tomo mi tiempo en enviarlo, pero como pookie123 puede confirmar, tarde o temprano lo envio …

Hombre de Dios pero como no voy a estar interesado, te envio mi direccion:
Lo que sea que me envies te estare eternamente agradecido, es dificil aqui, y te roban…

Porque asi? No creas que alguien aqui estara viendo?

Te llego el privado mi amigo?

Gracias, buenisimo! Estare al pendiente…

Spanish Landrace Sativas (no worked or mixed by seedbanks). These are from La Palma Island, in the western Canary Islands, @Dee.S73 :
Same of the plants are gigants or 3/4 or more metros…

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@MiG : your links are always amazing…
que guapa es la gigante… la timanfaya tambien !!!
thanks for sharing this.


La Timanfaya Haze realmente “se a colado” en el hilo, puesto que es un hibrido con Nepali y (Cabo Verde X Mali) creo (aparte lo que tenga de Canararia ); y ademas ya sabras @Dee.S73 que el Desierto de Timanfaya no tiene nada que ver con el bosque/selva subtropical ancestral de La Palma e islas occidentales…

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its always a pleasure reading your posts @MiG
I’m learning more about Spain from you, that all I already knew.
I’m here in Ten. since less than a year, still haven’t seen the other islands around… which one do you suggest first ?

Lanzarote y Fuerteventura destacan por sus desiertos de dunas que se funden con la playa.
El Hierro, La Gomera y La Palma tienen esa bellísima selva/bosque subtropicales anterior a la época de los dinosaurios.
Los parques naturales siempre son de película holliwodiense: a mi me gustan en La Palma y La Gomera los bosques esmeraldas subtropicales de laurisilvas y palmitos; regados con las nieblas marítimas que bajan de las montañas y los volcanes…

Las obras e intervenciones del escultor Cesar Manrique, integradas en el paisaje, son espectaculares, @Dee.S73:

Y el mar esta lleno de ballenas, delfines etc con los que bucear…

Las Canarias tienen tan diferentes paisajes como un pequeño continente: altas montañas y volcanes, desiertos, bosques subtropicales húmedos, playas volcánicas negras y otras de arena blanca…
Y muy buena gente y un Carnaval solo superado por los de Río de Janeiro o San Salvador de Bahía… Buen ron y ron miel, buena miel de palmera,buenisima fruta tropical, buenisimo pescado, buen queso de cabra, buen vino de viñedos volcánicos…buenos perros Presas Canarios y Majoreros…y muy buena marihuana así como cultivadores y criadores…

Que suerte tienes, @Dee.S73


gracias @MiG !
we are finally in a really nice place, yes… trying to compensate the really bad ones i was from 2007 on… :smiley:
being back growing again helps too the general mood… :wink:


Por cierto, como te dije mi Dandy Dance CBD feminizada de Tropical Seeds se autopolinizo con alguna flor macho aislada: no he encontrado mas de 10 semillas en los mas de 700 gramos secos que produjo.
Hay gran controversia con este tipo de semillas(para consumir, no para crianza) para algunos son “casi S1” generalmente dando hembras. Pero para otros no hay grandes diferencias con un cruze F2 entre dos plantas de diferentes sexos de la misma variedad…
Me gustaría me ayudaras, si no te supone molestia, con tu ingles, para pedir la opinión sobre este tipo de semillas al resto de OG, especialmente a @GrowerGoneWild
Mil gracias! ( Por cierto, son solo 3 las semillas que salieron de la autopolinización de la Dandy Dance que me quedan para enviarte. Ojala sea cierta la opinión de los que afirman son “casi como” feminizadas y te salgan todas hembras… BubleHaze si es un cruce F1 hecho a posta con excelentes parentales seleccionados)

sweettooth was prone to put out some male balls when rootbound or stressed so I always ended up with 20/30 seeds each 300/400 grams…
definitely a s1, definitely femmed, definitely not worst that “normal” femmed seeds; I found some great keeper in those generations…
personally I do not like using them in breeding projects, excepts in particular cases…


I would like to show ya some of the plants of my friends arround here, while Im far away from my mounts, workin in the SouthEastern Peninsule coast. I must allways sais “Thanks” to all my growers&breeders friends who gifted me seeds n/or recomended me to Seeds Banks like a tester. Im several years being able to grows thanx to their donations to me.
Thanks to CALIFA, the Cannabis feedding corporation TOP CROP have sent me all their Organics products to test it durin this new 2017 outdoor sesason .
N this is a Panamá CannaBioGen growed outdoor organical on the other side of my mounts by CALIFA: