The Duck Nest - First Grow

I like to let vegging plants dry out.
The plants will let you know when they need water…
Another way to know when they need a drink, before they start to wilt, is to lift the pots. You’ll know when to water, by the weight of the pot-

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I as well play music during lights on for the plants. I use pandora and just have a ton of different styles. Metal rap hardcore reggae punk country rap jazz lol


I’ll tag along :+1:

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First thing my plants love the rockin blues I play muddy waters , little Walter , and me I play my guitar for them
Your set up look great nice and clean !!!
Great advice here so if there’s any problems we got you !
Joint rolled chair pulled up , popcorn :popcorn: ready


Howdy Matt. I’m also Matt and I’m also working on my first grow. Looks like you started off on the right foot.

Welcome to a fun and potentially rewarding hobby!


Simple yet effective that and pot lifting my pots are a bit heavier than normal probably due to the EWC I use in them but you ge a feel for them!


Done this before just kinda of playing around but IIRCC metal has shown to have a negative side effect to plants never tried it my self … I think more females show up though with the sexy sounds of Dave Koz saxophone playing in the background. Lol


I would keep my RH higher during Veg fase… around 70% to up to 80%… RH lower then 50% I keep only the last week of flowering…

Anyway…looking good.

Happy Smoke


I have been trying everything to kick it up higher and really struggling. I live in the desert and I have a humidifier going pretty much all the time in the tent. When I was starting off I didn’t use humidity domes either (bad call on my end and next time will do it), this has been one of the bigger challenges. Do you think I would need to get a second humidifier for the room itself that the tent is in? Or any other ideas? @luckysPot

Thanks for the tip! I really want to look into super soil, I have heard of a couple of brands but if you have any that you know are tried and true please let me know.

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Muddy Waters is one of my favorites (Hoochie Coochie Man, Reefer and Champagne, and Mannish Boy some of my all time favorite songs). I love myself some Robert Johnson, BB King, and just so many more great musicians in those eras. Thanks for tagging along!


If your current dehumidifier is not keeping it above 50% …yeah… I would get a bigger one or another one… Humidity plays a big whole in cannabis grow… many time its overlook by many… The RH direct affect the Plant Transpiration ratio… When this Temperature/Humidity ratio are at the best… plant will transpire better and this will make the nutrients move from the roots to the tips…thus helping the plant to self feed better…

Happy smoke…



I have a journal started. ( Maiden voyage…IDG…GD. )


Super soil, is usually home made, by adding amendments, then letting the mixture age.
Google supersoil recipe-
The hottest brand of bagged soil that I’ve tried is M3 Michigan made mix. I haven’t seen it around lately though…

That what I needed to hear, finally. I have been struggling to identify the plants are wanting water, thinking if they got to the point of dropping it was harmful. Get a little obsessive when I have to go down and finger the dirt 50 times a day.


Well that’s… odd. Been looking for some new books, this would make the list if others can confirm its integrity; I’m naturally hesitant to trust resources, popular doesn’t mean good I’ve learned.

Keep sticking that finger in the dirt people are going to think you got a stinky finger. :rofl:
I still stick my finger in the dirt. But its hard to explain that to people. Just cause its dry up top doesn’t necessarily mean its dry down low. Some people pack the soil to much, and among other things. Thats why I recommend you picking up your pots before and after you water. Pick it up every day until it feels as light as it did the day you watered. Then its water time.
I downloaded the Grow Bible by ILGM. They reference Overgrow in there. It has alot of good info. The thing I always recommended to my cousin just starting off is this: Any information that you recive no matter the resource, ALWAYS cross-reference it to others. If someone says something it dont mean its true.


I always listen for curiosity’s sake, but I need to hear it twice before I think much of it.

Absolutely. I just dont want to see people peeing on there girls or anything🥺. Believe it or not it is something I’ve heard of people doing.

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I have a 55 gallon Aquarium… …I save the H2O after a water exchange.
This can be used to help with the grow.

I also have a container full of earth worms.
The Worm Castings are the product of nature’s natural chemistry process that occurs within the digestive tract of earthworms. It results in an organic, natural fertilizer that helps plants thrive.

Some organic soil amendments to consider…


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Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a great New Years and are staying safe. Here is my second update to the journal, thank you all so much for helping me along with this journey.

One of my favorite parts of the morning
The girls are starting to smell and it is just wonderful to get up in the morning and look at them and inhale a deep breath. Like your own little forest in your house. :slight_smile: Rant over but honestly it is awesome.


Here is an update on the girls. I appreciate everyone advice on the watering, I picked up the pots and noticed they were still a little heavy. I also have one of the meters that tells how wet the soil is and in the middle it is still slightly wet.

Fungus Gnats :frowning:

That being said we were working on the plants yesterday and noticed that there were 2 fungus gnats that we had to kill. I think, when I transplanted I was still getting use to how long they take to dry out and watered the girls to early. This left the soil too moist as most have mentioned and then gnats. The good news is that I am really keeping a close eye on it and I am taking the drought to flood watering seriously, I probably will water here in a day or two based off of what I am seeing. I was reading the Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible and it said that if I can get the soil dry and stay on top of my watering before it comes a problem I can control this.

LST and Topping

Let me tell you what I got some meat claws and topping was not easy for me. My wife on the other hand with her dainty hands was a pro and got 3 plants topped. Then we did some LST on the girls since they were getting tall. Got some pipe cleaners and some vegetable wire with some thick folder clips to help increase tension on the plants as we go along.

Upgrades to the tent

This was an impulse buy as most of my purchases are (New Years Resolution to not do that so much) and I got 2x 16-Inch Basic Wall Mount Oscillating Fan, Heavy Duty Quiet Stainless and a Tower Fan, Oscillating Quiet Cooling Fan Tower.

The good news first, I got the Tower Fan into the tent with my existing 2x Genesis 6-Inch Fans (these are currently on the floor of the grow tent since the clips are really big and were pushing the tent hard.) This new setup has really helped me dial in my temperature and my humidity. Here is what the last day has looked like from my sensors readings, I did forget to fill up my humidifier before going to bed last night which is why you see the drop:

The bad news next I got the two new fans and for the life of me I can not figure out how to get them up in my tent. I am still deciding if I just need to drill right into my tent pole to mount these suckers up.


  1. I am using Fox Farm Trio, back on 12/24 when we did our nutes and noticed the plants start to droop hard and color change (not sure if that was over watering or just baby leaves falling off) but the last watering I just did with straight 6.5 ph water. Should I resume my nutes or wait for a couple more weeks?
  2. Here are some of my quick notes that I take for my wife and I. I am pretty sure I need to water them tomorrow since now we are on day 7 without any new water?
  3. What do you all think of the LST? Could we have done anything different?
  4. I am really struggling with how I can hang my new/old fans higher on the tent without bringing in a bunch of wood/PVC pipes. Does anyone have any suggestions here on how they hang there fans?

P.S. If these are to long of post let me know and I can trim them down :slight_smile: or post less pictures.