The Duck Nest - First Grow

My solution here is build a wooden brace outside the tent, and mount the fan to that through the tent wall. I was really tempted to get these, but not really wanting to mess with it just yet.

I feel you and I honestly have not gotten them out of the box since I may return them.

That being said I saw this one guy 3rd print his Gensis fans some nice clips to the pole that were awesome. I just dont have a 3rd printer :frowning:


If it’s 7 days between watering then your plants are way too wet ( water till you start to see run off , water a little bit at a time till you figure exactly how much water they need , drain off excess don’t let them sit in the water they hate wet feet lol :joy: )
You should be watering every 3or4days no more
The meter is a great tool I use one as well with the young plants

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so do I God put it at the end of my arm :wink:

looking good and you are doing your homework :slight_smile:

all the best in your grow and be safe



Got it, that is where I have been making a mistake. I was watering .5 gallons and letting them sit in the run off to drink it up for like 10-20 minutes. Next time will not do that. Going to water them tonight when the lights turn back on.

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I lost track of time and then the next thing you notice a month has almost past!

Here is the picture of the girls, they are growing really well. I was using a Mars Hydro light but that changed last night!

I did get some upgrade to the tent which I am stoked about. Got a MaxiSun P-2000 and AC Infinity/Carbon Filter T6 combo.

Goal is to transplant them tonight to 7 gallon fabric pots for there final growth. Then next Friday going to SCROG them. After that I will probably flip to flower in 2 weeks.


Nice looking plants. My last run was in happy frog and it didn’t go so well. I can’t even say what it was that went wrong though, cause nothing I did changed them lol. Im jealous of the 4x4 space haha. Looks awesome, you’re gonna have a whole lot of bud there. One thing I’d say is this: put just as much effort and thought as you do into growing into drying and curing. It’s a painstaking process and it’s not easy to do it properly, and it’s even harder to be patient lol.


Thank you! Really appreciate it. I have been looking into it and really researching it. I have some notes that I am collecting and would love anyone to glance them over to make sure that I am not missing anything. :slight_smile:

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Nice new tools you have there! Looking good!


So funny story, I thought that I had 7 gallon fabric pots but only had 5 gallon fabric pots :slightly_frowning_face:

That being said I couldn’t transplant the girls last night, this morning in about an hour going to prep the pots.

Plan is to just do Happy Frog (next grow I want to do a mix of Pro-Mix HP)
Mycorrhizae Powder
7 Gallo Fabric Pots

Then I am going to water them all with a gallon of water. Light nutes on this watering as I am heading into flower. Going to try to plan out more sprays of Neem Oil as well since there are bugs flying around in my area due to rain, which literally never happens.

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Interested to see how the AC infinity carbon filter works out for you :grin:

Just my 2 cents it’s the best fan I ever owned

I agree on the fans, I’m using them, but haven’t heard much about their carbon filters.

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Me either maybe worth a try

So far the grow is going great! We did do a SCROG and flipped to flower last Friday!

We gave them the first set of bloom nutes are starting to see some awesome growth.

@TreeTop and @Papalag the one thing I will say is that I can hardly smell them so far but will let you know how they do later into flower. Loving the inline unit with the programmable controller, that has really helped me tune into my temps.


They look very healthy and happy
Nice turn a round


Thank you! Been learning a lot from this grow, the most important is just relax. I made a couple mistakes but just got to bounce back.

The one that got me the other day is how droppy they look before going to sleep, leaves were clawing but next morning were right back where they were before.

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Sorry all been dealing with some personal life stuff that has kept me away from posting. I wanted to give an update on my grow. I am currently in week 4 of flowering, and I am really happy to be honest.

There are some changes that we made to the grow that we are testing out per the suggestions of other growers. We have been adding in Molasses once a week to our grows and this week I cut out CalMag and started to add in Bloom Enhancer HydroPlex once a week as well. That leaves just one watering where I am doing just FF nutes. I also just gave my girls some plain water (pH always to 6.5) in week 3 to give them a break and will do that again probably in week 6.

As always feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

Here are some of the pics:


Its looking really good! Love the profile pic!!!

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thank you! I love me some Waffle House :slight_smile: