The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

If you want to reverse anything I have a full liter bottle of STS brewed up. I just gotta get snapped into the whole j.o.b routine. It’s messing with the drinking/smoking/sleeping all day schedule that I’m used to.


It looks like some kind of minor necrosis due to pest damage. I can see stippling that looks like thrips or mites, the browning leaf edges are probably resultant from the pest damage, or possibly pest damage plus burn from whatever you have been spraying.

Hopefully someone else will chime in, just my best guess at a glance.


Reminded me of pest damage, some sort of mites and uneven watering/heat stress on top of fade. The usual outdoor crap that won’t kill them. The buds look awesome! Carry on, Bro! Exciting time of the year isn’t it?

Your gdp cross looks just like my gdp and whatever that clone you got from jedi has the same structure as my practice plant, Bruce! lol We’re twinsies!


what a sellout! :laughing: j/k

There ARE Thrips but I’m not spraying from here on out if I can & a stray aphid but all in all they’re pretty healthy & some of this should be gooood smoke. There’s also ash from wildfires & I’m paranoid about showering them mid-flower unless I can count on a VERY hot & windy day.

I’ve had some decent success washing the fresh harvested buds under running tap water(no bucket, no lemons etc) & getting them dry quick. The autoflowers I had were exposed to ash, lawn debris & grass seeds, bugs, maybe even stray roofing insulation :confounded: so they got a good rinse. :shower: A few trichs gone maybe but a bunch of non-weed too. :sweat_smile:

@Meesh I’ll have to look up your hollywood tranny plant :laughing: & figure out which clone… :mag:



Spinosad is safe until 10 days to harvest. Kill those fuckers!


spinosad, nuke 'em, soap water, pyrethrins, all safe. You just have to be diligent. It took over a month of half-ass spraying before I got tired of the trips I got. I sprayed daily for about 10 days and they went bye bye.

Hell I sprayed BT mixed with Nuke 'em this morning. Always spray in the AM

Simply try:
1oz oil (at this point the lighter the better I’d probably do karanja, soybean, etc)
1oz ISO
1tb soap Bronners!!
Few drops of rosemary and peppermint
Top off to 1 gallon and roll their asses


Actually Bro, BT becomes neutralized in the sunlight, so sundown is best for that one, so they have all night to kill off the pillars before it becomes inert


actually sis - as i’ve read, microbes need time to take their protective homes & will do so but slowly & so a few hours before UV comes on is spray time or after the threat has passed.

and actually I think I can go no-spray from here out but am not afraid… just like me some “ital” or “hands-off” weed. :crown:

water-only working so far. :grin:



Right. and so I go out after posting this and see a f*ckin caterpillar, first one, & a fatty.





I’ve had the same look on a couple of plants and figure it may be sunburn. I has the soil a little hot and that may have added to it but one plant looked just like yours. We had insane heat and sun for a couple of weeks and I think it was the cause.


Guess it was not just me! Plants don’t like it and neither do I!



Mmm Hmm… caterpillar you say? and right when the buds get sticky, you say? In Cali no less?

Don’t look at me.

:zipper_mouth_face: :sweat_smile:


I’ll tell you a budworm secret if you promise not to post it on the internet. Spray BT 2-3 days before the full moon and then through it for a couple more. You’re welcome.


Don’t discount either the heat or smoky air for any plant damage


9/20/20 update

Chopped most of 88G13hp, 1 each of CasperOG, Dosidos55 a little early(want bud). 88g13HP pollinated with Red Cherry Berry. Probably my last thread update before harvest in a few weeks.

Aphids in mid-late flower have been a bane for everyone outdoor on the west coast. :unamused: The only thing that worked for me was my DIY cigarette-tea; I reasoned that it was safer than other options for use in late flower since I already consume tobacco. It remains to be seen how the bud was affected(if) but I’ll be sure to let y’all know. :wink:

Plenty of ash on the plants; spraying them all down with the hose at harvest. :man_shrugging:



Whole garden :blush:

88G13HP seeded with Red Cherry BerryF2

CasperOG(Archive) clone from @SCJedi

Cherry Vanilla Skunk clone infected with Hop Latent Viroid :scream: :biohazard: @SCJedi: notice the dying lowers? :thinking:

Dosidos55 clone, smells great, a lot of skunk mono-terps.

Granny Skunk clone; aphids looooove this one. :unamused:

Ken’s GDP (Darkheart clone) x Red Cherry BerryF1, my preeeeecious…

GorillaZkittles, 1 of 3, cloned :+1:. Love this strain for smoking more than it’s medicinal effects. Great narcotic high & intense flavor.

Herijuana F2 from @Pedro_Bann :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs:

Red Cherry Berry F2; 2 seperate pollinated branches: F2BXF1 and F3 :arrow_right:. Another strain I love. F5 & beyond may just be private-use. :smirk:

Near Ms. (Ms. Money Penny x (Ms. Universe x Harlequin)) from @99PerCent :wave: :sailboat: (1 of 3)

Girltime(TGA) x Sour Lifesaver(BOG) F2, vortex/cookie variant. Pain in the ass to spray for bugs with thin leaves.

…and it’s opposite :confused: looking sister, the Sour Lifesaver variant:

Sweet Wonder (Homegrown Natural Wonders) via @Sebring, buds

RemedyCBD(“Z7”) x Red Cherry Berry F1, buds

DEAD aphidae!

Will post my evil nicotine recipe when this is all done & verified. :smoking:



You make me want to move to a legal, sunny country/state. Your plants are looking great, wish I could help you wield some scissors.


CVSK is already a strange plant that flowers late and spins off necrotic growth. Dead lowers doesn’t necessarily mean hop latent in and of itself but you posted a pic before that looked like it. Either way, best practices required…I like the varietal but with parting with it soon. That old Florida skunk in it really lacks vigor.

Rest of the garden looks good!


If he doesn’t I believe I still have a few

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It’s been a while y’all. :blush:

After much effort I spent most of the year relocating to Hawai’i & am finally at a place where I can start popping some beans. :partying_face: :clap:

The other big change is moving from outdoor to indoor due to the humidity, wind, rain, etc.

And further still change-- this time I’ll run 4 different auto-flower varieties:

I’m super excited to get back growing again & really crave some better :herb:

:call_me_hand: Mahalo @Automatik & chitownseeds for a speedy delivery with freebie!

Much Aloha OGers,



Not a bad place to retire frech|nullxnull, will miss your “botanical” garden, hope you won’t … beer3|nullxnull

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