The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

Hell yes. Get after it!

I’m in Montana so open carrying a side arm assists in the “die trying” part


@cannabissequoia got cuts of two of the 4 ghash mom’s I used my my Hazeman ghash run


Hey @cannabissequoia. Looking promising on the farm! I’m gonna get me a big Dr Pepper and a fat doobie to watch this. Sent you some new slaps yesterday. Enjoy your weekend brother.


Really love when good weather comes and I see all those outdoors plants happily growing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, nice variety you’ve got there … fly2ng|nullxnull


Where in Montana are you? I lived in Livingston and Bozeman for 12 years. Great times.


Livingston and Bozeman. Drank beers at the Katabatic and the Murray a couple of days ago. Pop has a place about halfway between Four Corners and Belgrade. My wife and I lived in G street in Livingston and then moved into Bear Canyon for a couple of years


Then somebody else got them or folks be sharin’ my info! :joy: Nothin’ in the POB yesterday.

7/21/20 update

Not a lot to show. Did some heavy defoliating/pruning on the clones, especially 88G13HP which is an aphid magnet. Using Plant Therapy for now every 2-3 days on everything. Made a :world_map: map for determining WTF you’re looking at. :nerd_face:

Bed 1

Bed 2

Bed 3

88G13HP, defrocked

Girltime x Sour Lifesaver F2, resembles Girltime grandma, other specimen(not pictured) is the opposite, fat leaves, like gramps (SLS from B.O.G.)

Ken’s GDP('18 Darkheart Nursery) X Red Cherry Berry, slow squat & shorter, just like GDP, :thinking:




My GDP leaves look darker and a bit fatter, structure however is very similar.


Don’t know what happened. I’ll send again. Damn! You’re going to busy in all those beds. I’m gonna hang and watch the fun. RESPECT.



@cannabissequoia, I was reading way back in your thread a couple of years ago. Not sure if you still find it an issue with fungus gnats but I read about a guys technique where he uses Mosquito Dunks and when he sets up the pots (for you it may be setting up the holes in the ground with soil) he would fill the pots up to about an inch or two from where he needs them to be. Then grates mosquito dunks over the surface. It is not much he uses, just a light sprinkling. Then fills the last 2 inches of soil. He had a huge problem with them and could not get rid of them until he started to do this with all his pots and has never seen another gnat since. The small bits under the surface lightly dose the soil every time you water. From what I have read it does not affect the biology of the soil to any concerning extent. I will be trying this on my next lot of pots.


@Meesh (miss you :hugs: and your weather) My plant there is a cross from a dispensary clone that was short & purple & just a complete nuisance to grow & dream to smoke. The Red Cherry Berry dad didn’t seem to give it much ‘vigor’ here but I bet the buds will be worth it. It’s the only seed out of about 40 to grow so I feel compelled to take a cutting even without an indoor setup.

@oleskool830 PM’ed you my actual mail info :laughing: :wave: 'suspect some mail went to nowhereville if it was sent to a return address.

@BudSy I did something similar with a dash of mosquito bits under each seedling transplant earlier this year & think it helped. :+1: The other issue is/was my over-watering tendencies is a magnet for gnats and the outdoors comes in with me many times a day. No magic mesh here, yet. :slight_smile: Especially at night! I left an unscreened window open for a few minutes & spent a couple of days killing little lawn gnats of some sort. :bulb: :thinking:

Something I heard yesterday: nitrate Nitrogen is not so good (aka synthetic feed) and is probably linked to my current aphid problem on a couple of very dark green plants. The plants in the soil are nearly bug-free but the bottle-fed, salty grow-bag clone of '88G is like aphid candy. :unamused: Was making resin at week 1 I swear. :joy_cat: :+1: @SCJedi

:evergreen_tree: sumthin else too-- can’t remember


That’s awesome man. I lived on F St before I moved to Pine Creek. Then the last place I lived in Montana was a log house in Bear Canyon, lol. I was caretaking it for friends. Had Moose come in the back of the property on occasion.

You may have to PM your dad’s name. If he lived there before ‘90 I might have known him.

@cannabissequoia, I love your beds in that covered and fenced area. That’s almost exactly what I had in mind. Very cool.


Sweer Jesus how do you keep them all straight ? Buy now I would of lost all the tags and wouldn’t know which is which?


:wink: Hehe. I made a map! :joy: …And after repeatedly looking at them & trying to remember for a few weeks I mostly memorized it. The tags are illegible by now-- and were pretty poorly scrawled to begin with… didn’t help the neighbor I gave plants too, may as well have had no label. :blush:


It was a dog run/kennel 10 years ago, then a chicken coop, then dual purpose chickens & weed, & now just weed. :grin: My last chicken is happier at her new place & her old flock-mate Princess Kona just hatched her 3rd generation. Lavender Auracana hybridized with Golden Laced Wyandotte. :rainbow: :chicken:




I find that to be a problem thought I had it solved with sharpie and a tape over lay but no bueno with that one also just faded away … now I’m trying one of those grease pens from a nursery very much like a crayon guess we’ll see how it holds up hope it doesn’t melt away! Lol


8/6/2020 update

Got some resin going but mostly on the 88Ghash :blush: Aphids defeated for now after 7 applications of neem+pyrethrin(due for 3 more :astonished: :biohazard:), stopped the PlantTherapy on the budding clones & gave them ToughLove (essential oils).

More experienced growers already know this but folks, those plants have too much nitrogen. After transplanting they seemed a bit pale/weak & had been bottle-fed as starts so I fed them once about 3 weeks ago. Supposedly the nitrate form of nitrogen in these suckers sent out stress signals to the aphids who were happy to oblige.

The lesson learned from this is that all those years of bud-porn & high-times & grow-books probably reinforced the wrong idea of “darker is better”(:smirk: don’t get me started :joy_cat:) & a medium green is ideal. :yin_yang:

:thinking: Yellow HPS lights probably added to it too. :bulb:

I didn’t upload a pic of every plant but DID photograph them all so special requests are no problem. (:laughing: right - uhuhuh these 'uffects a’rnt very speshul Beevis)

whole garden


plot 1

plot 2

Red Cherry Berry F2 female, hope to pollinate with '18 F1 pollen or possibly the F2 male plant or both.

GorillaZkittles fem, took cuttings from this plant, the other 2 are crappy.

(2) Girltime x Sour Lifesaver F2 females, both VERY different, a spindly GT/Vortex looker & a fat SLS one. I see the F2 freakshow first-hand! :slight_smile:

(6) RemedyCBD(“Z7”) x Red Cherry Berry, you pick the best one! :joy: :scissors:





I think they look amazing, Dude! Stop talking them down. lol

Hey, eradicated my aphids pretty easily with the hose, dr. bronners soap, spinosad. Not at the same time, but they were gone in about 5 days. 2 days later, the plant hermed (unrelated), but still what a waste of time. fml


I’m bad about deciding to help plants too late in veg. I always like to make sure they have enough N before flower since they’ll be building bud sites and stretching. But, if you’re a little off, I’ve been way over a time or two. Those look fine for outside. If it’s not dry nutes like I use, it’ll use that up at just the right time. They look happy and healthy now. I hear you on the aphids jumping on the new growth, though. It’s a no brainer for them.


Had to kick my cuttings & rooting clones out for some:

BUDKAKE!!! :shower:

Red Cherry Berry F3 coming soon… :blush:

:evergreen_tree: :sweat_drops:


8/26/20 update “I’m sorry, Dave…” :robot:

Flowers all around. :+1: Pests are gone or minimal & just watering, feeding the growbags every other irrigation.

Chucked 2 pollens on the same plant! :astonished: Making Red Cherry Berry F3, F2Bx1, and 88G13HP x Red Cherry Berry F3(just have a hunch about ‘:cherries: Ghash’ :thinking: :relieved:… & in a couple months we’ll see how tight my pollen control was! :laughing: :shower:

Have cloned the best Gorilla Zkittles & the nicest looking RemedyCBD x Red Cherry Berry, but notice MUCH stronger smell on it’s sibling. Oh well. :roll_eyes: I might reverse & self-pollinate that Gorilla Zkittles & will definitely share those. :sunglasses: :moneybag:

whole garden

Following 2 pics: Soil pathogen? Phytotoxicity? Nutrients? These are in the ground & 3 plants are showing this. No big deal, just weird.

Sweet Wonder (CBD):

Girltime x Sour Lifesaver F2, SLS variant:

Girltime :cookie: x Sour Lifesaver F2, Girltime variant(notice how different from the previous plant, it’s sister! :astonished: ):

(6) RemedyCBD “Z7” x Red Cherry Berry & the plant I cloned:

:gorilla: :rainbow: Gorilla Zkittles (cloned):

…& the 2 GZ that are weak:

(3) ‘Near Ms.’ (MsMonneyPenny x (MsUniversexHarlequin)) from @99PerCent (miss you brother):

GDP x Red Cherry Berry :astonished: This one looks great & of course it’s the only successfully germinated seed of about 40.

:gear: :robot: Cloneys from @SCJedi :

Granny Skunk (Virginia Beach Skunk x (Skelly Hashplant x Skunk #1)), 100% true to Duke’s description:

Dosidos#55, ‘bring us a SHRUBBERY!’:

:ghost: :hugs: CasperOG, very “OG”:

88G13HP :trophy: :boom: Super excited! Hit one bud with Red Cherry Berry F2 pollen for even more :cherries: :

:v: & :heart: y’all. Keep Overgrowing.

:evergreen_tree: and you can see my hands are huge & my cock is as big as my arm :muscle: