The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

My father in law had a camping trailer on the beach about 35 minutes outside of San Felipe in the eighties. He built onto it and around it till he had a two bedroom house on the beach. He installed solar and tapped into the landlord’s water system. It was all powered by solar and propane. The water wasn’t potable so we filled 5 gallon containers in town and hauled them back. Construction continued and now there is a 2 car garage with a workshop with a studio apt. above it.
Some Pictures of the House…


We lived there for a couple of years as my father in law got too old and lost mobility. He couldn’t go down there anymore. They would come for thanksgiving and Christmas occasionally. I became sick in the early 90s with hepatitis C and we started spending more time there. My future was uncertain at the time so my father in law gave the house to us and we moved down there. It was beautiful and the local food and people were fantastic! October thru March was the time to be there. April thru September it was too hot. Uninhabitable! We spent those months back in Escondido. Good times. FF to today. Father in Law is dead and the evil stepmother is challenging our rights to the place. It needs lots of work and constant maintenance being on the beach. We hope to return someday and leave the place to our kids. It’s truly a million dollar view! On the Sea of Cortez.



Wow what a wild story with the trailer-- I know a guy who had 4 garage doors left over & built a 3500sq ft house around them :laughing: :hammer:

I hope you get that karma payout & those sunsets come back again. :sun_with_face:

Thanks for sharing :wink:



The downside was we had to drive back to California to score weed. There was a guy who came by every Tuesday with 1/4 ounces of the worst Schwag you’ve ever seen! Forget growing with solar energy back then. The locals in Baja were very welcoming to Gringos unlike the rest of Mexico. In our Campo on the beach most residents were from California. You never own the land. It’s a lease payable annually and it seems to go up every other year. We are on the second generation of the landlord family. It’s a trip!



Really enjoyed the story,is there anyway you could bring down some of your magic beans and offer it up to a few people , possibly encourage some better smokables


Absolutely my man! PM me and tell me your pleasure. Always up for dropping some beans on a brother.




Very grateful my man,I’m up in Canada tho,I meant to the locals in Mexico when you are down there,I just finished some of my first batch of seedless and would be more than happy to share if you ever head up this way for sure !


8/20/22 update

Here’s all but one plant(Lemon Skunk x Snow LotusBXv1) & some seedlings(RCBF3 runt, Hindu Kush x SFV/GSC, Tangie x Orange Sunshine):

  • 4 Maui Wowie “Cherry Bomb” end of week 4, no signs of mold at all, smells of cherry burnt rubber & cat piss.
  • 1 Sweet Wonder F2 end of week 7, smells sweet, removed 5-10& from budrot, has FUSARIUM
  • 1 Good Medicine F2 end of week 3, same tropical smell, much more biomass than the under-fed plant ear;ier this year
  • 1 Sweet Wonder F2 end of week 6, (ditto), no fusarium, <5% budrot

Been going MUUUUCH heavier with Dr. Zymes enzymatic/acidic fungicide/buggycide :crossed_fingers:

Decided to use 50% strength feed, stop feeding at week 5; :thinking: I think it will help with the mold problems. Subcool used to say “When you push them hard is when you have problems”. (:laughing: Just like some of us!)

The last pic has a couple of my first purchased orchidae… they were 8$ each :+1: from a roadside vegetable & fruit stand. I’ll be getting into these for sure.

The wind sure likes to knock over the Maui Wowies so I have to brace the pots against the wind.

In the background is my unfinished “ohana” (family, inlaw) unit, currently storing random shit. The neighbor told me to blow it up as in indoor grow :rofl: … I said nah, brah, I don’t wanna have it in your kids’ face & wife’s kitchen window. (You can bet I’ll never buy a carbon filter in this life :sunglasses: )

Especial :star: thanks to:

@Sebring Maui Wowie, Sweet Wonder
@nube Good Medicine
@DanzaKuduro Hindu Kush x SFV/GSC – which is it? :man_shrugging:
@Scissor-Hanz Tangie x Orange Sunshine
@GrowHard Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus BXv1

…and to all the growmies :hugs: here at OG on Saturday Night. :partying_face:

@oleskool830 – Whenever I hear “Today’s highs in the mid-seventies”, I think of you dear soul! :rofl:

@Tlander – I luckily have no problem with them here, but that’s a great trick. I hear lemon juice up to 50/50 with water is effective as Dr Zymes for PM. Good ole lemons into lemonade & all that. :+1:

Much Aloha OG Family



Way kool man! Plants look happy I hope you are too! Great spot.




Just scanning some old threads here and saw you mentioning your homemade sticky ‘cards’. 30 years ago I did an indoor grow and had a massive gnat infestation…in researching solutions I came across a number of scientific studies on the subject and they pointed out that gnats are most attracted to ‘round’ shapes and the color ‘yellow’. I stuck lemons on 10" wooden stakes and then coated them with a thin layer of tanglefoot and stuck one in each bucket. 24 hours later I had a collection of brown/black hairy lemons, couldn’t even see the yellow! Hope it helps somebody!


So does @Meesh :wink: :rofl::rofl::rofl:



Looking good so far! Hopefully the rot stays back


They are some beautiful looking plants :ok_hand:


What could I replace the Tanglefoot with? I’m in Texas. All we have is Stinkfoot! Shitkickers you understand.



You need to change this thread name to tropical treehouse


Looking good tropical paradise by the way I use Growmore and love it and so do the plants.


Howzit @gramps
Hope you are well & gardening happily
How often did you use dr Zymes in flower?



As needed right up to harvest. Things are good here with only one plant not much happening.


10/4/22 update - star fleet needs you

early week 5 for Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus BX
2 new clones of the local/Maui Skunkdawg - kinda rough & may have HLV :crossed_fingers:
5 Tangie x Orange Sunshine, 1 Hindu Kush x SFV/GSC(?)
6 each (I think) Sour Dub x Snow Lotus BX, Ancestral Skunk
Seedlings from Maui Jane: Royal Oil, Grape Sherb fem, Skunkdawg “BX” 1 & 2 (808 OG & Skream). Not impressed with these as far as germination. At least they were cheap. I think I’ll fork out 200 for the real Royal soon.

The late summer weather here has been significantly hotter & less rainy…duly noted! :sweat_smile: :sweat_drops:

The Maui Wowie’s, Sweet Wonder’s, & Good Medicine are all curing pretty well. Sweet Wonder is a tastes-great-less-stoned 1:1… Maui Wowie is a very nice relaxing high with more punch than I expected. Found maybe 2 seeds in an ounce…fine by me. Will try the MW crosses ASAP. Good Medicine…ahem…from @nube’s F2ing is definitely good. This time I grew a clone from one of 2 plants earlier this year & HOLY SHIIIEEETTT it hits me like a 20%THC 5%CBD… but that seems unlikely. Not great for clear thinking… :laughing:

So far, the Sweet Wonder & Maui Wowie are the only ones that have made it to a full 56 day flower period, the others all about 7-7.5 weekers.

Drying has been easier than I’d expected but the off-grid house I live in gets hot & my power use is limited so I definitely made some hay :roll_eyes: so I’m thinking about building some super insulated drying shed that can use a small portable A/C unit extremely frugally. :thinking: Something like R60 but it has to be solid, non-wicking type e.g. foam. The forgiving aspect is the outdoor ambient temps fluctuate much less than for most of you(19 deg latitude, middle of the Eastern Pacific).

The small starts have all gone into a perlite-heavy mix with the large perlite as a drain layer; out here with the humidity it really helps. pH neutral too. :blush: Still using DynaGro feed at 50% strength up to week 5, then nothing but water.

Discovered a massive Aloe :seedling: and heard Jeremy of BuildASoil explaining how great it is, how it’s the amino shake for athletes, etc., how it’s best from closest to the equator :partying_face: … so now it’s in my worm bin too. (will get some pics of that fiesta soon).

Have also been trying to hammer sulfur into the plants… & it seems to be helping. First fed it to the worms in cornmeal with some DEM black mystik or WTF it’s called. They didn’t appreciate that, so then I harvested casts & through a whole container of sulfur in :sweat_smile: & blended it by hand. I take a random handful & shake with water & apply as “dank stank” :tm: (take that, LITFA! :laughing: ).

I’m also planning to sponsor & organize a wacky fun grow competition here, the theme being creative use of alternative media(i.e. growing in Lego’s or weed shake, etc.). Initial thoughts on prize are $100 amazon gift card & 100$ donation to a charity of winner’s choosing. Anybody with ideas/OCD :hugs: please PM).




Don’t toss that aloe vera, it’s really helpful with clones rooting and germination … beer3|nullxnull

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