The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

:sweat_smile: gotta catch up with you guys…

I have 8 300w panels powering a 3.8kw simpliphi lithium battery at 48v, inverted to normal 120v. I think I need 2 or 3x as much & have to contact local suppliers & learn a lot.

The Outback brand power mgmt module is like a Star Trek console to me :man_shrugging: & I still don’t know how much juice is in the battery. :blush:

There’s 900w of older unused panels that I hope to reuse :recycle: for garden lights but don’t know their condition yet.

Sadly I best understand electrical principles as fluid/pipe analogies. :sweat_smile:



Seems like your already well on your way lol that lot will produce a lot of power, enough to run a personal grow and then some. Fluid/pipe analogies are probably the best way to understand basic circuits :sunglasses:


Willing to see everything powered and dialled up Sun, must be a great place to live :palm_tree: :palm_tree: :palm_tree:, once you get used to humidity you will find shocking going back to a dry place … beer3|nullxnull


t’s the way I was taught in the service. Fluid flow and electrical current are very similar in action.


I checked out the prices of those simpliphi batteries :flushed: the 48V 3.8KW I saw listed had a price tag of nearly two and a half thousand dollars!..for less than 70Ah :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:. I still can’t get my head around that one tbh

You could tripple your storage capacity for a few hundred by using lead acid batteries, just sayin :+1:


Aloha OG friends :call_me_hand: :hibiscus:

I’ve held off on an update for a couple reasons; It rained about 5’ of rainfall for about 7 weeks, nearly non-stop which meant sloooow growth & running a generator quite a bit just to ensure they DID grow. By the end of that rainy period I was really depressed from being trapped inside & the dogs were miserable too.

My second dog, Riley, the one that came with the house, also came with eww heartworms :bug: :heart: so she’s in the last leg of treatment & has to be kept calm-- the disintegrating worm material can cause a stroke. :man_facepalming: The worms also have a bacteria that causes clotting so she’s on anti-biotics & steroids for the lungs. PITA, but garaunteed if she’d been with the previous owner she’d just drop dead & the old redneck would just spit. :man_shrugging:

@Albannach – I’ve only run my 8A dehumidifier & 450w light a couple times for short periods & it seems the system doesn’t have a lot of capacity. cooling fans on the equipment go to MAX & even had alarm bell once. :sweat_smile: :zap:

It’s 60% average cloud-cover here so it’s not the tourist/post-card Hawaii…tropical rainforest, so the solar needs to be excessive. Back in my old home in Sacramento, CA, it was muuuuuch sunnier, but also pretty much a living nightmare/hell.

However, the UV :sun_behind_large_cloud: is so intense that partial cloud cover is almost necessary here. Today was my sunniest day here & it was too hot for work. :+1: (Kona weather).

Fortune had it that @SCJedi & his wife were my first visitors here (Mahalo!) and recently had a visit from my “aunty”/friend’s mom. :smoking: :hugs:

Back to the growing…

@cogitech 's LRUV x Tangerine Dream turned out to all be 100% auto-flowering & grew like Lowryder, surprising the shit out of me, so I selected only 2, & they got budrot in week 3, with wispy, well-ventilated buds. They were kept outside under cover but the humidity was just too much I guess. :coffin: Chucked them off over the invisible fence. (sloppy, I know).

So on deck are 2 Good Medicine from @nube & :crossed_fingers: hope they make it all the way. They get moved into my garage at night & will soon get the fan :atom_symbol: they need.

I’ve been using rainwater for irrigation & apparently need a pH pen & some pH up ASAP; It’s supposedly about 4.5 from the Volcanic emissions(SO2).

Using ProMix & DynaGrow(they make Protekt silica) & still working out the kinks, but I really, really miss living soil. My worm bins are still small-ish & kinda inactive IMO, & my compost is still raw & weedy. That compost will probably never go onto my MMJ as it’s full of sedge/nutgrass, & who knows all what.

Waiting for sex, the eternal wait…

3 SpaceX (Cotton Candy Kush x Space Queen)

jacked up x miss moneypenny x cinderella99
miss moneypenny
orange sunshine
orange sunshine x goji og
durban thai high-flyer x cinderella99
mowie wowie cherry bomb pheno

I had 3 Sweet Wonder CBD plants going & chopped the damn female instead of the 2 males :confounded: (DAMN!) but manged to get clones going happy… :unamused: Shiiiieeeeeeiiiiit. :poop:

I think next will probably be LemonSkunk x SnowLotus from Growhard’s gifts…

In the quest to fight budrot, I discovered there’s a fungus that may work as an innoculant, it’s sold as a beehive innoculant as part of a “system” & their sales rep hasn’t replied to email. :unamused: This may be the f’n golden ticket but I won’t know until I get some. “Vectorite CR7”

:evergreen_tree: :partying_face:


Plants are looking great!
I hope your dog feels better soon. :dog2: :slightly_smiling_face: :v:


When we lived in Baja we were totally Solar. We were there for 2 years and I never understood the inverter panel. Just checked the array of 12 volt batteries and kept the panels clean. There was a guy you could call for issues. He also did a monthly maintenance.
Find you a “guy.” I’m jealous of you guys. Sounds like paradise.




Mrs Synergy and I were honored to be your first guests. You’ve got a really cool spot, 5’ of rain or not.

I will say there is a lot of VOG in those clouds so make sure you get your ph down pat. I’d recommend a good ph probe like a Bluelab. Buy a could extra probes and a some ph4 and ph 7 calibration fluid.

Sorry to hear about Riley. Cheers for a speedy recovery!



Seven weeks of constant rain is business as usual around here bro. We can’t grow ganja outdoors but hemp does very well. Indoors we rely on dehumidifiers and rapid air exchange. PM resistant strains are essential. You might find micro growing indoors like our Mr Sparkle is a good way to go with limited power available. Using only around 80W per box should be doable with solar panels and batteries. If you have a hunt online you can find 12 and 24v DC drivers for a few dollars each. You could just screw them to a piece of wood and use them to power low wattage strips or cobs directly from your batteries so you can avoid running an inverter.

Good luck dude, hope your dog recovers ok and you get it all sussed out soon :sunglasses:


I feel your pain

I got a dehumidifier JUST for my garden and have one where the hose comes out of the system and it drains to a 5 gallon bucket which is then use to water my babies.

Summer months are a constant swing of humidity without it, and I have to run my daylight cycle at night, because it regularly gets to 85F with 60%+ humidity. Talk about having a heatstroke real quick.

Glad you are there to help make that poor fur babies life a little better. We don’t deserve their love. I’m a crazy cat guy myself, but I was raised on a farm, so all animals get my attention, and yes, I will talk to your dog before I talk to you haha :peace_symbol:


Great to finally find some action on your side Pirata|nullxnull, glad that dog finally found a blessed soul, they deserve all we can give them and more, never seen that loyalty and kindness in any other animal, hope they will soon recover … beer3|nullxnull


July 2 2022 update :call_me_hand:

Aloha friends & thanks for the kind words & considerations.

I successfully harvested about 2oz of Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2 about 2-3 weeks ago and was very happy to get it properly dry for curing a couple of days ago. If I can rig up a small box or bin with a lower humidity ASAP I can burp it, otherwise it’s high ambient humidity right now. :man_shrugging: The initial sampling was SO satisfying-- better than the majority I’ve bought here. That’s sad from a California grower’s perspective. Mahalo Nui Loa @nube – The 2 sisters were both tropical fruit with a bit of dairy or melted butter fumes more pronounced than the other. My dumb ass didn’t read the bottle :man_facepalming: & fed them 25% nutrients the whole way. The leaves were nearly white except the buds. :sweat_smile: Tastes great, less filling, just like a 2:1 THC:CBD should be. :+1: So glad you did this.

So down below here for the next rounds going forward:

Most of the veggers center, flowerers to the right:
2 clones Sweet Wonder F2, 7 Maui Wowie Cherry Bomb Pheno unsexed starts(Saint @Sebring of Cannabis), 3 Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus BX1 unsexed starts( @GrowHard ) 1 Good Medicine F2 clone(@nube), 6 plants in flower: 2 JuMMP Cindy, 1 Miss MoneyPenny F2, 2 Space Queen x Cotton Candy Kush, from @99PerCent :call_me_hand: & 1 Orange Sunshine F2 from @50State. These are in week 4, except Orange Sunsghine at week 3.

Planning to grow the Sweet Wonder clones out another week & flip, putting Mowie Wowies under 12/12 a night or 2 to hurry-the-fuck-up, & hmm can’t remember what else. :sweat_smile:

Sweet Wonder F2 (Homegrown Natural Wonders/Odie, Harley Who X Oregon Tsunami)

Maui Wowie Cherry Bomb Pheno, Mr Greengenes via @Sebring

(center) Good Medicine F2 clone, 4 months old, grew slower than :snake: shit until I figured out the nutrients. d’oh.

Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus BX1 from @GrowHard … Las Vegas Lemon?

Seedlings… 2 Suge “Pure Kush” x Uzbekistani Hashplant (@50State F2), 4 Marauder (GDP x GG4) from @SamwellBB (finally!- thank you again braddah), cuttings of Sweet Wonder F2.

(from left to right)
2 JuMMP Cindy’s (bear with us… Jacked Up Miss MoneyPenny x Cindy99) And Jacked Up is Jack’s Cleaner x Timewreck. :nerd_face:
2 “Space-X” Space Queen x Cotton Candy Kush, from @99PerCent , Orange Sunshine F2 from @50State , Miss MoneyPenny F2…which is… I thiiiiiink Miss Universe x Pennywise, a TGA thing, F2’ed & graciously shared by @99PerCent.

Can’t express enough gratitude. :heart: :+1:

Folks in the USA, happy 4th of 'joo LIE! :laughing:



Howzit! Looking good out there. You’ve got a full on plantation!

:deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:
:deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:
:deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:

I love the rain covers. Any issues with mold on the GM F2 in your jungly 110% humidity?


:rainbow_flag: :peace_symbol:



I’m using a pop up canopy frame & pretty opaque painters plastic with bug screen on the sides for now but am working on a bigger greenhouse area. (Will get a before & after pic soon).

The botrytis showed at week 3-4 on a small lower bud with Good Medicine :flushed: so I clipped that branch a node down. :hourglass_flowing_sand: Then again in week 5 another small bud, same plant(1 of 2).

At that point I was trying to at least keep them further apart & the clean one upwind. Also didn’t have the rain :umbrella: protection so was shuffling them back & forth to the porch(going nuts :sweat_smile:). Decided to take one at 7wk & the no rot plant at 8… but the clean plant showed a small bit at the end of 7 & :axe: came down a few days later.

Over all about 5-10% loss, so given the humidity I’d say that’s great for no defoliation & totally underfed in promix.

At night the budding plants go into a garage with an oscillating fan on low blowing on them, the veggers go on my back porch :bulb: with weak 18/6 night light.

Much aloha



I thought howzit was South African slang… Anyways howzit Bru :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Looking good over there!!


7/29/22 update

:wave: Aloha Growmies (& other lost persons you can still click BACK! :scream: )

No pics this time, not much to show off or keep track of.

From last update, I had to chop 90+ % from weeks 5-7 due to budrot, PM, & sooty mildew. The sooty mildew formed from all the dying aphids(spinosad’ed at week 3) & doesn’t spread as fast as PM.

The SpaceX went first, followed by all the others, all into the freezer for bubblehash. There’s maybe a 1/4 oz left on the Orange Sunshine F2, which is SUPER disappointing-- it smells so good & just like the other I grew. I’m stupidly tempted to re-veg, clone, & try AGAIN even though it’s a “dirty” plant with budrot in it’s system.

I transplanted all the other stuff, found 3/7 Maui Wowie males & fed to the dog, flipped the Sweet Wonder F2’s (at 3 &4 wks), hmm :thinking: started using Safer #567 Pyrethrin/Soap since Spinosad wasn’t doing it for me. Aphids would still survive long enough to make a mess & persist a bit…then causing black “sooty” mildew. The safety warnings are crazy & off the page for the Safer 567, which is weird to me. It does leave a soap residue that I’ll wash off before wk 2 of flower.

Observations, Notes, Errata:

I remembered stuff I’d forgotten in a year and a half not growing:

  • topping-- I must do this & eliminate donkey-dick colas because of humidity
  • branch bending, Soma style-- to add nodes when the branches are kinda naked :+1:
  • over-fed, dark green plants attract WAY more aphids

Oh yeah-- I tried mixing in some Bonide Sulfur into the pyrethrin spray & burned the Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus pretty bad. Anyone know the trick to sulfur dilution? (@ anyone :laughing: )

I culled one male Lemon Skunk x Snow Lotus & am waiting to ID the other 2. The sulfur may have even caused a mutation.

Amazon has trouble getting shit to my post office 1/2 the time & so I had to finally visit the local grow shop & was pleased to see they had a great selection & even had Dragonfly Earth Medicine proudly up front. I bought some of the black mystic humate stuff… it’s incredibly hydrophobic stuff. :man_shrugging: I think I’'ll mix it into corn meal & feed to the worm bin. :weight_lifting_man:

Today I got all my old bubble bags & washer shipped from the mainland & can finally clear out about a pound of @99PerCent & @50State 's stuff from my freezer & have stuff to do when it rains. It rains here A LOT. A @#$%^&*( LOT. And it’s basically impossible to forecast the weather until 1/2-way through the day. :watch: :man_facepalming: :confounded:

I probably won’t stay here more than a couple years & so my plans are all in a renewed state of flux, once again.

The grass IS greener here, but it’s because it rains too much. :sweat_smile: :sweat_drops: :shower:

NOW I understand the UK @Esrgood4u :laughing: :beers:

California is called ‘the golden state’(amongst other things), but it’s not just the gold a few people found-- it’s the @#^$&%& DEAD GRASS for 800 miles North to South. D’oh! :skull_and_crossbones: :desert:


I made a new contact & finally don’t have to drive 4 hours to meet The Dude :kimono:

It’s called Skunk Dog & I immediately asked, “So… Skunk & Chem Dog?”
He said no it’s something that’s been here on Big Island for 40+ years & the only thing he grows that doesn’t rot. I’ve encountered a Skunk Dog elsewhere on the island from another grower & it was larfy hippie shit. This stuff reminds me of my early grows; A little too green but it’s OK. :blush: He’ll probably give me a cut if I ask. It’s got :skunk: & cat :cat: piss aroma & maybe a chem’y, skunky flavor & a nice sedative. narcotic buzz. :+1:

(from Info about the clone-only cannabis strain "Skunkdog" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info)

What do we know about the clone-only Skunkdog?

Logo Clone Only Strains Skunk Dawg created by Keokea Raj is a sativa-dominant Chemdawg cross that elevates the mood with a sweet and sour aroma. Its effects are long-lasting but clear-headed, making Skunk Dawg a popular choice for use throughout the day. This sativa may be all you need to give your appetite an edge or to help you stay productive and focused.

It originated in Upcountry Maui(Keokea) and eventually found its place on the north shore and island wide.

The known heritage is: Maui Dog x Molokai Upcountry Bud

The ‘Maui Dog’ is known by locals as ‘The Dog’. It is from ‘Chemdog’ bag seed imported from California and was germinated by ‘Uncle Chris’ about 20years ago. ‘The Dog’ reeks of earthy pine and jet fuel.

The ‘Molokai Upcountry Bud’ aka ‘Molokai Sativa’ also came from bag seed brought from Molokai. The ‘Molokai Sativa’ grows overhead trees of long flowering, mold resistant, sticky buds that stink of sandalwood and musk.
Molokai Sativa is also referred to as Molokai Skunk
Molokai Upcountry Bud was written on the bag from which the seeds originated

And finally, I popped 6 Red Cherry Berry F3 seeds(my latest/2020) for 6/6 but only 1 made it to success, 100% purple dicotelydons & ruby red stem. :cherries: Kinda ominous that they were slow to pop & only 1 made out of the dirt, so I’ll hold off for a couple months with those.

If you made it this far, then :call_me_hand: mucho thanks,

:evergreen_tree: probably forgot something. at least the stove’s off.




Too be honest this year has been a hell of a lot warmer than usual.
This week’s forecast for peak northeast uk summer time :roll_eyes:

The only reason I’ve not moved abroad again is that my parents are getting really old and need my assistance most days :v:


That’s one of the most legitimate reasons there is. Respect. :+1:

@oleskool830 — I’m very curious to hear the story of your time in Baja if you’ll share it. If it was some Charles Bronson shit then I get it— no can do :sweat_smile: but on the subject of transplanting?

My Spanish is horible (sic) so without a senorita to play ambassador I’d be a hostage pretty quick.

Grow related, I forgot to finish bitching about amazon holding up my fertilizer; For the time being I picked up some 16-16-16 “SeaCrop” by growmore brand— It’s a bit hot but there’s a shitload of new growth after 1 dose while I await my normal stuff. I say try it. :man_shrugging:
