The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

I just put you on watch @Slick1, since im in this competition. Im using all my old tried and true blue methods. See ya at the finish line :checkered_flag:


Only very serious growing here, and puns about cats.

I’ll be the one at the top of the scoreboard if you’re wondering :wink:

The day I after I started a new grow thread is about the worst time to run out of likes first thing in the morning!


Have you tried this:


I was just messing around but I appreciate it. I have the physical manual that came with it, just haven’t gone through it all yet. I have gone through the entire GrowHub one and will need refresher glances at the least…


I’m Here!!!
Going to have seat right here and watch. Great score on the equipment brother. Looks sweet! I’ve heard of LPC but with everyone tryin to be Snoop D-O-G-G and smokin it all I’ve never tried it nor seen it. Looking forward to this!



No bukke talk or how to sucker punch a stretchy horse? I’m out then…:sweat_smile:
I kid. I’m really looking forward to seeing how everything operates together. Best of luck on your LPC grow @Slick1 ! :grin::v:


Look at you @Slick1 , you even have cheerleader’s :mega:


I don’t have the controller will it work without it ?

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love the new set up @Slick1, that hub is pretty slick, I like it how it connects to everything in the tent, coordinating everything. Looks like you are all set up to kick ass. Very nice

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That’s a lot of bells and whistles and widgets and fancy displays, wow! You’re gonna have to work pretty damn hard to get people to look at the plants, at this point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Programmable hysteresis :+1: :+1:



Outstanding start bruh.
I keep mine down and dirty. None of that fancy computer shit.
London Pound Cake Challenge is gonna be epic. We have a lot of good growers in there. And a couple of, dare I say it, celebrity judges. And a couple nice prizes at the end. Mostly braggin’ rights. Lol


Killer setup dude! I’ll be following along for this one. The LPC sounds awesome!

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Looks like welcome to the grand illusion come on in please be seated hope all have gotten their popcorn, favorite drink, and snow caps. SHHHHH the movie is starti :shushing_face:ng!

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He’s watching over my growroom/Den of Doom constantly living in fear of something going wrong and the inevitable punching of a lifetime.

Yeah but when they bend over their balls pop out from under their skirts :thinking:

Everything I’ve read says that the light and fan will be full bore as the default and the only way to change that is with the controller. I thought you said you had the controller? I wish I knew you needed one. I had an extra I would have given you an OG price on, I mentioned it briefly on OG and ended up selling it on Ebay.

Thanks I’m excited to get some plants under it and see how it does. I may not be organized but my tent will be!

I’m looking into plant thongs and tassels for that very reason. Maybe put the plants on turntables…

Thanks man. The computer stuff is awesome but it’s not checking PHs or calculating nutes for me either so there’s still plenty of down and dirty involved, just in a perfectly climate controlled environment with nice natural breezes :sunglasses:


So I’ve been looking at this fancy tent setup I got going on and chomping at the bit to put it to use, but there’s a start date on the LPC. I was trying to figure out what else to grow and thinking I could start that now at least. First thought was autos thinking I could get something quick but then it occurred to me that I could just do a photo with more time to veg and flip it with the LPC.

After careful consideration I’ve decided it’s time to return to the strain that started it all, the first strain I ever grew. It’s called Choco - Latte and has some good coffee flavor to it. I can’t find anything about it’s lineage but its the most narcotic smoke I’ve ever had. You take a few hits and within minutes you feel it wash down your arms which is a sensation I’ve never had from anything else. Got a bean soaking as I speak!


Sounds like a solid plan. :slight_smile:
I have never tasted Chocolate pot. This is a sativa, right? I’ve never smoked any true sativa either, yet. lol


Chocolate Thai is usually accredited as the choco influence in any strain that has that flavor and that’s a sativa. After being crossed a bunch of times though it can be a whole other beast that really they’re just hoping for that flavor with. I would say the Choco Latte is a hybrid that leans pretty hard into indica. I believe Chocolate Thai was indicated in the small description of this but it’s been taken down. This was actually bag seed from a bud I bought online and the first weed I smoked on my return to smoking after a decade off.


You figure it would be good for pain? Or does it go that far towards indica? If so, I might have to snag some.
I’m a little addicted to chocolate. lol


You and me both, I have some chocolate every night. I have 4 or 5 Chocolate kisses with a spoonful of peanut butter for each. I buy myself a small jar of jif all for me. Except what my boys eat, my dogs love peanut butter.