The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

It was just me being a smartass.
Something to the effect of you doing poorly on your grow to make mine look good…………

You know what they say about the cat right?


You think I can’t take it? :nerd_face:

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Dude you live in NJ.
You have suffered enough as it is.


Knee jerk reaction is to argue that but then when I start thinking about it…

If it wasn’t for the politicians and the Jersey Shore cast wannabes washing up on the beaches in massive oil slicks every summer I could argue!

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It’s a shame really. As a kid I swam at Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, and Wildwood. I have fished from Sandy Hook to Cape May and out 200 miles to the trench.
Now i wouldn’t dip a toe in those waters or eat anything from them. I was raised and born twenty miles northeast of Philadelphia and have family in NJ that have lived there my whole life. At one time it was a beautiful state with an ocean teeming with a healthy fishery.
That is no longer the case ……


I won’t put a like on that. It’s a disgrace what has been allowed to happen to our world. When I was a kid, you rarely saw trash on the side of the highway. Now the sides of I-44 looks like a trash truck exploded. I believe this all started around the mid 90’s as far as blatant disregard for throwing out trash.
I should have my well water tested once a year for contaminates. I always wonder about that. We had it tested years ago but… people love their chemical fertilizers…

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I have a well here on the property, it is unusable thanks to all the fracking that has been done around here.

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I just saw on the news last night. Oklahoma City has the third worst water in the US. Now, THERE is something to be proud of.


I always wanted a clean weed free lawn, I just said to the wife last night, fuck the weeds they don’t bother me. I mow em down every weekend, besides the bees like them.:honeybee: heck if I didn’t have crabgrass I wouldn’t have any grass :grinning:


Grandpa and my Uncles used manure from the pens and stalls, unused hay, composted sawdust… to keep his fields productive. He may not have had the best looking grass around (close though) but he only bought fertilizer a couple of times that I know of. He still raised some fat cattle and strong horses.


NYC dumping it’s crap down the eastern seaboard hasn’t helped. Plus Jersey loves it’s big Pharma companies and refineries. Shitty part is we had the cheapest gas in the country next to Texas to justify those refineries until Chrispy Creme Christie fucked that up on us. Now we get all the smell and none of the benefits.


You are correct about NY dumping its crap. I have seen the barges hauling that trash out to the ocean and dumping it. I have no clue how they allow it.if a person got caught doing something of that nature they would have their ass in a sling.


It’s fine if it’s “official”. The worst is the “red tide” we sometimes get. If you know you know and if you don’t you’re welcome for the vagueness :laughing:

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Let him have it.
No red tide for me.
I was at a place yesterday. Sweet lay out. Everything was so beautiful. And I looked and I seen a big bill it was the trash dump from the state next to me.
@MoBilly im sure. Chicken is the worst smell. Out west the would have feed lots. Fking nasty. Especially when they would spread it. The front range never smelled so bad.


I would not recommend open holes. lol
You might get something that won’t come out.